Dismantle. Repair. - Comments

  • Kids With Guns;

    Kids With Guns; (100)

    United States
    It made me want to cry cuz' the conversation with her mommy was touching.
    AND im glad she's calling her mom now too.
    Only thing needed now if for Nicholas to roll his ass into her school so they can be together all the time.
    damn. Now I'm really exited for the Thanksgiving episode!
    November 21st, 2010 at 02:07am
  • somebody_who_cares

    somebody_who_cares (100)

    United States
    November 21st, 2010 at 12:06am
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Where to begin? You make it so damn hard! *sigh* Okay I'll start from the beginning. Good of place as any.

    I really thought it was sweet to see the interaction between Allegra, Steven, and Lucy. That was so cute. Lucy is just the cutest thing in the world. I could totally see them playing with her camera and being all sisterly with Steven looking on with that proud dad expression. Made me get all warm and fuzzy on the inside :) And then they went and made dinner together and yeah that REALLY made me go all warm and fuzzy. I had a few aw's going on in my head (I try to keep them silent or else my fam would think I've lost my mind. lol). The family time was adorable. And I was surprised when she called Steven 'dad' but then the tears glistened in my eyes and I was like 'its about damn time!' haha! I know he's been waiting patiently for that for a long time. :)

    As for Lidia's story...I totally think that it was plausible. It sounds like she went through some really tough times and it was understandable. I mean she didn't plan on having a baby at such a young age. It did uproot her plans. But I'm glad she told Allegra the story. I'm glad that they have something to bond over like the hot chocolate. Her Pop Pop is working and helping them from beyond the grave which is sweet. I was shocked to know that Steven had known about her for so long but then when Lidia said he sent all those cards and made calls I was totally won over by him. Again, he'd be my fictional dad if I could choose one :) I don't think it was too soon for Allegra to forgive Lidia like she did. I mean all she wanted was an explanation and she got it. Plus hearing the full story I think she can understand how Lidia felt to have her life so abruptly changed and perhaps would feel for her. Lidia went through some really tough stuff after Allegra was born. I am happy that she called her 'mom' though. That was sweet and I totally teared up again. You have a way with getting the exact emotions across to the readers which is just amazing. You've got a real talent.

    I'm wondering how Nick will react to hearing that Allegra has grown this close to her parents and sister now. I think he was hoping just a little that she wouldn't get too close so that he'd still have her. I mean his family is falling apart so its hard for him right now. Maybe that's why he does what he does to screw Allegra over as you tease in the prologue....? I dunno but I want to find out. I'm thinking the worry over Thanksigiving is not such an issue anymore to Lidia and Steven. They know she'll come back and not close herself off to them now. :) I loved the quick update, but could you please update again soon!! :D
    November 20th, 2010 at 06:29pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Oh sis....must you do this to me? Do you get your jollies this way? Of course you do. And of course...I loved this chapter so much!!! How do you do it? You're simply amazing. :)

    I loved the bonding time between her and Steven. That was sweet! I think she proved wonderfully that she couldn't play any sport. haha!! Poor Steven took one to the head for the team, but he didn't seem to mind too much. At least he got to spend some time with her. That was good. I really like him. :) Can I have him for my dad?? LOL! Seeing him get all protective over her when Savannah reared her ugly head was super cute. I wish he would've given Savannah a stern talking to like in his father voice, but then it would've embarrassed Allegra so I guess it was best he didn't. Savannah will get what is coming to her nasty face. And I hope its bloody. Just saying.

    I think that maybe Lidia was over-reacting just a bit. I mean I can see why she'd feel jealous, but let's think on this...she was the one who walked out on Allegra as a baby (which by the way I'm totally TOTALLY pysched to hear her story. It better be a damn good one). I think she needs to trust Steven to know that Allegra will come back to them and still want to be part of the family. Her adjustment period is taking a little longer than they'd like is all. I have a hench that it'll be over this Thanksgiving that Nick screws up with whatever he does to her. And then she'll come back in tears to her dad and just collapse in his arms and cry. It'll be an emotional scene, but a great one. This is how I see it in my head at least. haha! I'm sure you've got it all mapped out though. ;)

    You know the one thing that surprised me in this chapter? When Gavin was helping her with her golf swing. I half expected the slut to show up and see it so she could spread nasty rumors but she didn't to my knowledge. That was shocking to me. Gavin is hilarious though. :)

