Too Blind to See It! - Comments

  • Lady Looch

    Lady Looch (100)

    United States
    “It’s your birthday Jenna Girl. Did you forget?”
    pshh.. i'm the type of person who begins celebrating my birthday at midnight. right on the dot. how could she not take a moment to party while she was studying :p

    “We’re spending the day at Fekkai Salon complements of one Zach Parise!”
    um.. can i date zach?? have I asked this before? i have?? oh.. opps... :/

    “We have you scheduled for a Brazilian wax. Isn’t that what you wanted for her Ms. James?” The consultant asked.
    HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! not gonna lie.. i'm with jenna on this one.. i would run.

    “Look, I love you, and because of that I’m gonna tell it like it is. Zach is a professional hockey player and he’s not a virgin. He’s seen a lot of pussy…”

    “It’s up to you, but a playground where the grass is mowed gets a lot more play then one full of weeds.”
    OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAA!!!! PHOEBE IS SUCH A CRUDE!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT! she is definitely a favy :D

    “I can bring my phone in and take more pics for Zach if you want.”
    “Don’t you dare,” I scowled as I left the room.

    I swear phoebe does it because she loves jenna's reaction :D that is fucking hilarious :D

    She was so beautiful lying there in her NY Jets pajamas, which I totally knew she'd be wearing by the way.

    I leaned over and kissed her again, then said, "There is nothing I want more than to properly spoil you,"
    yep. can i date him?? shit. i just asked that twice in one comment... :/ okay. but legit.. this is EXACTLY how it should always be. he should spoil her to the bejesus

    I only spent a split second being jealous that it had another man's name on the back.
    i am so not surprised that he felt jealous because of that. zach is one in a million. but he is still a man :p

    I want to show you what Phoebe got me for my birthday." She lifted the green material. My eyes went wide and my mouth went dry.

    sooo awesome!
    i love love love love it!!!
    I'm super happy that he came home. i was hoping that when he wasn't calling it was because he was on his way back to her bed. i was slightly nervous when he didn't find her in her bed, that he would go out to try and find her :p
    anyways! this was awesome, I love the fluff and the amazing presents he got her :D
    what a sweetie :D
    and of course I love the vast amount of entertainment that pheobe had through the whole chapter :D
    more soon??
    (GOING TO READ STAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    June 8th, 2010 at 03:28am
  • bubble332

    bubble332 (100)

    United States
    :0 wow

    more soon??
    June 7th, 2010 at 06:45am
  • penschick8771

    penschick8771 (100)

    United States
    loveddd the update
    jenna sounds like me i would totally be more excited over an autographed jersey from my teams qb than earrings lol
    June 6th, 2010 at 05:04am
  • xoxomusic363

    xoxomusic363 (100)

    United States
    Hahahaa now I'm anxious for the next chapter!!!!!! Awww, Zach is too sweet and too cute :) I love it :) :) :) :D :D :D :P :P :P
    June 6th, 2010 at 01:59am
  • There She Goes.

    There She Goes. (100)

    United States
    haha loved the update.
    loved that Zach wanted her to have the perfect birthday. (:
    update soon?
    June 6th, 2010 at 01:52am
  • iheartshoes

    iheartshoes (100)

    United States
    Phoebe, thank you for my wonderful birthday chapter lol. it was a surprise and i loved it!!! Zach was so cute, setting up the salon appointment and everything with phoebe just to surprise me...her...whatever lol. thats so thoughtful, you can see how in love he really is. phoebe is hilarious, always talking so dirty. and the lingerie? yeah, i remember a certain beautiful hockey player admiring that in phoebe's store for jenna haha.

    i could imagine missing zach so much that i go sleep in his bed lol. how cute it that, and i had a feeling zach would show up--at least i hoped for it--but it was so cute. these two are perfect for each other. not every girl is some sexual whore, and its nice that jenna can get a happy ending wihtout it having to be all about sex. as much as girls would like to think everyone is doing it...they arent. phoebe's extreme, but she represents the girls who are open about it well. and jenna, well, she's more reserved, and that's real and honest. she's vulnerable and i love how well she and phoebe get along.

    oh phoebe. the sanchez jersey. i love it! lol i wish it were real! that is definitely me--loving the football jersey over the diamonds! i mean, they're both fabulous, but...i'm a jets girl lol. you're the best btw. did i mention that? because you are.

    oh i just loved this. it was perfect; it was the perfect birthday present! too bad it isn't real, but hey, i'll take what i can get! thank you so much for writing this! i love seeing how in love zach is with jenna, and how insanely in love she is with's so sweet and you write it so well. cant wait for the next chapter!! (now i gotta go read was a busy birthday weekend...i'll fill you in later lol) love you!!!
    June 5th, 2010 at 09:10pm
  • CheckYesLindsey94

    CheckYesLindsey94 (100)

