Via Past; Via Present; Via Satellite - Comments

  • victims0facrime

    victims0facrime (100)

    This is honestly the best thing I have ever read, I'm serious! You're an absolutely amazing writer
    April 30th, 2013 at 10:39am
  • Wonderland.

    Wonderland. (105)

    United States
    This was absolutely amazing. The way you wrote it wa phenomenal, and the idea was original and excellent. And the way you ended it, I love this. This is one of the best things I've ever read, and I read everyday. Utterly fantastic.
    June 24th, 2011 at 07:30am
  • sheepcats

    sheepcats (100)

    United States
    I wouldn't say I'm into fan fiction, but this is gorgeous. You made Matt into something of your own character, and Phoenix felt so real. It's absolutely believable. It was chilling and warming, and I felt so satisfied after finishing. Consider yourself one fan more popular. :3
    December 30th, 2010 at 01:22am
  • tigermilk

    tigermilk (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    April 18th, 2010 at 08:10pm
  • beccaLUSH

    beccaLUSH (100)

    United States
    This was AWESOME! Truely amazing, I must say. xD
    the picture that you used, where did you get it? I've never seen it before.
    Anyway! I loved this story, it really deserved the first place it won.<3
    December 10th, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • DahliaJade

    DahliaJade (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dude, it's now official that you're the winner of my contest.
    Your other goodies will be with you shortly. x
    December 4th, 2009 at 02:02am
  • DahliaJade

    DahliaJade (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I actually don't think there are words that can describe how much I love this. I'm speechless, utterly stunned and completely, wholly and unapologetically jealous of how well you write. I'm gonna apologise in advance of how sporadic and ping pong like this comment may be. Gathering my thoughts isn't going so well right now.

    The part where Phoenix rips up her face, I made a noise close to that of a frightened mouse, my stomach turned and I actually could barely bring myself to keep on reading it. That's how fucking good you are bro The whole thing is heartbreaking. That feeling, when someone you put all of your faith in; whether you know it's stupid to or not, lets you down...fuck man, tearing your face apart isn't so much of a foreign thought aye.

    I, like Chelsie, love the way you wrote her meeting with the guys around the photograph. The idea of them smashing up the television as their drunken release, paralleld with that of Phoenix and her own is brilliant, and dude...just...I don't know. The whole meeting is fantastic.
    The way they all react to her face; though yeah, sure I thought what bastards but it would probably be what anyone would at least think/if not do, and being drunk, y'know, no restraints, no consequence before impulse etc. It's human, and I like that.

    Matt is an angel in this. I adore how you've written him. There's no over zealous, completely unbelievable, love at first sight attraction.But there's something there, quietly, below the surface and when he burns her photographs (btw, the two photographs...genius, utter fucking genius) it's him setting her free a little, though he's a little brash and abrupt, it's him telling her that there's no rhyme or reason in her dwelling on the past, that she's beautiful, regardless.

    It was like a metaphor to my very current way of living, and I beat the shit out of it with a loyal Apostle by my side

    Just two words really, HOLY FUCK.

    Thank You so much for entering with this, seriously.

    'Everyone else I'm really pleased for you and Imma let you finish, but this girl here has written the best short story I've ever read'


    PS, I know you like Palahniuk, obviously hence 'The Earl of Slander', so I just thought I'd let you know you write in the same vein. Heart wrenching, toe curdling, smile inducing violence. I like.

    PPS, I hope to god you can make sense of this comment.
    November 20th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • FurAndGold

    FurAndGold (100)

    That was incredibly well written. Best thing I've read in a while.
    November 19th, 2009 at 03:06pm
  • darklover

    darklover (100)

    United States
    personally i loved it. amazing job.
    November 17th, 2009 at 06:31am
  • PorcelainPlanes

    PorcelainPlanes (100)

    United States
    So, there's no way I can summon up a comment like Chelsie's, but I can try to give you some insight to what's going on in my head after reading.

    The entire thing was mostly just breathtaking, because you're constantly wondering what's going to happen to her next, or why the hell Bailey decided to ask her out and then stand her up. At first I was definitely confused as to how he would make an impact in this, but like Chelsie said, I'm sort glad. It was this entire series of unfortunate events (I have no idea why I just referenced those books...), but it all led up to something great, of course.

    The part about her being an alcoholic at home actually shocked me, but I can see how she would rely on that, seeing as she virtually had nothing else. And it definitely was the worst ingredient to add when she was more than upset with what had happened at prom.

    And yet, even if she ruined her face and lost the few things she already had (like going out during the daytime), she met this group of guys in the most unconventional way. And knowing them for... how many minutes? One of them who is just kind enough to share a few words changes her outlook.

    Oh, and In the absence of the sun, you are who you want to be is my favorite line, too.
    November 15th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • lies.

    lies. (100)

    United States
    My best friend just had a daughter named Bailey. I don't know how I spelled it wrong in the previous comment.

    Forgive me - I get too excited
    November 15th, 2009 at 09:30pm
  • lies.

    lies. (100)

    United States
    You are my goddess and I bow to you forever.

    First let's just talk about the picture. You don't even know how amazed I am that you have the skills to turn an otherwise typical photo of twenty something men taking out their frustrations and boredom on a random object into a masterpiece. THEN you can make probably the best short story I've ever read out of it. Fuck you're the master of all masters.

    Baily is a little bitch and I hate him more than you even know. I didn't really know where this was going when you brought him in. We've all had that amazing boy that we just can't stop staring at, and I can only imagine what she was feeling when he showed her some attention; stupid douche, I should have known he was going to be a tool.

    Not saying that I support her decision to rip her own face up but I can see why she would feel the need to do something so extreme. High school's tough - guys make it even tougher. Plus alcohol's never a good mixture when added in with low self esteem and a livid person.

    If he hadn't done that, though, this whole scenario would have been different. So in some weird way I thank him for being a little prick.

    I love how Matt entered this though. He didn't come in midway through the second chapter and didn't have a mega sized role, but he somehow had the biggest effect on this whole story. Not only do I love it as a whole but I love the underlying meaning behind it. It makes me feel better that some are accepting of others that might be a little different than them.

    In the absence of the sun, you are who you want to be.
    I love that. I love you. And I love your brain.
    November 15th, 2009 at 09:28pm