    So in conclusion to this rambling review....I'm gonna need you to put a rush order on the next chapter, sis. I think it will be best for all of us to get our fix on this addiction as soon as possible. Oh and if you could include a little of Declan in it that would be awesome. Thanks :)

    Update soon!!! I loved this really really REALLY awesome chapter (even if you don't think it is. Believe me, it is.)
    November 17th, 2010 at 04:55am
  • Kids With Guns;

    Kids With Guns; (100)

    United States
    I'm so glad you updated <333
    My day has been made and completed.
    This chapter was really good, i like how she hit Steven in the face hahahaha.
    I can't wait to see what happens at Thanksgiving, I love Nick and Legs(:
    November 16th, 2010 at 01:22am
  • somebody_who_cares

    somebody_who_cares (100)

    United States
    November 15th, 2010 at 04:22am
  • drama-queen-ak

    drama-queen-ak (100)

    Yayyyyyyyyyyy she gets to go!

    I cant wait for the next chapter!
    November 15th, 2010 at 02:14am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    I really liked this chapter. Allegra really is not athletic, haha. And the ending part was fantastic. It really was perfectly written. And wow, the next chapter... I can't wait!
    November 14th, 2010 at 09:35pm
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Wow! This will be a long story! Haha. And gosh, a year already!? That doesn't even seem right! And that's okay. I love the pace the story is going at. You're doing fine! I really liked this chapter. I sooo hope Nick and Allegra can be together for Thanksgiving. They have got to be together again! And aw, family bonding!
    November 4th, 2010 at 11:48pm
  • drama-queen-ak

    drama-queen-ak (100)

    AWWWW this one was so great!!!
    update soon please, i love this story!
    November 4th, 2010 at 12:04am
  • somebody_who_cares

    somebody_who_cares (100)

    United States
    November 1st, 2010 at 06:23am
  • Kids With Guns;

    Kids With Guns; (100)

    United States
    I read the first one a long time ago and I didn't realize till yesterday there was a sequel.
    I read all of this in a period of 12 hours haha. I can't wait to see how Allegra's bonding with her daddy goes!
    October 30th, 2010 at 07:59pm
  • Serendipity

    Serendipity (100)

    Loved it :)
    October 30th, 2010 at 05:44pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Okay so Nick....yeah I think he's doing well with holding off Dawn. And this pains me, it really kills me to say this...no seriously it does...but....maybe he was a little too sarcastic on her by rubbing Allegra in her face. I'm just saying that wasn't a very nice thing to do, even though I still despise her guts. No one likes something like that to be thrown in their face. I imagine she'll be the first one to laugh in his face when he screws up. lol! Well it won't be funny then, but you know what I mean. (I'll kick her ass then...if he deserves it. I still wanna know what he does! lol!)

    I guess I kinda like them together still, but...Allegra and Declan are so much more interesting to read. They have chemistry together even if they are trying to put it aside. It doesn't work that way. And I get that Allegra does love Nick, but maybe that's because he knows her on a deeper level. If she let Declan know her on that level perhaps he'd win out over Nick. Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm actually rooting for Declan. I hated his guts when he first entered the story! haha! See what an amazing writer you are to make me change my opinion! :)

    Now Allegra and her dad are just too sweet together. I love the convo they had. He seems very fatherly to her and perhaps his way of getting her to warm up to them is better than Lidia's. But then again, her dad didn't know about her so she really can't hate on him too much like she can her mom. (That's still awful what Lidia did). Seeing Steven and Allegra together made me aw! I really hope they keep building their relationship up because I know it'll be a good one if they do. He's just amazing with her. Why can't he be my dad? LOL!

    Okay so since you already have the chapter written you're not gonna leave us waiting forever, right?? :D I can't believe its already been a year since you posted the prologue. Wow. Time sure does fly! Can we slow time down a bit though? I'd like to actually update my stories too. LOL! No worries. You'll get your fix soon too. Thanks for my fix! :) Update soon, sis!
    October 30th, 2010 at 02:22am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Please remind me to read your one-shot! =].

