Weight of the World - Comments

  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You need ID .
    Then you can come on epic drunken nights out.
    Where I don't let go of John.
    And tell him he's beautiful.
    And tell him I love him.
    And call Simon a whore.
    And sing Bon Jovi with Gus.
    And call Fraser 'the wrong Taylor'.
    And ask why Ben hasn't come out to play.
    And get carried to a taxi by their tour manager.

    I'm too cool, seriously.
    But you're lagging on updates.
    (As am I but I'm writing now!)
    So get a wiggle on!
    June 10th, 2010 at 04:11pm
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    bwaaah, you better update again soon. :D x
    February 16th, 2010 at 07:39pm
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Fuck off, Kyle.No, YOU drop dead!! Fucking prick, don't you dare start hasslin' muh Sarah, or she's set Wolfman on yo' ass! NO I WON'T SHUT UP.

    I really have no idea who the hell I'm arguing with (:
    Im'a marry John. You fucking know I will. Or just steal his necklace again ;)
    Yeahhhh man.
    I can't believe he let me do that :|
    What. A. Fucking. Babe.
    I'm actually in love <3

    Lmfao @ the whole conversation we've just had.
    And the tweets.
    None of which have much relevance to any of this :'D
    But you know I love this, and I owe you more epic comments.
    Y'know, the one that made us both insanely swoony. Yeah THAT one ;D
    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
    February 16th, 2010 at 07:27am
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    bwwaaahahahahhhh love it :)
    more soon pleasepleasepleaes<3:)
    February 1st, 2010 at 01:10am
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    om nom bwagh!
    more soon, or else, madam.. .or else :)
    January 26th, 2010 at 09:46pm
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "Hello stranger" I giggled as i turned around to kiss him properly.

    WHO'S HIM?!
    Oooh, Ville Valo. What a baaaabe <3.
    No, it's not him, it Gustavvvvv.
    He's been singing to me all day, aren't you jealous ;D

    "Hey" I said into the kiss. "I missed you" I said as i pulled away. "God what i'm i going to be like when you go back to London."

    Spend a fucking fortune going to London for no reason?
    He lives in High Wycombeeeeeee! Haha :D
    Unless he's moved house... but he's in Southampton AYE TEE EMM.
    I don't see him going back to H.W to pack up & move to london when he's just started off on a two week tour with three of the most amazing bands of music history (imho).
    Yeah... maybe not.

    "Don't think about that yet lets just enjoy tonight, things will work out" He smiled before giving me another kiss. He was right. After i payed for my drink i went and sat at the merch table where Kimmie already took her place talking to John, they looked like they was in a heated conversation, but soon stopped when us lot came over. What was up with her today? Once me, Zoey and Gus sat down, she got up and walked off somewhere.

    Me and John were talking about our plan to take over the world.
    That's all. Nothing else, just world domination.
    BOOYAH! :D

    "You and Kimmie ok?" Zoey asked

    I'm fiiiiiiiiiiine tar :D

    "Well I'm fine with her, don't know if shes in a mood with me thought, I'll talk to her later, lets watch the guys set for now" I smiled as i get back up to go over to the stage area. 5 minutes later the lights dimmed and Kimmie appeared by my side.

    POOF *cloud of smoke* I should be a magician.

    "Where have you been?" I asked

    Spain. Was nice. Brought you a postcard. Couldn't be arsed putting in the in post. You know me, I'm lazy (Y).

    "Just talking to Lee, we haven't spoke much these few weeks" Fair enough I turned my attention back to the stage as i heard people starting to cheer. I looked over at Zoey as Ben took his place on stage. She was grinning like a maniac.

    Giddy times, man. Seen the arms? Phwoar (L)

    As were I when Gus walked on stage and spotted us girls straight away. About 10 minutes into there set i glanced over at John and he was smiling at Kimmie, i looked at Kimmie and she woundn't take her eyes of John. Something is going on between them. And i was going to find out.

    We're ruling Earth with an army of vegetables.
    Just like the ones the Powerpuff Girls had to fight. But better. And not edible.
    I really thought about that too much. Shoot me.

    After Young guns set was finished i told Zoey i'd meet her back and the merch table and dragged Kimmie outside.

