It Rains When I Cry - Comments

  • Oh. God.

    There are so many chapters that I have to comment on here. Like seriously. It's half the fucking story. *pouts*

    Okay... and now I'm over it. Hehe. Seriously. They were all absolutely amazing updates. I loved them. Each and every one. *grins* But yeah... we're gonna do this in order. Obviously. It wouldn't make much sense to go out of order, now would it? Hehe.

    So yeah... anyway. On to chapter six.

    Johnny is like... uber cute with Ana. And Kaila for that matter. And now Zack is giving him a hard time about it. Not that I can blame him. I would too. Seriously. It's only right... mostly because it'd be tons of fun. Hehe. I'm sure the guys would agree with me too.

    Aww. Poor Matt. Doesn't wanna go back upstairs. Not that anyone can blame him... that fuckin' ghosty did shank him. Totally has every reason to not wanna go up there. I wouldn't wanna. I do like how Gena tells 'em all they're a bunch of pansy asses before she leads the way though. It made me laugh. Mostly 'cause it reminded me of something that I would say.

    And now here's the drama. What the fuck? He attacked Val? What'd she do to him? Seriously dude. I mean, c'mon. This ghosty... he has got to fuckin' go. I know I've said it before... but I'm gonna say it again. I want him gone. *poof*

    Seriously though. This story just gets darker and twistier. I like it. Makes me smile. Hehe. At least they got the key though. Now let's just wait for Gramma to get there. But yeah... now we're moving on... to chapter seven.

    *clicks linkage*

    Hello chapter seven...

    I hate hospitals. Really, I do. And its not like its happy hospital visit 'cause someone's having a baby. Nooo. It's Guess what... I'm a bastard ghost and I stabbed your girlfriend type visit.Those are so not fun.

    Well at least they don't have to give some shitty, totally not believable excuse to the doctor as to why it is Val's there. Since Ana seems to know him and all. Makes things a bit easier that way. I love the all knowing grandmother. It makes me laugh. As if gramma's didn't know more than they needed to already, this one's got visions. Hehe. Bet it was hell trying to keep things from her.

    Aww. Johnny and Ana moment. Cuute. *grins* Like you didn't know it was coming. Besides... I can't be blamed. It's your fault. If you didn't want me to have utterly girly moments like that one you wouldn't right such sappy stuff. So... yeah. :p Lol.

    Ut. Oh. Val's worse. Okay... worse is a bit of an understatement, yeah. She's dead now. And Matt is very, very pissed at a certain ghost. Not that you can blame him. If someone had just killed my girlfriend I'd be pretty fucking pissed about it too. I guess something good came from it though. At least it's not raining whenever Ana cries anymore. That's gotta count for something right? I mean, at least now there's not chance of a freak hurricane.


    Rather inappropriate time for a joke, I know.



    Now its time for chapter eight...

    *clicks linkage once again*

    Blech. The airport. It's always cold in airports. Which is probably why I'm not a huge fan of them. I don't like cold. Then again, I'm typically in airports in the winter so... yeah. That could be why they're cold... but then again... heating is a lovely thing. Airplanes are unnaturally cold too. But at least that easily explained though. What's the airport's excuse?

    Wow... I totally just ranted about the temperatures of airports. That's almost as awesome as my purple food rant. Not quite in the same league though.

    Aww, poor Ana. She think's Val dying was her fault. Noo. It was stupid ghost man's. Fucking creeper. I really, really fucking hate him. I mean... I know I've said it before, but it's true. I want that fucker gone. Like now. Arrgh.

    And the plot thickens. So Cara had a nineteen month old baby that came up missing. Why do I get the feeling this all comes back to that fucking ghost she keeps trying to warn them about? Aside from the fact that he's trying to off people left and right and is just all around violent? Just solidifies my utter disdain for him.

    Haha. Gena's knocked up. Angelique is right... her ass needs to stay far, far away from that fucking house. Zack'll kick her ass if she goes in there, not that I can blame him. I would too. The last place she needs to be is in a house with a homicidal maniac ghost living in it. Just not a good idea.

    ... And there's angry Matt ready to get rig of that fucking bastard ghost. Like I said, can't really fault him for it. The fucker did kill his girlfriend. I'd wanna send the fuck straight to hell too.

    What belonged to her gramma? You've piqued my interest. Now I want some answers dammit. And I better get them too.

    Onward to the next chapter.

    *Clicks yet again*

    Okay, yeah. Matt really wants that ghost gone. I mean... he want's to stab it! I think it's only fair. I mean first it shanks him and then it goes and kills Val. Yeah. Definitely fair that he gets to injure it, at the least. And apparently Matt agrees. Hehe.

    Oh... that fucking ghost is full of fucking surprises. Really. Every time i think i got it all figured out... something new and totally fucked about him comes out. I kinda like it. But it makes me hate that fucking thing a little more each time too. Like finding out not only did he off Cara and her husband, but he fucking killed Ana's mom too. I mean seriously? Just... grrr.

    Holy crap. I know that technically I already know this... but what the fuck! Ghosty wasn't just a fucking kidnapper or the likes he was a baby killer! That is so very fucked up on so many different fucking levels. I've always said this and I always will, there are two types of people you don't fuck with. Old people and babies. You just don't do it. It's wrong. So very wrong.

    Matt. Got. Shot.