    This was a really good chapter. Not too much chapter, and it focused on the developing relationships. Lucy is such an adorable kid. I just want to pick her up and give her a huge hug. She's adorable. =]. Also, Declan is being... interesting. It doesn't sound like he's going to give up on her to me. And I don't think it'll bite her in the butt. I mean, she didn't really do anything wrong. Gah, Nick and Allegra just need to be by each other again!
    October 13th, 2010 at 10:54pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Once again you've done it sis. You've written an amazing chapter. :)

    I felt so bad for Lucy and Allegra when Lucy thought that Allegra didn't like her. That was a logical conclusion since Allegra hadn't been making too much effort to getting to know them. Poor Lucy. But I'm glad that Allegra and her bonded as the chapter progressed. That was a long time coming. Even if she doesn't want to bond with her parents just yet for what they did, she shouldn't do that to Lucy because she's innocent in it all. Shopping for Halloween costumes was interesting. Haha! Gotta love Kenzie's idea for being a dominatrix. LOL! I'm sure Declan paled on that one too. hahaha!! He's such a great big brother though.

    Speaking of him....I'm soooo happy that he and Allegra talked out their issues somewhat. Ah, those little mutterings under the breath. Its so lovely when the person hears them. Haha!! I really wanna see them on friendly terms again. And dammit you have me even wanting them to push the envelope a little. Sure it'll eat both of them up, but some things you just can't resist for long. Now homecoming...I don't know if it will come to bite her in the ass or not. How would Nick even find out about it? Unless some little bitch, aka Savannah, somehow found out about Nick and Allegra's relationship and spilled the beans to him to get him and Allegra on rocky ground. That would totally be something she'd do....And then I'd have to push her off a cliff. Simple as that.

    I'm glad that she is being a little more receptive to Lidia and Steven. Hopefully that keeps up, but I'm not liking that she closed back up at the end. :( I wonder if she'll ask them about her Nana and Pop-Pop coming to visit and when they did. We'll see. I can't believe they never mentioned it to her before. That's just incredible.

    Amazing chapter!!! Please update soon!! :) You know I can't wait for it...but will ;)
    October 13th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • somebody_who_cares

    somebody_who_cares (100)

    United States
    October 13th, 2010 at 03:15am
  • loveless-soul

    loveless-soul (100)

    United States
    this update made me smile :) it was just adorable. i love when she spends time with her sister....but wheres nick??!!!! lol btw i LOVE this story
    October 13th, 2010 at 01:04am
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Okay sis here it goes...

    I cannot believe that Nick wasn't gonna tell her about going to homecoming with Charlie! Okay sure she knows they are just friends but still...he should've told her. She was considerate enough to tell him about Brian asking her to homecoming as friends. He should've done the same for her instead of making it out to not be a big deal and probably wasn't even gonna tell her until after the fact. That is jerkish material right there. Nick better shape the hell up before I get mad at him.

    I love the interactions she has with her new friends. Its so neat. You capture them perfectly. You have a talent for making them each have a distinct personality and that's really cool. I like that. I envy that ;) Savannah was a bitch at the game. There was no need to delete the pictures of the other homecoming queen competitors. That was uncalled for and I'm glad she gave a drunken confession at the party. Hopefully she'll feel some backlash in school. Bitch she is.

    And I felt so bad for Brian when he told Allegra he had a crush on her. Well he didn't say it in so many words but his actions spoke for him. I felt super bad but he's adorable. :) And silly Declan was jealous. Haha. I thought it was sweet how he beat up Tyler because he was trying to lay the moves forcefully on Allegra. That was not cool of him, but we already knew that he wasn't cool. I know Declan feels embarrassed about it since it was out of character for him and spoke to his emotions for her, but I really hope he doesn't distance himself from her again. I'd really hate that. I kinda like them being friends. And if Nick keeps acting the way he is now I wouldn't blame Allegra for questioning their relationship. Just saying. No one wants a jerk for a boyfriend and Declan's no jerk...as has been revealed so far.

    I like the nickname they gave her. Its got a homey vibe to it and makes her one of the gang which is good. I wonder how her relationship with her parents and sister is going though. Has it gotten any better?? Maybe that'll be in the next chapter. But I don't think she should tell Nick about what happened after the party. He'll just get all jealous and crap. And nothing came of it, Declan just basically told her he still has feelings for her. No big deal...yet. And you know, part of me wants there to be a big deal about it. haha!! Oh I'm so for the drama :D

    Loved the chapter sis!! Please do work on the next update!! I'll be waiting for it because I know it'll be so damn awesome :D You never disappoint.
    September 20th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • somebody_who_cares

    somebody_who_cares (100)

    United States
    September 19th, 2010 at 04:52am