    Whatchoo doing dragging me outside?! It's fucking freezing!
    You spoon, let's go back in now! :(

    "Right spill, whats going on between you and John"

    Secrets plans! Muahahahahahaa!

    "I don't know what your going on about"

    I'm not lying. Normally I have no clue what day it is, never mind what happenes half an hour ago. My memory is a fucking genius.

    "Don't play silly, you was all close with him before and your all googly eyed over him just now" She was looking around as if she was looking for a excuse. "Kimmie please tell me, i'm your best friend"

    Do you know.. the muffin man?
    Yeah, the one that lives on that lane,
    Well, he's married to the muffin man,
    No, kidding, I'll tell the truth...

    "Fine, me and John are kinda dating"

    Then divorce it & marry John.
    Ooof, he's such a babe.

    "What do you mean your 'kinda' you either are or not" I said getting angry for some reason

    "I'm still with Lee"

    Aw shit, ruin my dreams why don't you, Patti. ¬_¬
    God, if that boy weren't so fit, I'd finish him and run off with John.
    Mmm, him and his arm, <3
    You better fucking write more, you tit!
    Or no epic comments! I'm in college in exactly 6 hours and I should be asleep! But nooooooo, I'm writing these comments for you! ¬_¬
    Fuck off, I love this story.
    Or die.
    January 25th, 2010 at 05:31am
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Kimmie was in trouble big time that night, we all got kicked out of the house once she realised that we must have thrown a party because of the mess. I don't think i have ever seen her mum that mad before. I don't think i'll be going around there in a while. Anyways today was Kimmie's first day not being grounded. She has been for the past three weeks and tonight we was going to one of the guys last gigs for the metal hammer tour. Which i was really excited for, but sad too, because it the last time i'm going to see Gus in a while seeing as he lives in London. Don't know when i'm goin to see him next so i was going to make the most of it tonight.

    *Metal Hammer rave*
    Ooooh, Jonny from TCB! He's fit! :')
    John and Lee, in the same room... I'm happy. (L)

    Once i finished college, I rushed off home to get ready, i didn't need to wait for Kimmie as she skipped her last lession. Tut tut. Once i got home i switched my laptop on and put some music on to listen to while i had a shower. As i got out of the shower i heard something buzzing in the other room. I realised that i forgot to take my phone of silent so i rushed to answer it. I picked it up without looking at the I.D.

    i didn't skip my last lesson at all.
    I've never missed a day of education in my life
    </end epic lies>



    "Hey, its Zoey. You guys here yet?" Me and her have become good friends over the last few weeks.

    "No, just got to get ready and then pick Kimmie up, should be there for round 6"

    "Ok i'll tell the guys, see yous later"

    "Bye" I put the phone down.

    Au revoir!

    I quickly got dressed and logged into my msn to see if Kimmie was on. She wasn't, so i gave her a quick call. Her phone was busy. Hmmm. She must be on the phone to Lee. After half a hour of trying to get in touch with her, i ended up driving up to her house. Once i got there, she answered the door still on the phone, but she soon hung up on the person she was talking to.

    I'm on the phone?
    Why am I on the phone?
    Who am I on the phone to?

    "Who was you on the phone to, i have been trying to call you"

    "Oh no one special" she looked shifty

    "Ok then, you ready we need to leaving soon to get there in time" I said

    No one special? Why the fuck was I on the phone then?!
    I hate you when you keeps things from me. ¬_¬

    "Yeah, let me get my bag, i'll meet you in the car" She said as she closed the door. Ok that was weird. She was never like that with me. So i waited in the car till she was ready. I was still waiting 15 minutes later, was about to phone her but then she walked out of the house. I quickly texted Gus to tell him that we was going to be late, and off we went. An hour later we arrived in Liverpool, but was having trouble finding the venue. And the map that Kimmie printed off was no help. Fuck you google maps. In the end i just asked one of the locals, turns out the place google gave us, was wrong and that we was ment to have been somewhere near the docks.

    How rude am I?! I apologise. It's this person on the phone, they're distracting me.
    And as I recall YOU printed the map off, not me ;p

    Surely enough after about 5 minutes of using the directions the guy gave us, we was at the venue. I quickly found a parking place and texted Zoey to come out and give us our tickets. Once in there i went straight to the bar, i needed a drink after that ride. As i was waiting for my drink, i felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and started kissing my neck. I could really get use to this.

