Keeping On Without You - Comments

  • NeverGiveItUp

    NeverGiveItUp (100)

    United States
    I'm crying. Dude that says a lot.
    August 30th, 2013 at 11:11am
  • CourageKeeper

    CourageKeeper (100)

    United States
    This whole series is so fucking incredible and honestly one of the best things I have ever read.
    The plot and everything could be a real book like.. if this didn't have Oli in it and had several more pages it could be the real deal and it would be fantastic <3 I'm really glad you wrote this even though I'm reading it much later than when it was written... but it kinda helped me in some odd way lol. Anyway I just wanted to say how truly amazing this has been <3
    February 6th, 2013 at 01:42am
  • alisz x

    alisz x (100)

    You have no idea on how much I cried reading this story. It felt horrible. I couldnt even breathe properly, that's how amazing you are. I read the whole thing under two days, the first part and this last one. Really, I have no fucking words to describe my feelings at the moment. I love you for writing this, you are truly amazing <3.
    April 14th, 2011 at 06:45am
  • omgitsapanda

    omgitsapanda (100)

    United States
    I love your story. I started crying at the end. One of the best stories ever!
    You should definitely write an epilogue.
    April 29th, 2010 at 07:04pm
  • Laughing.Disorder

    Laughing.Disorder (100)

    United States
    I love this.
    And the Death Cab quote, I love that you used it :)
    I'm from Quizilla by the way. We used to talk about your story and such. Lol. As you know I loved What We Used To Know, and I love this. Even though the ending for the first story was so sad :P
    Haha, you're such a great writer.
    Or as you knew me from quizilla, xemovampiregirlx
    P.s. sorry I never replied to your last message on there. XP
    March 7th, 2010 at 02:13am
  • Earl Of Slander

    Earl Of Slander (100)

    United States
    I'll be completely honest. There are a couple of reasons why I've been putting off commenting this:
    1) Because it's been so long since it's been over, and whenever that happens to me, I'm always somewhat scared to comment on it because then I'm afraid that the author will think badly of me because I waited so fucking long, and it almost seems pointless considering that it's over.

    2) This story is absolutely heartbreaking. There's this bittersweet mindset I have towards it, and whenever I see that there's been a new post, I'm very excited, but also scared that I'll be really depressed after since it's based off of such tragedy. I guess I need to learn that I just have to suck it up and read because not only is it sad, but it's also very beautiful in its context and characters.

    3) I've been going through a dreaded phase. Every once in a while, I get into a mood where I only want to read and comment stories instead of writing, and then it switches off to cooping myself up in my own stories and distancing away from the mibba world. I need to learn to balance this out somehow someday. (and personally, I think it all begins with taking more breaks from Tumblr in order to get things done).

    Alright, now onto the real feedback.
    and hooooooooooly shit. I just realized that I read up to chapter 4. I have a long way to go!!!!
    geez, you can slap me from across the internet for my laziness.

    Overall, I like the way you use sarcasm in this story. There are two types of it: the natural streak in an individual's personality, and one that grows on you due to horrible events; when you've completely lost everything and have no other alternative to make you feel better than through such a shallow defense mechanism. It shows how much everything has changed Oliver as a person, and one of the great elements you have included in this story.
    It's realistic.
    It's really great.

    Also the sentence structure. There are times when the scene is really descriptive in the pit of his darkest moments (definitely regarding the alcohol), and then when things are going somewhat smoothly it's just a basic outline and shallow evaluations of his feelings. It's as though you're really wanting to magnify his pain, I really like that.

    The way you write about his degrading relationship with drinking...I'm fascinated every time his character describes it. At some points, the reader really only sees it as crippling, but then there's instances where I can even understand on a much lower level how someone would want to keep going back to it. It's a distractor; it brings him away from his problems so he doesn't feel like he's overwhelmed. But the way you write about it is honestly fantastic.

    Oh my god. Chapter 6 was the worst in the absolute, well, worst and greatest way all at once. It hurt reading Tom and Oli's conforntation about his own problem. That Tom knows everything now, just like he hoped he would find out too. It was so intense, and when the reader feels that intensity as well, that's how you can differentiate between the good and bad writers.

    Another easy thing to notice is Oli's complete naivety towards his own problems.
    "Oliver, we’ve all noticed,” Lee put in quietly.

    Liars. No one’s noticed. Tom told them.

    I love that.
    I think it's very important that even though this is a work of fiction that it holds some truth in it, and you are doing a very excellent job at doing so :)

    Oli sticking the ticket above his bed to motivate him to stay away from drinking was utterly genius, but the way. I totally smiled at that part :)

    "The word alcoholic tasted worse than any vomit I had faced after a night of drinking."
    That has to be my favorite line so far. It is amazing.

    I liked the idea of him taking a swig from one bottle, and then emptying another, and repeat. It's as though he's not fully giving up his addiction, but it's definitely an improvement. This can mean that if he does have a relapse, it won't be a violent as if he never got rid of them in the first place.

    Just made it to the last chapter. Oohh... I wonder what's going to happen. This story has me on edge all the fucking time with every update I read. I hope he's getting better as opposed to being ready to hang a noose around his neck!!!

