Like You. - Comments

  • I like that, it made me smile. :)
    December 15th, 2009 at 12:50am
    November 1st, 2009 at 09:03pm
  • I loved this. I don't know why I chose to read a vampire fiction, I don't really liked them, but I enjoyed this one. You did a really good job on the scene where Gerard was trying to change him. It didn't get repetitive (Ex. He sucked the blood out of his neck, then moved to his mouth, then back to his neck.) and you were still able to describe it in really good detail.

    October 9th, 2009 at 01:33am
  • this is super-duper fanstastical.
    great job, especially for you first time writing something of this nature.
    (i hope you win)

    October 5th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • I loved this one shot you did...if it is a one shot...? But I loved it nonetheless. I mean...this comment is going to suck, but I wanted to leave a comment because I thought it was amazing. There aren't enough vampire stuff out there, so this was definitely a change :] A much wanted one.

    I've always envied you for your wonderful ability to describe things with such detail. I suck at that, so I admire you for that quality. Describing the setting of where Frank stepped place to was...yeah. I could imagine it. I don't know what else to say without just blabbing forever on how nice I thought it was. Frank going to Gerard during the most dangerous time of the month isn't a smart time, especially if he hasn't fed yet. But if Frank's doing that, it can only mean one thing...

    I like how Gerard isn't just like, "Yeah, okay," but instead he tried to change Frank's mind with his decision. Because he's right; Frank does have his whole life ahead of him. And Gerard will probably feel bad if he turns him. But he might as well, because if Frank really wants to become a vampire, I'm sure there's nothing that would stop him. He'd just be turned by some stranger vampire, and I'm sure the jealousy in Gerard doesn't want to stand for that.

    But then in the end you can tell that though Gerard did it, he didn't want to have to. Because when it's all over, all he can think about is the fact that he's now messed up Frank's life. Forever.

    It's twistedly cute/romantic. Gerard did what he did because he loved Frank, too. He had to, because Frank wanted it, even if he thought it wasn't the best thing.

    I loved it :]

    Good luck with the contest ♥
    October 4th, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • Wow, Erika. This was amazing.

    I love the imagery that the beginning creates, with Frank walking through an empty street to Gerard's house. I can almost hear his footsteps, wet sounding, and see just the street lights illuminating part of his face and it's perfect.

    And I love the comfortable, and yet not, feeling Frank and Gerard share together. There's a certain formality of their relationship, obviously, because of Gerard's... state of being. And yet Frank constantly pushes that boundary and tries to get Gerard to soften. I love the vampire/human dynamic, and you've captured it beautifully.

    "Then we'll have forever."
    I love this line. So much. This is so poignant. The kind of line that will stick with me.

    The way the story ends, it leaves a strange feeling. Gerard regrets what he's done, and that's an interesting idea to me just because so often in vampire fics the end is so happy, that now they can be together eternally, and yet this ending is much more realistic.

    Frank and Gerard's characters are both so distinct even though this is only a two thousand word piece. You written them both beautifully in such a small amount of time, made me really understand each of them, and I love them.

    I don't read a lot of vampire fics, but woman, if you write any more, you can expect me to be all over that. You're so talented.
    October 4th, 2009 at 02:40am
  • OMG i really loved your story ;3 NICE!!
    October 4th, 2009 at 12:44am