    There's someone trying to eat you. Honest.
    Could be a Cullen... possibly a High Wycombe-un.
    Bad influence ¬_¬
    January 25th, 2010 at 05:30am
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    After about 10 minutes of sitting on the grass we decided to join the rest of the group again. It was now 12 and people was startin to get a little rowdy inside.

    Oh no, take your time, we don't care that you two are rolling all over my garden in front of us all. No, you go back to your public display of SUCKING FACE.

    "Somebody is having fun in there" Sara signaled towards the house as she brought some drinks out. Moments later we heard a huge smash. Someone has probably dropped a glass i thought. But then we heard Kimmie shouting. What the hell? I got up on Gus's lap and ran into the kitchen and was met by a deverstated Kimmie.

    Why am I devestated?
    I'd have punched the twats in their faces.
    Wehey, go me. (Y)

    "What's happened? Are you OK?" I asked.

    I'm fine thanks, you?
    Dunno, I'm meant to be drunk...

    "Some twat in there has knocked my mums fave vase off the table play fighting. My mum is literally going to kill me" I hugged her

    Oh so THAT'S what happened.
    Ah, someone's going to die, probably me. Bugger :|

    "Do you want me to start kicking people out yet?" I asked. She nodded/i]

    Literally pick them up & kick them, will you?
    Just like cartoons! :D

    "Wait, give me 10 minutes and i'll do it myself." She said. I made her a drink and went back outside to tell them what was going on. Surely enough we was kicking teenagers out of her house early this party would have been going on till probably 4 in the morning, but no someone had to ruin it.

    What bastards!
    Breaking my bloody vase.
    Er, fuck off!
    We'll rave on our own in a nice peaceful manner!

    "Hey what's going on, why is everyone leaving babe?" Lee said as he came from upstairs.


    "Someone has broken my mums vase, so everyones going home before something else gets broken" She said as she took a sit on the couch.

    I took a sit?
    Magic ;)

    "That's just stupid reason" argued Lee. You could tell Lee was drunk. He never argued with Kimmie unless he was drunk. Kimmie got back up and took Lee outside. She hated arguing in front of people. Me, Zoey, Sara, Young Guns and most of Deaf Havana took a seat in the living room trying not to eavesdrop on them. About 5 minutes later the both came in with faces like thunder.

    Fuck off, Japatti, don't you dare argue with me.
    I'll tell your dad and he won't let you come out to play in Birmingham again.
    Yeah, I went there.

    "Whos coming into town, i'm not staying here" Lee announced. Most of Deaf Havana got up and went with him, but the rest stayed sat down.

    Yeah, you fuck off them, you tall bugger!
    James and Tom would've gone, possibly Chris, but I bet Rinn would have stayed (:
    Aww, I love mother Rinn! (L)

    "You guys can go too if you want"

    "No, we came to hang with you" John smiled at Kimmie. She went into the kitchen and came back with the rest of the booze.

    Aww, he's such a babe.
    'Don't walk away!'
    "Oh okay I'll come back just for you."
    I said ARMS not arse. Though I wouldn't mind that in my bed either.
    I'll shut up now.

    A hour and 4 vodka shots later, Ben, Zoey and Fraser was playing rock band. Me and Gus was trying to fix the vase with super glue, like she wouldn't notice but we thought it was a good idea.

    You both fail at life.

    "This is going terribly wrong" I giggled as i tried sticking a piece together which ended up sticking to my hand. "I have the worst ideas ever"

    Yes, you do. You fail at life, sort it.
    Lol @ you sticking it to your hnd though. I can actually picture that happening. You loser (:

    "You were just trying to help" Gus said "What you going to tell your mum?" He said

    It fell. I swear. I didn't have a party, and there isn't about 15 people sat in the living room. Honest mum, you're seeing things.

    "Tell me what?" We all turned our heads to the front door and there stood Kimmie's mum. Shit.

    It was all Sarah's idea.
    She wants to do inappropriate things to Gus and forced me to have a party so YG would come and she could get Gus drunk then steal him and lock him in her house forever.
    Sorry, ruined your plan. Oops :D
    January 25th, 2010 at 05:30am
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I felt a pang of jealousy run throught my whole band.

