Amai to Nigai. - Comments

  • frerard_13

    frerard_13 (100)

    United States you plan on writing more? this amused me. Poor Kauro D:
    May 1st, 2010 at 08:02pm
  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know it's been a while since I promised to leave this. I've just been bogged down with work and I've been feeling less-than-great, but I feel so mean making you wait for so long so I'm going to leave this and hopefully it'll be alright.

    I thought the opening was really pretty, even though it's about Kaoru being grumpy about the weather. the sun glaring from between the naked branches of the trees that sped past the window in a repetitive blur I thought that was an amazing description, it really helped me to picture it all. It's almost as if the good weather is mocking Kaoru's bad mood, I like how it contrasts it.

    I've said this loads of times but I absolutely love the way you write humour. It's really dry and doesn't come across as being forced at all. It works really well in this story, in particular. Kaoru's grumpiness is just incredibly amusing to read and I love the moments with him on the plane, complaining about various little things that are adding up and just contributing to his overall bad mood. I particularly liked the little moment about the stewardess "trying too hard" and I loved Kaoru's scathing comments about her unimpressive cleavage and the lipstick on her teeth.

    I thought it was kind of ironic that Kaoru didn't notice that his partner had left him until the afternoon, when his enquiry about the location of his best stapler had been left unanswered. I think it goes to show that there's more to life than work, but Kaoru just wraps himself up in it because he doesn't know what else to do with himself. I think the fact that he failed as a rock star contributed to this - I think that because he failed at making it, he's got this mindset that just can't be shifted and he feels like he's not good at anything, so he wraps himself up in his work.

    Kind of ironic. This was his holiday, goddamn it, and he’d find something else to do, just to prove that he wasn’t dependent on his work to survive. I think that Kaoru is kind of twigging onto the fact that he might be a bit too wrapped up in his work, but he just doesn't want to admit it. I think this holiday was something he did to prove to himself that he could manage without going to work for a few weeks. He's trying to convince himself that he can do it, but I think that deep down inside himself, he knows that he's been out of the loop for so long that work just seems to be the only thing he can do well.

    I love how Kaoru "introduces" himself to Die. “Do you have WiFi?” Kaoru asked abruptly. I think it's the fact that he said it abruptly, he really doesn't have any people skills, does he? :tehe: And it just bounces off Die, he doesn't even take it as an insult or anything - he just turns it into a joke!

    Kaoru doesn't seem to have got off to a good start with Die, has he? Kaoru selected a seat at the opposite side of the room. I don't think he's used to much human contact, in all honesty, what with him not being in a relationship for a while and being wrapped up in work with the only contact being with faceless clients. And he doesn't realise that he's doing anything wrong, either. It's just like another board meeting to him or something.

    I like how Die's not afraid to annoy Kaoru and see the type of person that he is. He was determined to annoy Kaoru, simply because he had no idea how he would react. Everyone knew each other around here and it was no longer fun to test people. Kaoru is something exciting and new, and Die wants to have a laugh, and see how far he can push him. He's fascinated by him because he's from the city and he's used to people acting a lot differently to how Kaoru does.

    I loved this line! :lmfao This man was standing a bit too close for his liking. He's ever the critical one, isn't he? He's used to people keeping their distance in the city, and now Die is in his face, which makes him feel quite uncomfortable. I get the impression that things have to be "just-so" for Die, and when they're not, he gets irritable and grumpy (as seen at the beginning).

    And Kaoru just feels so awkward around Die! Kaoru was exasperated and he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. He's used to just getting his coffee and leaving, and the fact that Die is practically harassing him isn't exactly doing wonders for his mood. And Die is just completely frustrating him, seeing how far he can push him.

    The ending was really intriguing, what with the pair of them introducing each other. It ended pretty openly and I really can't wait to see how Kaoru will react to Die's little introduction. Can't wait for more. :)
    November 4th, 2009 at 11:28pm