When We First Met - Comments

  • mrsmshadz

    mrsmshadz (100)

    United States
    Loved it!! A lot of head cocking to the side. Still good tho
    September 1st, 2015 at 08:06am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor..haha. You should definitely continue to write Brian romances, this was so good!!

    Just the right amount of sweet and cute, add in a shot of sexy and hot, awesome, loved it! You made me feel everything they were feeling, the start when Leah was waiting for Brian to come out, all of her anxieties and worries, I was chewing my nails, worried for her!

    Then Brian comes out and it's, awww, everything's fine! I had a huge grin on my face, the entire car ride to the beach, he was so devastatingly romantic! I might be biased, cause Brian is my favourite, but wow, so romantic! Haha

    Then the beach, where he smelt the ocean for the first time, man, there's no words to describe how awesome that moment was, haha. I like that you didn't make the sex scene too perfect. After all, she had been raped, and it was their first time in a few years, so it wasn't gonna be amazingly perfect. So I like that you added the realism there. But I thought it was still so good, the passion, the longing, the need for each other SHEESSH! Haha. *fans face*

    And then has to go and ramp the romance up another notch by telling her the day they met, was the best day of his life *swoons* If I swoon anymore I am gonna fall off my damn chair! Haha. I loved the injections of humour, I think they balanced out what is a really serious issue.

    I'm gonna stop talking now before I break your comment box! Haha. I could keep talking about this all night hahaha. The same with LVL, there is so much more I want to say, but I'll be babbling forever, haha.

    Loved it! :D
    April 20th, 2014 at 01:58am
  • FallBackDown

    FallBackDown (100)

    United Kingdom
    That was so adorable. Amazing writing and very cute! Loved it. x
    July 15th, 2013 at 11:54am
  • pekigirl

    pekigirl (100)

    omg this was one of the cutest one shots I've ever read. I loved it with all my heart seriously.Beatiful.. I have no words to describe it :)
    April 21st, 2013 at 10:15pm
  • moviemaniac888

    moviemaniac888 (100)

    United States
    I truly loved this one shot, it may be the best one shot I have read on mibba...and for this reason I am going to encourage you to continue this into a two or three shot (hell, I would even read a whole story). I loved it and would read any additions you make to it, not that you have to mind you, it is just a suggestion.

    I loved how you wrote Brian and the subject matter. You wrote about something serious but there was a hint of playfulness, and the beautiful scene of them at the beach. one word: awwwwwww. that is all I can say.

    It was lovely, beautifully described and written. Your attention to detail is amazing. just wow.

    You know I love your writing. I'll read anything you post. enough said.

    January 10th, 2010 at 01:01pm
  • JustShrugAtlas

    JustShrugAtlas (100)

    United States
    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I loved it! I wish that would happen to me and Synyster Gates lol. but no really I loved it.
    December 1st, 2009 at 12:19am
  • Aliyah-loves-A7x

    Aliyah-loves-A7x (100)

    United States
    this was absolutely amazing
    November 9th, 2009 at 12:13am
  • vox populi

    vox populi (100)

    Oh my goodness, that was way too perfect. I think you did one amazing job writing this one-shot and I liked that it was about Brian! They were such a cute couple. Aw.. I'm still gushing over it. Good job, D.C! I give you.. 39845 thumbs up and 45874 stars, ahaha. I really wish I was half as good as you at writing, no joke.
    October 28th, 2009 at 01:58am
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    Excuse me while I'm having a moment..... *_*

    BRIAN!!!! Ah, this was brilliant, I loved it so much!!! Danni, you did brilliant job with this one shot. <3

    The storyline worked and you wrote it brilliantly. I loved Bee's character in this. I definitely think you should write more about him (like I know you're kind of planning to do... I can't wait!).

    I dunno what to say, this comment is SO lame, but there are already some way better comments above this one, that sums so perfectly what I want to say. I only feel like repeating and not being original. lol! :]

    And yes! finally a real-kind of sex-scene. I'm so full of fan fiction that have these perfect mind-blowing scenes. I personally prefer so much more the real kind of ones. I don't mean it should be boring like reality... but just.. when a guy is without sex for so long as 4 years he is going to be easily carried away and not that gentle. ya know what I mean? same goes with women, it will hurt a bit after a long time of not being (eheheheh) penetrated. I feel like such a dork while writing this! So excuse me. x)

    Yes, I loved it and it had me in tears and awwwwwing-the whole time. <3 I loved it!!!!
    October 26th, 2009 at 10:25am
  • SillyFrench

    SillyFrench (100)

    amazing! I mean wow, it was a great one-shot really! :)
    I found the idea to be pretty original, and it was greatly writen once again, like all your other stuff ^^
    I hope you'll write a Brian story one day, it's going to be awesome! :D
    October 25th, 2009 at 12:17pm
  • SynfullySweet

    SynfullySweet (100)

    United States
    That was amazing! Wow I don't think i've ever read anything that well written on here before. You did a great job, I was almost in tears at points. You should definitely do a Brian story! It's a shame you missed the deadline because you surely would have won. Again great job!
    October 25th, 2009 at 10:10am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    Wow. That is the first thing that comes to mind. This was just absolutely amazing! I'm so glad it finally got finished. I'm sure if you had met that deadline, you definitely would have gotten first place. But I'm also glad you didn't rush it, because this one shot was just beautifully written. Your writing style never ceases to amaze me. You're so descriptive, and everything just flows together so beautifully. I can't even tell this wasn't written in one go, because all the details, all those intricate details, just fit together so perfectly.

