Rematch? - Comments

  • Oh, Juudai <3

    "It's... it's just," Judai pauses to inhale a rather large gulp of air in a futile attempt to calm himself down, "you would chose that blue-haired girl as your character."
    lmfao I laughed so much. Dear Satan that was funny.

    'johan: man or woman'."
    lmfao lmfao lmfao

    "coming from you, Judai-chan? Really? You always chose that fairyless elfin child!"
    Juu-chan. In Love and it's elfen, but I'm not keeping track or caring in the slightest. And the Navi impressions. Dear Lord.

    You always make me smile, Juudai. I love you quite dearly <3 Thank you for removing the suck from my weekend.
    October 12th, 2009 at 04:41am