    United States
    Grrrr, way to leave off there! I loooooved the update though :)
    June 5th, 2010 at 03:16am
  • shopaholic

    shopaholic (100)

    United States
    i love this chapter...i would give anything for a fekkai haircut!! upate soon? preferablly something hot!
    June 5th, 2010 at 12:08am
  • Spanked by Bautista

    Spanked by Bautista (100)

    Honestly, I'd wish Zach would hook up with Pheebs. I know that sounds mean, but Jenna is just getting on my nerves with her whole 'virgin body and her virgin ears' act. The fact that she gets so damn uptight over someone talking raunchy like that makes me wonder just how old she is. Or how damn sheltered of a life the poor girl has had to live. I'm not saying she has to cough up her virginity, but if she's going to do things like 69 with a guy, who the hell is she to scold her best friend on how raunchy she talks? She's going to be in for a rude awakening if and when she ever gets out into the real world. Because she's going to be hearing and seeing a hell of a lot worse, that's for sure. I'm sorry...she just infuriates me all to hell. LOL

    Pheebs is the character that makes me love this story. She's real and she's raw and she takes no shit and tells it like it is. We all need a Pheebs in our life, that's for sure. She never fails to crack me up and I love the way she talks and how she antagonizes Jenna with it. You just know she's getting tired of Jenna's prim and proper and pure act too and that she probably says half that stuff just to get a rise out of her. At least I hope that's why she's doing it. Because if I had a friend like Jenna, I'd be saving the raunchy talk and just smacking the crap out of her.

    And Zach...Zach is wonderful. He's a mixture of all the things that make a great man. Although I do wish he'd tell Jenna it's time to either shit or get off the pot. I mean, if you can do a 69, you're not as prim and proper and pure as you're letting on you are. I thought the gifts that he gave her were wonderful and I'd be more impressed and happy about the jersey too! Diamonds aren't always a girl's best friend!!!!

    This was a great chapter Pheebs. Will we get to see more of the story Pheebs soon? 'Cause I love her.

    Looking forward to more!
    June 4th, 2010 at 08:46pm
  • Jessica;

    Jessica; (100)

    United States
    Haha, I love that he got her a Sanchez jersey.
    Really, perfect for him judging by his happiness at the end.
    More soon. <3
    June 4th, 2010 at 07:00pm
  • TSPensGirl89

    TSPensGirl89 (100)

    United States
    I love Zach's reaction at the end..priceless
    June 4th, 2010 at 02:22pm
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    I love this chapter!! So well done. I really liked the graphic as well. Jenna and Zach are so cute together. Keep up the fabulous work!!!
    June 4th, 2010 at 08:04am
  • skizzle

    skizzle (100)

    United States
    loved the update!!!
    can't wait for more!! =)
    June 4th, 2010 at 07:59am
  • iheartshoes

    iheartshoes (100)

    United States
    this chapter was so different from the others! and it made me laugh!
    um, laying in bed with zach parise after doing very naughty things...yeah, wishing that would happen. and when he brought the pie over i laughed so hard because i thought back to what we talked about lol.

    He fed me another bite and purposely missed, smearing coconut cream on the side of my mouth. “Zach!” I protested.

    “Sorry, needed an excuse to do this…” He smirked and dragged his tongue along my lips till he found the spot with cream. Then he drew his lips together and sucked on my mouth till the cream was gone and my tongue was playing with his.
    --aww true love :)

    i love phoebe, but she's got to learn boundaries!!! travis is great though haha his embarrassment at walking in on them is great.
    I guess it was a bit of a compromising position, and I knew from Phoebe’s open mouth and wide eyes, what she was thinking, Zach in his underwear, me obviously naked under the sheets, of course she was thinking that. Before either of us could react Phoebe did. “OUT!” She yelled, and I wondered how she could handle that volume with her headache. Zach and Travis both looked at her seemingly waiting for more instruction. “I said OUT!!!!”--like i said, i love phoebe, but gosh she should take her own advice and get the eff out!

    Zach peaked his head in without being invited. “When do I get my girlfriend back?”---idk why, but i love the image of this, so damn cute!
    Before he could even respond, Zach was pushed forward and fell through the door as Travis made his way into the room. “I’m hungry woman,” Travis bellowed at her.- i LOVED this haha, travis is so cute!

    oh i just love zach and lol. so cute! their relationship is developing right before our eyes and its so beautiful to see! falling so hard for each other. so wonderfully written! you're so awesome phoebe, don't make me wait too long for the next chapter. i fear there has to be a fight eventually. no guy is THIS perfect...right?
    May 24th, 2010 at 05:34am
  • There She Goes.