    You have a band? Since when? :'D

    Now Sarah lets not get ahead of ourselves, she may just be a mate of the band, of one of the others girlfriends. Gus made his way to me, with a huge smile on his face.


    "Where you off to?" He grinned, eyeing me up and down. I couldn't help smile when he did

    Some subtle perving he's doing there. Not. /sarcasm :')

    "Just to get some beer, Kimmie didn't have time to get any before, my fault really" i laughted.

    I mean, shopping...
    You & beer? bad ideaaaaaaaa!! ;p

    "Mind if i came with you?" He asked. I shook my head and off we went. Everything was going fine until we was making our way back. We was about to past some girls that went to my old school that hated me for no reason. I groaned and Gus asked what was up. I signaled to the girls, and as we passed them they started shouting things about me and Kyle that really hurt me. I was about to shout back at them but Gus stopped me. He grabbed ahold of my hand and began rubbing the top of it with his thumb. I looked up from the floor to see Gus flash a smile at me, which made me feel better.

    Norway-boy to the rescueeeeeeee!!!! :'D
    Buuut he likes his beer, and clearly likes rubbing peoples hands!
    Though I may have forced him to warm mine in Lancaster...
    SHUSH! :D

    Once we got to the house it looked like the party was well under go, and by the looks of it a few people seemed to be drunk already

    God, why are all my friends alcoholics?
    Cough, Sarah Louise Senior, cough.
    Who said that? ;)

    "Some one has over done it already" Gus joked as he pulled me closer to him just before we got into the house. He then whispered in my ear that I looked really nice tonight, which sent shivers through my whole body. Result, my plan is working up to now. After making our way to kitchen to make ourselves a drink we went outside where we found the rest of the band, Sara one of my oldest friends and the girl i saw get out of the car. There wasn't enough garden chairs so i ended up sitting on Gus's lap. I later found out that the girls name was Zoey, and she was going out with Ben. She was the same age as me and lived in High Wycombe. A hour later the guys left us girls while they went to get more alcohol. We decided to stay outside because the house was packed full of teens.

    House full of teens? Eh? Think you mean YOUNG ADULTS, you pensioner ;p
    Gus's knee comfy then? I wouldn't know, I don't sit on every randomers knee I meet.
    Though if it was John.... ;D!

    "So you like Gus?" She asked out of the blue.

    Understatement of the year award.

    "Yeah, kind of hoping something will happen tonight"

    "Go for it, what have you got to lose" She said as she lit a cigarette. "I was the one that made the first move when i met Ben." She smiled

    Woo! Sarah's actually going to do something!
    I am not drunk in reality, I am in this story. SCORE!

    "Yeah your right, i just need another drink for nerves. I really like him" Zoey quickly ran into the kitchen and brought three cans of beer out and threw one to me and gave one to Sara. I thanked her and began drinking it. 15 minutes later we was in fits of laughter watching people playing on the dance mat inside. I was just on the verge of tipsy i felt confident enough to do what i planned. I went and sat back down on the chair but as i sat down i fell right back onto the grass. Sara and Zoey turned around after hearing a thud and started laughing again. I just lay there giggling, until I heard Gus's voice. Oh my god did he just see that? Yes he did.

    You tit.
    I love you.
    And I love how you'd actually panic if something that like happened.

    "Would you like some help?" He asked

    Aww, how polite!
    I'm too funny, I know.

    "No" I giggled "I want you to lay with me" I said as i pulled him to the floor, but as i pulled him down i planted a kiss on him, and pulled away. He smiled and moved his face closer to mine again, and didn't pull away for a while.

    You're drunk.
    I know you too well, and you wouldn't go near Gus for fear of what you'd say/do when drunk.
    Hahahaa, it's funny imagining it though :D
    By the way, you whore ;p

    "Be my girlfriend?" He asked as he pulled away

    Ohaiiiiiiii Johnnnnnnnnnnn.
    nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom <333333333
    Bye, Gus.

    "Of course" I smiled and gave him another kiss. Ignoring the rest of them around us. Oh how i have waited so long to feel this happy.

