Turning Out Your Lights - Comments

  • Wow, just the whole beginning of this had me on the edge of my seat, practically an inch away from the computer, trying to find out who the fuck Tom is talking about

    I also love that you've had him go out there like a hundred times, just sit in the parking lot and go all the way home. You've created this desperate image of him, like he just can't stay away. I can only imagine all of the money he's wasted trying to go and see this person.

    And in my letter all I talked about was what would happen when she woke up.

    Good God, that line just made me want to cry. That's so upsetting, how everyone had given up on her, including her parents, all of her family. They'd said good bye, but it's obvious Tom loves her so fucking much he can't do that. He was living in some parallel universe or something, convincing himself one day that she was going to wake up and they were going to get married and live together. It's just so sad that none of that's going to happen. And it seems like Tom really deserves it. D:

    That made me so sad. D: it was incredible.
    January 10th, 2010 at 08:31am
  • Oh man, this was really well done. I got a little choked up reading it. Thought you should know.
    December 12th, 2009 at 07:54pm
  • OMG! it was sad but i loved it! it was great! A short story that i wont forget for a long while
    October 29th, 2009 at 07:16pm
  • very beautiful and very sad.
    October 29th, 2009 at 06:27pm
  • Well you should be proud as hell! It was only the best thing in the world, as far as one shots go (Sonata and What We Used to Know have special places in my heart too).

    "She was the light of my life when everything was dark."
    Well that's just the most romantic piece of Tom thoughts in the entire world.

    And I'm so proud that he was actually able to go in and face her. Everybody needs closure, even though this isn't actually closure. My heart aches for Tommy boy.

    I love how it said if she, then decided that when she would be better words. I think that just makes it more genuine, it's like you can actually put yourself in someones mind and write exactly that's happening second by second - and I just happen to think that you're amazing for that skill.

    And basically the last major paragraph, then the sentence after it, pretty much made this the best thing that has happened to me all day (and believe me my day has been pretty damn eventful - full of pregnancies, talking to strangers, and fighting with my best friends boyfriend about the importance of owning a cat while also living on the west coast...yeah it was nuts).

    So thank you love for making me a happier person :)
    October 29th, 2009 at 06:09am
  • This is really sad, but equally amazing.
    October 29th, 2009 at 06:00am