Dismantle. Repair. - Comments

  • btwiloveyou

    btwiloveyou (100)

    United States
    Nooooo! Only two chapters left?!?!?!?! Ahh, I'm really gonna miss this story! Anyways, I really liked this chapter. It was cute. Hahaha. And I love the fact that basically everyone knows that Nick is still in love with Allegra, except for Allegra. I can't wait to see whats coming up for those two!
    July 25th, 2011 at 04:04am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Gosh, I can't live with just two more chapters, ugh. I have so many unanswered questions left! =P blehhhh. Glad Nick didn't take the bait. now Allegra just needs to realize her true feelings!
    July 25th, 2011 at 12:32am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Well, i have to admit that this is one of my favorite nick jonas stories on this site. :) i wonder how nick is gonna handle being 'just friends'. declan seems cute, though. i can sense a ton of drama coming our way!! this is simply amazing, natalie. :)
    July 24th, 2011 at 05:17pm
  • drama-queen-ak

    drama-queen-ak (100)

    Oh man.
    Well I'm curious as to how this so called friendship is going to work out. And how Declan is going to handle it. Because I sense some MAJOR drama. I'm excited :)

    Update soon please.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 12:23am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    I can't believe Harry Potter ended =[

    And wow,that was one heck of a chapter. Obviously, I still want Nick and Legs to get together because they're just meant to be. I loved how Legs wanted to keep stressing the friend part of her and Nick because that means she is trying to convince herself of it. Well, hopefully that's what it means, haha. And uh oh. Nick and Liza, doesn't sound good.
    July 16th, 2011 at 03:12am
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Alright, so you know how I said I wrote a memo to myself...well....I covered it up by accident and that's why this comment is so late at night. haha! See even when I TRY to remind myself I mess it up. I'm hopeless. lol!

    Anywho, okay so this chapter...yeah it was good, not a lot of drama happened in it like I thought would happen when you mentioned it to me. Getting me all worked up. Shame on you! *shaking my finger with a stern face* I thought it was mature of Allegra to be the first one to step up to building the friendship with Nick. I kinda think she's being a litle naive if she doesn't see the animosity between Nick and Declan. I mean that's a given and she should anticipate that. Declan can't be too easy or happy that Allegra is trying to make amends with Nick. I think he might take the whole protective thing to a whole new level and potentially push Allegra away. And I will be very VERY unhappy about that. Just fyi. :) I don't want Nick breaking Declan and Allegra up cuz I like them together but at this point in time I'm getting bad feelings....and I'm going into my happy bubble and forgetting them all!

    I really think Nick should pursue a relationship with Liza cuz she seems like a cool girl. But of course then you'd have Allegra feel all jealous and nonsense that she shouldn't and she'll break up her own relationship for nothing. And I'm gonna stop giving you awful, HORRIBLE ideas.

    Yay, for you updating!! I'm on top of it this time :) I can't wait to see what's next! And I'm going to see HP7 part 2 tomorrow...but I wouldn't call myself a Potterhead. haha. I'll leave that up to you. As for looking back over my childhood...eh, past is past and I can laugh at myself now. haha!!!

    Loved the chapter!! <3
    July 15th, 2011 at 05:01am
  • x.Marianna.x

    x.Marianna.x (100)

    Another amazing chapter!!! Thanks for updating, can't wait for the next one!!

    Ohh and also, i am a MASSIVE Harry Potter fan, and have just watched the movie! You will not be disappointed, but yes, i am depressed that my childhood is over =[

    Update soon xx
    July 14th, 2011 at 02:17pm
  • btwiloveyou

    btwiloveyou (100)

    United States
    Loved the new chapter! I have a feeling Nick and Liza might get together, much to Allegra's dismay. She'll get jealous and problems will arise. Then they fight and make-up and get back together. Haha. But anways, I can't wait til the next chapter!
    July 14th, 2011 at 05:33am
  • Live-Laugh-Love

    Live-Laugh-Love (100)

    United States
    I Love your work <3
    Okay since i'm a total Nick Jonas fan i have to say i still wish Nick and Allegra only cause their relationship was so adorable minus the whole cheating part. And even though Declan has been there for her during the break-up he will never be as important as Nick who was there for her Pop-pop being in the hospital the first time to the transition of moving from California to Arizona. Well thats how i see it.

    Now the whole friendship with Nick thing i agree with catgirl87. Declan will be going through the same emotions as Nick did when Allegra first mentioned Declan and that can only lead to trouble if those two boys are anything alike (& i'm sure they are).