    The rest of us? Are we cheering and saying 'ABOUT TIME!'
    Or just taking the piss, like we do anyway?
    Yeahhhh (H)

    And your laptop is bent.
    Smack it, right in the screen!
    Just don't chuck a camera at it :')
    January 25th, 2010 at 05:29am
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It has been two weeks since i last spoke to Kyle. He wasn't answering my calls or text, like i was the one that did something wrong that night.

    Kyle is twat, la la la la la...

    On a brighter note me and Gus have gotten closer since that night. He rings me every other day to see how i am and if i had been up to anything interesting.

    What a babe.
    He was so happy to see you on Wednesday, too :3

    It felt weird at first because i wasn't use to this sort of attention, I never recieved it from Kyle i was always the one giving it, but nothing big has happened between us yet, which is all going to change tonight.

    Kyle is STILL a twat, la la la la la :)

    Kimmie was throwing a party, and i was going to make sure he was going to notice me and hopefully fall for me.

    Just sayin'.

    I have spent all day looking for the right dress for tonight but it just wasn't happening, this was never like me to worry about what i'm going to wear, this time is different i wanted to look nice for Gus. As i threw myself on my bed i felt my phone vibrate. It was Kimmie

    When you answer, I was planning on saying, "I know you have nothing to wear. You're shit, we're going shopping, now get in your imaginary car and come pick me up."
    But you obviously didn't let me speak first. ¬_¬

    "Thank god you called, i have nothing to wear tonight, what am i going to do?"

    "Hello to you too" She laughed "Don't worrying i don't have anything either thats why we are going shopping. Pick me up in 10?" She asked

    "Of course, see ya soon"

    You're useless. I'm a genius.

    Two hours later we was still roaming around the town center, Kimmie had found something to wear, me on the other hand was very fussy when it came to clothes.

    "How long till people start arriving" I asked. Kimmie looked at her watch

    "3 hours" Shit i need to find something quickly

    "Right next shop we go in we are not leaving till i have found something"

    We had been in the last shop now for the past half an hour and Kimmie was getting impatience.

    You're shit. But I love shoppinggggggg.
    And I think you meant to write 'impatient'. :')

    "We have been in all the shops in town, there must be something you like" as she said this something sparkly caught my eye i look at the mannequin next to me. I have found the perfect outfit


    Two hours later i was nearly ready. As i finished apply my eyeliner my phone started to go off making me jump. It was a text from Gus saying he was going to be a little late, there was a accident on the moterway and they was caught up in the traffic. I quickly texted him back and finished my make up and off i went. Once i got to Kimmie's house i noticed a few people waiting at the door already, and seeing as Kimmie told me to just walk in, i let them in with me. The living room was filled with the sound of Lady Gaga singing poker face. One of my fav songs to get me in the mood to party. I made my way to her kitchen only to find her and Lee snogging.

    Fuck off, have you seen that boy?
    He could distract me at any second without fail!
    Okay, so he hasn't got John's arms. <3
    But seriously, can you blame me? It ISSSSSS Lee ;D
    Nom <33

    "Ew no wonder you wonder you we left stood outside, she too busy sucking somebody's face off" This made her jump, and i started giggling like mad. " Where are the rest of Deaf Havana" I asked Lee.

    Actual lols.
    But if you said something, I relly wouldn't have jumped, or stopped...
    Yeah, carry one! :'D

    "They went out to get beer like half a hour ago, they should be back soon"

    "Ahh okies. I think i might make a trip to the shops too be back soon"

    I bet Ryan's going into every shop he can see to find J.D. Bet you anything.
    Was I right? Yeah? Thought so ;]

    As i made my way outside, another car pulled up, it was Gus and the guys. Gus was the first one to get out of the car, but as he got out a girl got out too. Who was she?

    JUST NO.
    Or if she's Gustavvvvvvv's girl, Im'a slap her silly.
    But if she's not, she can have one of the other boyyyyssssss.
    Just not John or Gus.

