Worth The Wait - Comments

  • ohh can't wait to see what she says to that...
    loving this!
    May 23rd, 2010 at 02:19am
  • whoa Siddy boy that's one heck of a proposition!
    May 21st, 2010 at 06:16pm
  • it all depends on what happens the next three chapters and what would come after that
    I love reading this story, but a nice happy ending does have its appeals too
    if continuing the story means just "dragging it out", then wrap it up, if you have good ideas but aren't sure whether you should stop or keep going, you should probably keep going :)
    it depends on what you have in mind...
    May 21st, 2010 at 02:40pm
  • Can I please see your breasts....the breasts the chicken!!! Reminded me of chandler I died of laughter in bed came back to life and woke jul up laughing looooooved it her contoling mother reminds me of these two women I know u might know them darlene and janice hahahah
    April 30th, 2010 at 07:16am
  • I seriously loved this chapter :)
    April 30th, 2010 at 04:02am
  • hahaha I loved how flustered Sidney got when he asked for some chicken...can't believe he slipped up!
    glad her mom is making an effort to get along...can't wait for more!
    April 30th, 2010 at 12:18am
  • Typical mother not wanting to let go of her daughter...That was a great chapter.
    April 29th, 2010 at 08:02pm
  • The more she lost herself in him the more confident she grew. She didn’t care if her parents gave them a hard time because in the long run Sidney was the one who was going to be there for her day in and day out. - - Wow I know this feeling. <3

    “Thank Phoebe but you’re welcome,” her mom said coldly which stung Phoebe in the heart. She felt like she’d brought Sidney into a war zone - - Poor Sid. Wow, pretty bitchy!

    “Babe can I see your breasts? The breasts- the chicken breasts!” he blurted out so quickly and flustered Phoebe’s jaw dropped as she looked at him. She nonchalantly rested her hand on his knee under the table to calm him down and slow down his racing heartbeat. - - Ahahahaha – not the right time for a slip like that but so funny!

    “Well, I’d sure hope the guy I’ve never met who has been doing my daughter would want to come introduce himself.” - - Whoa!!!! HARSH! Seriously Harsh!

    Because he seduced you away from you fiancé! I’m sorry, I know you explained it to me but I can’t help but think he just wanted to screw you and rub it in Mike’s face. Don’t be surprised if he gets bored of you soon. I’m just trying to look out for you Phoebe.” - - OK – I suppose this is a logical fear from her mother.

    I love him and he adores me and we’re getting married this summer whether you support it or not because you know what? He’s there for me and loves me unconditionally and all you do is judge me. - - I’m so glad she’s this confident!!!! Her mom sucks!

    , I love her more than I thought it was possible to love someone. She taught me what love is and how to love someone and I’m not going anywhere.” - - Awwwww Love when sid talks like this.

    I really liked this chapter!!!! Very sweet. Glad they stuck together and got through it!!!! MORE PLEASE!!!!
    April 29th, 2010 at 07:40pm
  • Great update, so glad that her mom came around and started being nice to Sid. That part about the breasts was so funny!! Haven't we all said something like that before to embarrass ourselves in front of the others parents!! Can't wait for more!
    April 29th, 2010 at 06:32pm
  • well thank goodness they didnt let their argument ruin things...
    April 13th, 2010 at 09:03am
  • What the-oh my gosh! Tickets to the Florida Keys? Sid are you nuts?!” she was completely bewildered. - - and excited don’t forget excited. Florida Keys with Sid the Kid – a 50 goal scorer – yeah baby!!!!

    He decided when they were going to see her parents, he made the decision as to when they would find out about their engagement and Phoebe didn’t even get asked if it were alright. - - Ok – so I understand her apprehension. Not sure if everyone else does though.

    Her parents had such a warped opinion of them-both of them knew it. They felt like he came along and messed up her life; corrupted their little girl and made her walk away from what she was supposed to have. Even though Phoebe had talked with her mother, it didn’t change the fact that they didn’t approve - - Typical Philadelphia parents would choose Mike Richards over Sidney Crosby. My parents would very likely make the same choice. IDIOTS (sorry shouldn’t say that about my mom and dad).

    You fuckin were engaged to the biggest asshole in the world and your parents loved him, but you won’t even tell them about us, about how serious this is!” he screamed at her, his feelings hurt and ego bruised. - - he is so right!

    “Fuck this! This is bullshit. Wedding’s off til you grow up,” he screamed at her, his stomach in knots. - - Sid!!!! No!!!!

    You’re too fuckin hot to let you sit alone, and you owe me for the drink,” he spat - - ewwww creepy man! I hate creepy men!