    Lastly where is Charlie? She just got back with her old friends,had Allegra forgive her and then POOF. She vanished. What happened to the bestfriend couple? And what happened to Kenny? He vanished after telling Allegra about Nick and Charlie. He just like stopped being the best friend and went on to being (i assume) the jerk of a college guy. Ignoring Charlie and not talking to Allegra was so not cool. Even if Charlie did deserve it at first.

    Anyway those are my comments on this story.
    Love the story. Love the updates. Love your work <3
    July 11th, 2011 at 06:10pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    So once again I am several days late with the comment but at least I have without needing a reminder. haha. I'm getting better :D

    I really like the closeness between Allegra and Declan. Its sweet and cute. Totally adorable. I mean yeah her and Nick connected on one level but her and Declan have connected on another being that they both can relate to how the other felt after being cheated on. They help each other with that and have blossomed into a great relationship. The moving in scenes where great and its amazing that Declan's roommates like her. At least none of them have a shitty roommate. hahaha!!! No more biotches!!! Please!

    As for Nick, yeah that was painful reading his thoughts as he watched Allegra with Declan, totally ouch. But....he kinda does deserve it as Joe so kindly pointed out. Gotta love older brothers. haha!! I'm glad that they hashed out the past so that they are on okay terms. At least he knows she forgives him, that's a plus. I think it'll still be awkward between them though, especially if Declan is around. It'll be like 'um...hi...' Moments like that. Declan will want to protect Allegra against Nick cuz he doesn't want her hurt again by Nick and at the same time he'll be questioning his relationship with Allegra if she starts to hang out with Nick again. It just looks like a huge mess any way you look at it. Or it could be my demented way of thinking. haha!!

    I still want Allegra with Declan in the end. Its great if she wants to fix her friendship with Nick but I think she should be past wanting a relationship with him more than friends. The trust has already been broken and she will constantly be questioning that. Doesn't make for a good solid foundation. And if by some horribly horrific tragedy that Declan does something completely awful to hurt Allegra and lose her trust like Nick did, I will have to severely maim him. It will not be pretty so please do not do that. Thank you :)

    Lastly, I'm curious to know about Charlie. Does she ever talk to Kenny again? Does he have another girlfriend? Does he crush her completely and not listen to her? These are questions I need answered!!!!

    Loved the update!! I'll get you my stuff shortly :)
    July 7th, 2011 at 08:34pm
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Wowzers, haha. Sort of speechless after all of that. I'm really surprised Allegra would/wanted to talk to Nick so quickly. Declan is not going to be happy at all, haha.Hm,whydo I think this friends thing is not going to work out? ;)
    July 5th, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh! i am so sorry, i thought i commented on the last chapter but now i realized that i didnt. THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING! Yes, i still dont like the fact that Declan and Allegra are together, but i dont write the story and it pains me to say Declan and Legs are cute together. AWW, little Nicky *sad pouty face*, i love him so much. He deserves to be happy, with Allegra though. Im so happy that they got to talk out their feelings and stuff out. I WANT THEM MORE THAN FRIENDS! its better than nothing though. o0o0o0o she still likes him that, she just doesnt want to admit it because she has the distraction(Declan). the friendship thing is not going to work out at all and we all know it, Nick is too much of a jealous guy, but he is a gentleman so he will refrain from showing his jealously. LOVE THIS STORY AND CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE(:
    July 3rd, 2011 at 12:11am
  • x.Marianna.x

    x.Marianna.x (100)

    YAY!!!!! They talked and worked it out!! I think Declan and Allegra are cute together, but Nick and Allegra all the way!!!
    Really liked this chapter, but can't wait for the next update on this and 'A Twist in my Story' =D
    July 2nd, 2011 at 03:42pm
  • btwiloveyou

    btwiloveyou (100)

    United States
    Ohmygosh! I looooved it (: they finally "re-connected" in a way! I just can't wait til what comes up next! Good job on the chapter, I really loved it!
    July 2nd, 2011 at 07:21am
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    I'm so so so so so so sorry!! I woke up this morning thinking I should check to see if you had updated but then one thing led to another and I didn't until just now. If you lived at my house you would understand. haha! I'll have to tell you about it later.