    TIME FOR A DANCE!!!! *raves*
    January 25th, 2010 at 05:29am
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I can't remember if Mibba lets me write things in italics, so I'm testing :D
    January 25th, 2010 at 03:44am
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    oooooooooooh me likeyyyy <3
    January 24th, 2010 at 11:44pm
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Get the next chapter written.
    or die :)
    January 24th, 2010 at 03:21am
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    oh bwaaaah, i love it.
    you better update soon, madam, or else! OR ELSE!
    January 23rd, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    more soon more soon more soon.
    i must find this big drama enchilada. soon, please :'(
    January 13th, 2010 at 09:20pm
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The next morning i was woken up by Kimmie moaning with pain. Thats what you get from drinking too much. I left her a drink and some tablets there last night so i didnt have to get out of bed. Don't see any need to this early especial on a Saturday. I was woken up again a few hour later this time to the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it without looking to see who it was

    Oh per-lease! Need I remind you I don’t get hangovers? ;D
    YOU should be the one suffering from hangovers, may I remind you of my 18th? :p
    Y’know... it could be some mad stalker person that wants to kidnap you & take you to New Zeland... just sayin’.

    "Oh good you're up" It was Kyle "Listen I'm so sorry about last night, but i have a way to make it up to you" He teased

    "How?" I said as he caught my attention
    Fuck off, Kyle. ¬_¬

    "You know how you wanted to see Bring Me The Horizon but they sold out? Well i have tickets for the gig tonight" I screamed after he finished that sentence and jumped outta bed. This woke Kimmie up and wondering why i was jumping up and down on my bed. After i finished talking to Kyle i hung up and let out a huge scream, luckly there was only me and Kimmie in the house

    "Dude what's up" she said still half asleep.

    Oh helllll no. You did NOT just wake me up screaming about BMTH.
    I could shoot you. >:[
    Or I could shoot Kyle, seeing as he’s an utter dick!!

    "I get to see Bring Me tonight" I said smiling like a lunatic. I have been wanting to see this band for a real long time but never had the time to see them because something always pops up.

    "Oh cool, what time is it?" I pointed to the clock on my wall. "Shit, I'm gonna have to go soon. I'm in work at 5."

    Wow, you actually pay attention when I tell you what time I’m going to work? Epicccc :D

    "Well help yourself to food and stuff, i'm going to jump into the shower"
    OKAY! :D

    Few hours later, Kimmie was gone, and i was waiting for Kyle to pick me up. He was already a hour late, what a way for making something up to me. Moments later i heard someone bibbing there car horn violently. I looked out of my window, it was Kyle. What a gentleman! I rushed to the car for one reason i didn't want to be any later to seeing Bring me the horizon.

    Fuck. Off. Kyle. >:[

    The car ride to birmingham was long and quiet. It was unbearably uncomfortable, it shouldnt be like this between boyfriend and girlfriend. If we are still that. Once we got there we spent half an hour trying to find a parking spot, the doors to the venue had opened an hour ago, great.

    What a twat. Im’a kick that idiot in his face, yo!
    Errr, fucking spoon-head! Smack him!

    "Hey, why don't you take your ticket and i'll meet you in there" Kyle finally said.

    Best idea you’ve ever had.
    Twat. ¬_¬

    First words to me in a hour and half. I didn't argue with him, anything to get me out of that car. Once i was out of the car, he sped of down the road, like he wanted me to leave him. Oh well, i am going to have a great time tonight, and not let him ruin it. When i got to the venue, as i handed my ticket to the doorman i heard my name being shouted, at first i thought it was Kyle but he couldn't be back this soon. So i ignored it. Few seconds later, someone picked me up from behind causing me to sqeal. Once my feet were placed back on the floor, i turned around and came face to face with Gus and the rest of Young Guns.

    Just fuck off & die, Kyle. I really don’t like him. :’)
    OHAIIII BOIZZZZZZ!!!1!1!!!one!!1! ;DD

    "Hey, what you doing here?" I asked

    "Its that bands day off, so we decided to come see Bring me the horizon"

    "Oh cool, lets go in i have already missed most of the gig" And off we went into the venue. Tonight is going to be a interesting night.