    “If I heard correctly, I don’t think she’s interested. So back the fuck off,” Sidney emerged from behind Phoebe and pushed Dave off of her. - - YES!!!!!

    I saw that guy talking to you and my instincts went into jealous, protection mode. I saw how uncomfortable you were and my anger kind of melted away because yeah you did something horribly dumb, asinine even, but I could see how scared you were.” - - I like jealous protective Sid.

    I was completely wrong. - - Ok I’d probably never say that. :D LOL I’ve been a complete fool and I realized that. I want to marry you, and I don’t care what my parents say or what anyone says. You don’t deserve to be treated the way I treated you today. - - But I’d totally say that!!!!

    How did you manage to get here? How do you always manage to be with me when you’re supposed to be traveling?”
    “I already told you,” he devilishly grinned. “I’m Sidney fucking Crosby.”
    - - Love that. He is Sidney Fucking Crosyb!LOL

    So glad everything worked out. All’s well that ends well and this case I’d say it ended very well.

    No comment on the Devils stuff – but I hope you got to see Sid’s goals yesterday!!! Very Hot!!!!
    April 12th, 2010 at 04:19pm
  • Wow, I was really surprised at how quickly their fight escalated but, I could see why Sid would be upset about not meeting her parents while she was upset that he had made plans without consulting here. I'm just glad that Sid did find her and that they did make up with each other.
    She shouldn't have pushed him away and he should have talked to her about meeting her parents. But, at least now that they've made up they can have a nice mini vacation after Sid meets her parents.
    Hope meeting the parents goes over fairly well.
    April 12th, 2010 at 07:23am
  • So glad that Sid didn't do something stupid after their fight and instead went home to see her and thank goodness he stopped Dave from being able to hurt her in someway! Great update!!
    April 12th, 2010 at 12:59am
  • That was intense!
    April 11th, 2010 at 06:04pm
  • *I'm rick james bitch!*
    thats all i could think about when he said i'm sidney fucking crosby....
    nice update by the way
    April 11th, 2010 at 07:09am
  • lol great update
    April 7th, 2010 at 07:47am
  • Aw, I love how Sid tells Phoebe that he wants their wedding to be everything she ever wanted. He's a romantic when it comes to talking to his fiancee and it's sweet.
    I like that the boys did throw a low key party for the two rather than a huge party that people could look in on. Jordan was Sid's voice of reason when it came to his and Phoebe's relationship and it just seemed appropriate for him to give the congratulatory speech which, was very funny.
    Can't wait to read more.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 11:19pm
  • I liked it a lot. I am anxious to see what happens when she tries to tell her parents about her and Sidney getting married.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 05:19pm
  • Loved Jordan's gift to her!!! So funny! Glad they had a good time at the party. I was really afraid the boys would say something to upset her again like they did before! Can't wait for more!
    April 2nd, 2010 at 03:37pm
  • “Me too. I only plan on doing this one time, so I want it to count. I want it to be everything you’ve always wanted,” he rubbed circles on her lower back with his thumbs. - - GUSH!!! Sidney Crosby. Heavy Sigh. Sorry got lost in the moment.

    “But I’d rather make love to my fiancée than call him,” Sid placed her down on the bed and nibbled at her neck, “If that’s alright with you,” he breathed into her ear. - - UM yeah!!!!

    “No! No, no!” Phoebe bounced up and down on the bed. “Call Jordan first! I want to hear you tell him!” - - awww so cute. :D

    “Phoebe, I hear congratulations are in order,” Jordan waited for the inevitable response and Phoebe did not disappoint. She immediately lifted her hand up and showed her newly decorated wedding finger to him. “Wow, Crosby! Shit man that’s fucking huge! It’s beautiful! I’m so happy for you guys.” glad Jordan can appreciate fine jewelry oh and true love. LOL

    Love Jordan's speach!!! from the America's Most Wanted to the most appropriate present ever! Loved it! So funny you got that in there. :D “And Crosby, next time you get mad at her, look at her in nothing but this shirt and her sexy unmentionables, throw your anger aside and remember on top of everything else that you’re getting laid by a hot girl everyday for the rest of your life. So,” - - ROTFL of course Jordan would say something like this.

    Mmmm a lifetime with Sidney Crosby. Now that's the life right there. Thanks for writing my little fantasy! Such a good update! Love how you got all that stuff in there! So when do we tell the world that the "Marry Me Sid" T-shirt is actually for you? What do you mean we're not? XOXO

    Love the update! Love the party! Love me with Sid. Love Jordan! More please.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 12:30pm