    I found this chapter to be very informative and yes, it did tell me what was up with Nick and Charlie this whole time. I did feel bad for Charlie being shunned. In a way I guess its acceptable that she was, but I still feel bad. It was super awesome of Brianne to take her in the like that. I think it saved her in a way. I know its not your dark thinking like it would be mine but the mindset she was in could've led quite quickly to her thinking about suicide. I mean she was super low there for a long period of time with no one to lean on. Poor Charlie. And you know, I really hope that the girl who answered Kenny's phone was not his new girlfriend. That would totally and completely suck for Charlie.

    Nick taking over the populars was awesome. And the fact that he changed them too. Even better. But you know what's even more awesome?? THAT THE STUPID DAWN AND SAVANNAH DIDN'T WIN!!! hahahahaha!! I love it when it gets stuck to them. I really do. They were not my favorite people to say the least.

    I think it will be interesting to see Nick and Allegra and Declan all at the same college. I sense drama and like you said, meltdowns. And at this point I really hope that Declan pulls through instead of Nick. I mean I love Nick, but Declan...I just love him more. haha! Nick was her past, Declan is her future. (You should totally put that in there! LOL!!)

    I loved it supremely and I'm super sorry that it took me nearly a week to comment. I'm sorry! Please forgive me. Love ya, sis! <3 Keep up the greatness! :)
    June 23rd, 2011 at 11:43pm
  • drama-queen-ak

    drama-queen-ak (100)

    And and and they are gonna run into each other and Declan is gonna be super crushed!

    OOOOOOOOOO I'm liking this potential future drama!!

    UPDATE SOON please :) :)
    June 21st, 2011 at 02:48am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Aw, I'm glad Brianne went to go talk to Charlie. That's good and getting her old friends back is even more awesome. I really cannot wait to see what goes down at USC. This should be soooo interesting, haha.
    June 19th, 2011 at 09:38pm
  • btwiloveyou

    btwiloveyou (100)

    United States
    I really hope Declan is not the repair part. As much as I love his character, I'm still pining for Nick and her to get back together! Im so happy that you updated fast though and can't wait til the next!
    June 4th, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Okay so you know that I am totally a Declan fan. I love that boy! He's so sweet and amazing and...can I have him? lol!! I mean just look at his birthday present for her. That was so sweet and he was like no pressuring her at all. He took the rejection like a pro. But I have to say his persistance is what won for him. It shows her that he really wants a relationship with her and that's important. I hope it works out between them. I mean yeah it would be nice for Allegra and Nick to like be together I guess, but some things you can't just shove under the bed (or in the back of the closet) and forget about them. He's cheated once already even if it was under the influence of alcohol. What's to say he won't do it again? He's got something mighty to prove that not a lot of guys are able to do. Just saying. Declan's got a pretty good shot here. But...he better not screw her over. Then he will fall majorly in my books. Oh and if the Savannah bitch does something...so help my God I will not be responsible for my actions. I tell you this now. :)

    As for her parents..I think it was good of them to tell her but I also think that they knew they were pretty safe now that Allegra and Nick were broken up. Good that they kept to their promise though. I like that they make such a cute family after the tough time they went through in the fall. Overcoming hardships is what makes or breaks a family. I think both Allegra and Nick are figuring that out.

    Will we get a glimpse at what Nick is going through during this period? Just curious if he and Charlie have banded together since I'm not sure if her ex-boyfriend is talking to her again or not. Be interesting to find out. :) But...I'm still rooting for Declan! I LOVE THAT BOY!!!! (Did I say that already? oh well, can't say it too much. hehe!)

    Update soon please!!! I can't wait to see what happens! :D
    June 4th, 2011 at 04:44am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    HMMM, *angry face while throwing computer* This was NOT how I wanted it to go. Sure, Declan is a nice guy, im not going to lie, but hes not right for her in the long run. Shes always going to love Nick, even if she says she doesnt. I feel bad for Charlie in a way, because it wasnt really her fault. Actually in my point of view it wasnt either of their faults besides the alchol. We seriously need Nick's point of view in the next chapter. thats what i am craving for. Now to answer your questions: her parents had to, no back story for that. She shouldnt have ignored that gift in the first place, that wasnt right. i mean he gave it to her and she loves her photography. I understand that hes understanding, but i just dont like them together, she NEEDS Nick even if she doesnt want to(like i said before). them being girlfriend abd boyfriend now makes me angry. Three months isnt that bad, but with the very deep relationship she had with Nick it kind of makes it bad, does that make sense? I dont want to kill you though (:
    June 2nd, 2011 at 05:09pm