    Woooooooo, what amazing taste in music they have! ;D
    Hannah will kill me for that, but serious, I’d love to be at a gig with them, other than watching my Norfolk boys with the in Liverpool :’)
    Epic comment 1 out of 927492643204 done :D
    January 12th, 2010 at 01:58am
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The next morning i was woken up by Kimmie moaning with pain. Thats what you get from drinking too much. I left her a drink and some tablets there last night so i didnt have to get out of bed. Don't see any need to this early especial on a Saturday. I was woken up again a few hour later this time to the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it without looking to see who it was

    Oh per-lease! Need I remind you I don’t get hangovers? ;D
    YOU should be the one suffering from hangovers, may I remind you of my 18th? :p
    Y’know... it could be some mad stalker person that wants to kidnap you & take you to New Zeland... just sayin’.

    "Oh good you're up" It was Kyle "Listen I'm so sorry about last night, but i have a way to make it up to you" He teased

    "How?" I said as he caught my attention

    Fuck off, Kyle. ¬_¬

    "You know how you wanted to see Bring Me The Horizon but they sold out? Well i have tickets for the gig tonight" I screamed after he finished that sentence and jumped outta bed. This woke Kimmie up and wondering why i was jumping up and down on my bed. After i finished talking to Kyle i hung up and let out a huge scream, luckly there was only me and Kimmie in the house

    "Dude what's up" she said still half asleep.

    Oh helllll no. You did NOT just wake me up screaming about BMTH.
    I could shoot you. >:[
    Or I could shoot Kyle, seeing as he’s an utter dick!!

    "I get to see Bring Me tonight" I said smiling like a lunatic. I have been wanting to see this band for a real long time but never had the time to see them because something always pops up.

    "Oh cool, what time is it?" I pointed to the clock on my wall. "Shit, I'm gonna have to go soon. I'm in work at 5."

    Wow, you actually pay attention when I tell you what time I’m going to work? Epicccc :D

    "Well help yourself to food and stuff, i'm going to jump into the shower"
    OKAY! :D

    Few hours later, Kimmie was gone, and i was waiting for Kyle to pick me up. He was already a hour late, what a way for making something up to me. Moments later i heard someone bibbing there car horn violently. I looked out of my window, it was Kyle. What a gentleman! I rushed to the car for one reason i didn't want to be any later to seeing Bring me the horizon.
    Fuck. Off. Kyle. >:[

    The car ride to birmingham was long and quiet. It was unbearably uncomfortable, it shouldnt be like this between boyfriend and girlfriend. If we are still that. Once we got there we spent half an hour trying to find a parking spot, the doors to the venue had opened an hour ago, great.
    What a twat. Im’a kick that idiot in his face, yo!
    Errr, fucking spoon-head! Smack him!

    "Hey, why don't you take your ticket and i'll meet you in there" Kyle finally said.
    Best idea you’ve ever had.
    Twat. ¬_¬
    First words to me in a hour and half. I didn't argue with him, anything to get me out of that car. Once i was out of the car, he sped of down the road, like he wanted me to leave him. Oh well, i am going to have a great time tonight, and not let him ruin it. When i got to the venue, as i handed my ticket to the doorman i heard my name being shouted, at first i thought it was Kyle but he couldn't be back this soon. So i ignored it. Few seconds later, someone picked me up from behind causing me to sqeal. Once my feet were placed back on the floor, i turned around and came face to face with Gus and the rest of Young Guns
    Just fuck off & die, Kyle. I really don’t like him. :’)
    OHAIIII BOIZZZZZZ!!!1!1!!!one!!1! ;DD

    "Hey, what you doing here?" I asked

    "Its that bands day off, so we decided to come see Bring me the horizon"

    "Oh cool, lets go in i have already missed most of the gig" And off we went into the venue. Tonight is going to be a interesting night.

    Woooooooo, what amazing taste in music they have! ;D
    Hannah will kill me for that, but serious, I’d love to be at a gig with them, other than watching my Norfolk boys with the in Liverpool :’)
    Epic comment 1 out of 927492643204 done :D
    January 12th, 2010 at 01:36am
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay <3
    bout time ;P
    more soon!! ^.^
    January 11th, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • My Passion

    My Passion (100)

    omg more soon please.
    January 9th, 2010 at 06:57pm
  • Crystal.Clear

    Crystal.Clear (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    A GIRL

    I'll be having words with himmmm ¬_¬
    Whats the sparkly thing we found??? :D
    you know i love this
    om nom nom
    yeahhhh... ;D


    January 9th, 2010 at 04:19pm