    There She Goes. (100)

    United States
    loved it. (:
    haha Phoebe barging in.
    update soon? (:
    May 24th, 2010 at 12:36am
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    awesome chapter! loved that!
    May 23rd, 2010 at 02:37am
  • Lady Looch

    Lady Looch (100)

    United States
    "Are you OK? I never want to make you do something you don't want to do Jenna." Zach was as out of breath as I was, and he pulled me in tight to him, continuing to kiss me anywhere his mouth landed, my lips, my nose, the top of my head.
    oh zach.. you are truly amazing <3 that is sooo soo soo sweet

    Zach was spent, completely spent. He didn't have to tell me for me to know. I could tell by his voice and the way he held me, and by his sleepy kisses.
    that is hot... holy shit.. is it too late to request to be jenna for just one chapter.. and he does stuff like that to me.. jeeesus..

    "I don't know a lot about princesses," he ran his hand through my long blond hair and let it rest on my unclothed back, "but you look more like Sleeping Beauty to me."
    OH! OH! OH! <3 <3 <3 i want that! i want that cuteness and those kinds of snuggles.. and wake up kisses.. :(

    I sat on my knees, knowing how delectable the treats were from that particular bakery and knowing how delectable the man was in my bed.
    uhhh sweets and zach.. YES PLEASE. by the way, where do i sign up?? :D

    “Jenna, baby, if you don’t want a repeat of earlier, I suggest you find a more subtle way to eat your pie.”
    fuck that.... i'd keep going.. BAHAHAHA. i need to stop with the slutty comments

    The only thing she loved more than sex itself was telling me about it afterward.
    HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA sooooooooo true!

    “OK let’s make this a multiple choice thing. Did he A. Use his fingers B. Use his tongue or C. Both?”
    *falls off chair* AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I LOVE PHOEBE! <3!!!

    “She was my best friend first Parise and I don’t care how good you are at muff diving, she’s always going to pick me over you.”

    “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” and proceeded down the hallway and out the door.
    as if travis... :p

    i'm sorry i couldn't read it when it came out..
    i actually had to do my homework.. (BIGGG paper)
    this was sooo amazing (to use Zach's word ;) )
    i loved the whole things between jenna and zach
    i like that everything feels right. it would be terrible if she regretted what was going on.. make things complicated for her and zach and NO ONE wants that.
    I'm pumped for things to keep progressing between them.. you know when the bang.. then get married.. and have babies :D
    cause they are adorable.
    I'm glad phoebe is okay for the most part and SUPER happy that her and travy are gonna give it another whirl :D they are perfect for each other. no joke.
    love the whole sleeping beauty snow white thing. it's perfect.. cause jenna really is a princess in this story :D
    more soon please??
    i seriously can't get enough!
    May 22nd, 2010 at 03:00am
  • Spanked by Bautista

    Spanked by Bautista (100)

    Once again, Pheebs makes up for my strong dislike of Jenna. I am trying so, so, so, so hard to like that character, but her whole 'I'm so much better than you and God's going to grant me eternal salvation because I'm soooo perfect and you're going to burn because you're not' attitude just grates on me. She's the girl that if I met her on the street or in a bar, I'd punch her in the face. In other words, AWESOME writing on your part to create a character like that and bring out such strong emotions in me. I can't remember ever reading a story where the writing was that good that I either really loved or really hated character. So props to you. Once again, you blow me away with your skills!

    The talk between Jenna and Pheebs was absolutely hilarious. I hate to tell Jenna this, but just because you can't say the words out load doesn't make you any less of a dirty girl. If you're going to walk the walk, be prepared to talk the talk. Time to grow up a bit girly and realize what the real world is like out there. You're just lucky he's waiting around as long as he is. RL Zach Parise would be out the freaking door and with the first available puck slut. And it's a massive list that's waiting to service someone like him. I am waiting for the day when she's not so damn uptight about everyone and everything. Where she just lets loose a bit and doesn't get all giggly, little embarrassed school girl about anything that has to do with adulthood and sex. I don't think I've been that embarrassed about sex since I was about thirteen. How'd she ever survive in sex ed class? Sheesh.

    Pheebs. Love her. To death. Now this is someone that I can see existing in real life. She's so real it's scary and I always look forward to chapters that she's in. She honestly brightens up my day and I am glad to see that her and Travis are giving it a go. I think they make a fab couple and def could have something great!!!!!

    Duncs next? Please? I need me some Duncs. And some Burish. I'm not above begging, you know....
    May 21st, 2010 at 08:34pm
  • Jessica;

    Jessica; (100)

    United States
    Aww man I totally thought they did the dirty.
    Well, hah, they kind of did but you know what I mean.
    I can only imagine how how that's gonna be after this last one.
    More soon. <3
    And yesss Phoebe & Travis!
    May 21st, 2010 at 04:50am
  • xoxomusic363

    xoxomusic363 (100)

    United States
    Ahhhh!!!!!!! that was so cute ;) Travis and Phoebe are so perfect for each other. I love it :) and man! I just loved it ;) And oh yeah baby!!!!!!! My Hawks are gonna win!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :D :D :D :P :P :P
    May 21st, 2010 at 04:18am