    Wasn't it fucking enough that he got shanked? Seriously? Mr. Baddie Ghosty guy had to go and take it up a notch? What the fucking fuck? As if I haven't said it ninety-five thousand times... the fucker has got to go. Like now. Right. Now. This is so not fucking cool. Not at all.

    *glares at baddie ghost dude*

    Stupid fuck.

    *linkage clicked yet again*

    Alright. They visit the hospital far more often than anyone should have to. Seriously. And the fact that they're all there because Matt got shot... does nothing for my mood. *shakes head* Nothing at all.

    I like how Megan's dad is just like 'you've gotta be fucking joking. this is getting waay out of hand.' He's right about that, you know. Something needs to be done. Quick. Before someone else ends up dead. It's also pretty awesome how Megan's immediate answer is 'Dad, Angelique's here.'

    I think it's time to get some answers.


    Aww. Matt think's his hot nurse is an angel. Cuute. *grins*

    Hehe. I like how he's so doped up he's not even concerned with being shot... he's more like 'Sonofabitch! I gotta get my tattoo redone...'. It amuses me immensely.

    Ha. Yeah. He's definitely drugged if he's actually askin' me if I'm an angel. Not even close. Though I guess comparatively to that douche fuck ghost they're battling I am... Yeah. Comparatively, I'm entirely pious. Which... let's face it... is not typically a word used to describe me. Actually, I think I was probably an infant the last time I was referred to as any type of angelic or innocent.

    Haha... I like how Matt's mind is in the gutter when he's drugged. It makes me giggle.

    Yet another epic chapter... and now I'm on to the next one... and the final one for this story...

    *clicks linkage for the final time*




    Okay... was totally not expecting Ana to be related to the people that owned the house before Cara. Really wasn't. Definitely an interesting twist though. At least the baddie ghost isn't Ana's great uncle though... I was worried that maybe it might've been him for a while... though then I didn't know he was her uncle... but that's really besides the point, huh? Yeah... it is. Unfortunately it looks like its her douche of a cousin.


    He should be fun to get rid of.

    On the upside... the sequel's posted.

    I'm gonna go read (well re-read) and comment that now...


    Hehe... this really was an awesome story... and I know you've got epic things planned for the story... so yeah... I'm headed that way.


    November 21st, 2009 at 09:29am
  • Mmmkay.

    I won't lie. I wanted more answers than I got this chapter. Then again... when don't I want more answers than I get? Never. That's when.

    I was, however, rather fond of this chapter regardless of the serious lack of answers I got.

    Wow. That *points to previous sentence* was a very grown up sentence. Made me feel like an adult.


    But yeah... anyways. Aww. They kissed... and Matt and Jimmy were acting like nosey high school girls spying on them. Sadly, I can actually picture them doing that and it makes me giggle.

    And now Gena and Zacky are in on the procreating of the species instead of just practicing? Oh lord. *shakes head*

    Hehe. Alright... I'm gonna go comment everything else. Really though you should be thankful I can even comment... because fucking internet explorer was being a douche earlier and it wasn't letting me open it. Thank god it stopped being douche-like.

    November 8th, 2009 at 11:55pm


    Okay... and now that I've gotten that outta the way. Seriously. That baddie ghost needs to get the fuck out. stabbing Matt, because I'm assuming that was the cause of his injury, is entirely unacceptable. Entirely. I mean... come the fuck on. It's Matt! Arrgh.

    Mmkay. Well at least now we know that the chick that died isn't the shitty, asshole ghost that needs to be expelled from the house. Seems like she's just trying to keep Ana and her kid safe. Nice of her really, she can stick around if she likes. *grins*

    By the way... I'm totally thinking that whatever the asshole ghosty is, is what killed her. Not her husband, that's for damn sure.

    But I'm gone. Gonna go finish up on this commenting thing... but really its just so I can have updates tomorrow. Sad, isn't it?

    November 3rd, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • Story is REALLY good!

    Defintally got a new subscriber. (:
    October 29th, 2009 at 04:47pm
  • That's right.

    First comment belongs to me. Why? 'Cause I pretty much pwn everyone else.

    I loved this. I loved it when you emailed me the first chapter, and I still love it.

    That ghost has some serious issues. Needs to stop fucking up her shit, that's for sure. It's rude... the poor girl never did anything to it. And then the baby's room. Yep. I'd be getting ready to cast that fucking thing outta my house.

    What happened to Matt while he was over there? Seriously. I wanna know. Mmkay... so I'm mildly concerned with Brian too... but what happened to Matt?


    Leave me alone.

    Anyways. I loved it. Except for the fucking cliffhanger. I hated that. I always do though, so you should have expected that one. Update. Soon.

    October 28th, 2009 at 05:00pm
  • That's right.

    First comment belongs to me. Why? 'Cause I pretty much pwn everyone else.

    I loved this. I loved it when you emailed me the first chapter, and I still love it.

    That ghost has some serious issues. Needs to stop fucking up her shit, that's for sure. It's rude... the poor girl never did anything to it. And then the baby's room. Yep. I'd be getting ready to cast that fucking thing outta my house.

    What happened to Matt while he was over there? Seriously. I wanna know. Mmkay... so I'm mildly concerned with Brian too... but what happened to Matt?


    Leave me alone.

    Anyways. I loved it. Except for the fucking cliffhanger. I hated that. I always do though, so you should have expected that one. Update. Soon.

    October 28th, 2009 at 05:00pm