    The introduction was very creative. I'm glad that, although it was alluded to, you never came outright and said the situation. It was a great hook. You've definitely found the balance between leave hints and being blatant. And I was at first shocked at the idea, but when you went on to explain the situation further, I got it. I think the reasoning you gave for Brian's position was entirely plausible, and very realistic. And it just worked so well with some of Leah's issues. I love how grounded your characters are; it's such a breath of fresh air. They really lay the groundwork for your entire story. Oh, by the way, I'm glad you named your leading lady too.

    Going to the beach was sort of a no-brainer to me, especially with that absolutely gorgeous beach shot. But the story behind it was just so sweet and romantic. I'm glad you didn't over dramatize it, or make it bigger than life. It was all natural. And it was great when you remembered little details, like the brushing off the sand bit. I could very well imagine myself in that situation (I mean, in different circumstances and such). Plus, it was a nice touch, not having massively long flashbacks. With the song choice, I was expecting a great deal of nostalgia, but you managed to find that delicate line of remembering the past and progressing the plot.

    Well done, m'dear! This was just wonderful, and I really hope you'll consider that A7X contest I was telling you about. I think you'd be a shoe-in to win the prize! Don't let this piece go to waste. I appreciate it so much, I'm willing to lose =P Hahaha!
    October 25th, 2009 at 05:13am
  • Flux Capacitor

    Flux Capacitor (100)

    This one shot was so amazing... It's probably my favourite. I'm sure I'll read it over and over :D

    It's really well written; great job. I agree with people above that it was romantic, but it wasn't overdramatic!
    I loved the way you described her nervousness as she was waiting for Brian. The habit of fixing her dress and make up made it realistic (I do the same whenever I'm anxious XD ).

    My favourite moment was swimming in the ocean :D But seriously, the things they talked about and gestures just showed how much they care about each other, and even being separated for almost 4 years hasn't changed that.

    I loved it! <3
    October 24th, 2009 at 10:56pm
  • lindsaylunacy

    lindsaylunacy (100)

    I thought this was very well written and pretty original. I'd have to say that its probably one of my favorite one-shots I've read, hands down. Great job.
    October 24th, 2009 at 05:04pm
  • BlackAshes

    BlackAshes (100)

    Incredible but I've begun to think that you can't seem to write anything short of brilliant. I think this is probably my favourite Brian one-shot on Mibba. Maybe you could make it a two or three shot? That'd be amazing. But bottom line: I loved it. I'll probably read it over and over and over =D

    October 24th, 2009 at 05:01am
  • bloodravyn

    bloodravyn (100)

    United States
    wow, it was incredible to read!
    October 24th, 2009 at 03:06am
  • legacy .

    legacy . (100)

    Loved this.
    Simply loved it.
    It was amazing!!

    The storyline was really original and well-written.


    Now all you have to do is update your other stuff and it'll be fine Cute
    October 23rd, 2009 at 12:52am
  • Natta

    Natta (100)

    Loved it of course, you are beyond great and I love everything you write! I always feel so lame commenting on your stories because you write such awesome comments and I ... don't, haha, but I'm really going to try.

    The storyline with her picking him up from jail and then going to the place where they first met was great. Can I just say how much I adored why he went to jail? It's impossible not to love him after that and it was so heartbreaking that they had to be apart because of him doing something that was actually pretty great. I like how she had four coffees on the drive there, 'cause that is a lot of coffee, haha. I loved how she kept fixing her dress while she waited. It showed off her nervousness so well. And when he saw her and said baby. Ah, I think my heart melted a little 'cause I could totally imagine how wonderful that must have felt at a moment when she had just been all worried that maybe things would have changed between them. I really, really liked when he mentioned her hair because hair is one of those things that guys are notorious for not noticing and when he did, that was so sweet. I felt so happy for him when he got in the water 'cause he must have felt so free in that moment. I think this had a very realistic feel to it and it's honestly how I could imagine things happening between two people who have been apart for a long time.

    So safe to say, I think you write a great Brian! All that's missing now is a little Jimmy... ;)
    October 22nd, 2009 at 11:13pm
  • jinx_the_scourge

    jinx_the_scourge (100)

    United States
    I absolutely loved it. It was sweet and romantic in a way that wasn't overdone or melodramatic. That's my problem with a lot of romances. It so syrupy sweet and overwhelming. Leah and Brian were romantic with each other but it was in a way that was completely understandable given the situation. I loved the feeling of tension and excitement while she was waiting for him. I was getting antsy lol. The fact that they spent their first time back together where their relationship started really appealed to me. (Hell, it took years before my boyfriend even remembered what month we met lol.)

    Another thing that I liked was the reason Brian went to jail. I can see that, its a plausible reason. And it lends kind of a heroic feel to a bad situation.

    Anyway, fantastic job. You made my boring day a little brighter.
    October 22nd, 2009 at 10:14pm
  • ZV's Harlot

    ZV's Harlot (100)

    United States
    I liked it alot. =) It had a nice flow to it, and it wasnt totally over dramatic. Great job
    October 22nd, 2009 at 12:40pm