    ....You made me cry.
    I really have nothing to say about this, because I can't think up the exact words that will do my sudden flow of feelings justice. This was one of the best fucking endings I have ever read, and you better make an epilogue.
    February 22nd, 2010 at 03:53am
  • outthewindow.

    outthewindow. (100)

    United States
    So I finally have the time to really read this and give it the comment it deserves.
    While I was reading I was saying to myself, "I don't know what else I can say." Every comment that I've ever left on this story probably don't even come close to summing up why I love this story like I do.
    I think the point the whole thing actually hit me was when Oli told Addie he was an alcoholic. That was when the tears came - not as much as WWUTK, but still tears.
    It sort of built up before that. I kept trying to read faster and faster, but still read with a sort of reverence. I could feel it swelling in my chest. Then Oli broke and I sort of broke down with him. (Oh, crap. I'm getting emotional again.) I don't know how you do it, but as I've said before, you make him so relatable, so human. Image is always a part of Oliver stories, but you really broke him down and put his character in a certain place that I find unique to this story.
    You've done a.... I don't even have a word good enough to describe what an amazing job you've done with this story. If I could I would repeat everything I've said in past comments, but I'm sure that this will be long enough already.
    Now, you should know that once a story I read is finished, I save the summary page to a special folder of my favorites and delete my subscription. However, your story is different. Instead, I will stay subscribed to this story until you take it down (I really hope you never do that), and will most likely re-read WWUTK and KOWY when I feel the need to read an absolutely amazing story.
    Please, whatever you're doing, keep doing it, because it made this story the best fan fiction I have read.
    February 11th, 2010 at 01:48am
  • KelliKapur

    KelliKapur (100)

    United States
    I completely adored every single part of this wondrous story.
    February 8th, 2010 at 08:07am
  • austin carlile.

    austin carlile. (100)

    United States
    Wow this story was absolutely incredible. It was a great last chapter, your imagery is amazingg.
    February 7th, 2010 at 04:48am
  • painting flowers

    painting flowers (100)

    United States
    "It was the most disheartening one-sided conversation I would ever have to bare through." That line really stuck out to me for some reason.
    Thank you so, so much for this amazing story. The imagery, especially in the last chapter, is absolutely amazing. I honestly cannot begin to think of a more perfect ending, though it's sort of bittersweet to see this come to a finish.
    February 7th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • xxxbreelynn

    xxxbreelynn (100)

    United States
    That was amazing.
    February 7th, 2010 at 12:56am
  • mr. owl

    mr. owl (100)

    United States
    I've gotta say, I'm sad that this is over, but that ending was so perfect. It was so sad and I can't imagine Oli just sitting there crying his eyes out and screaming like that. But, you totally created that image of him in my mind and it was perfect.

    Amazing ending.
    February 6th, 2010 at 07:04pm
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    "Looks like the hospital managed everything after she died. "
    that means her mom didn't make it either: /

    "“No, she left about two weeks ago.”"

    and their relatives weren't notified about Addie??

    "I listen to everything you tell me… told me. " made me cry again:(

    I adored both writing is amazing, brilliant. I would love to read one of your stories again, maybe an original, sometime

    It was a great last chapter:)
    February 6th, 2010 at 02:34pm
  • Syn_Sex

    Syn_Sex (100)

    oh no! I have to apologize like 46743582479 times for not commenting before, I guess I just forgot!

    But this ending was brilliant, gosh the whole story was! I love how this story revolved all around oliver and his inner battles with the alcohol and addie and just his depression. And the barely there conversations made it even more intense, and that in a good way>! For the first time it was tom taking care of his bigger brother and I guess it was new for him and even though he couldn't stpo his brother he got him into rehab! I seriously love this story, it's not about falling in love but about being in love when there is no hope :(
    and the ending was so sad, I swear, but amazing, how he was finally reunited with addie again in a way. brilliant! this was the first time ever (in this story) that the reader saw just how much oliver loved addie, in WWUTK it was just all addie, and you couldn't really read into olivers action but in KOWY and especially in the last chapter you could see that she meant the world to him and that he is kind of lost without her.

    and an epilogue woud be great I think! :)
    February 6th, 2010 at 12:55pm
  • mr. owl

    mr. owl (100)

    United States
    How can the next chapter be the last?! D:

    February 6th, 2010 at 01:55am
  • OneErection

    OneErection (100)

    United Kingdom

    Brilliant. Just brilliant. I Likee how depressing it is without her, showing how much he really loved her. Its sorta like all boring and dull without Addie around, which is sort of harsh on his part. But thats life o_O Noone said it was easy or fun or happy.
    AH I Absolutely adore the part where you say everyday was like a battle. ss like a war that hes fighting off, and hes trying to be strong for Addie. Because he knows its whats she would have wanted for him, and its also the best for him. Addie and the band were his life (lyk it said so) and when he lost addie, he went in denial, missing practices and eventually he lost both of the things that kept his life sane. Which is why everyday seems to be going by ever so slowly for him. i Couldnt imagine how much pain Oliver is going through, he lost something utterly close to his heart, Must be torn to shreads and shreads. Everyday it gets worst too, everyday seems longer and less heart filled.

    hes trying to motivate himself to do all the right things, but i wonder how long his motivation is gunna last. You can only motivate yourself for such a short period of time. I hope One day Oliver just dosent wake up and is like "Screw this" and does something stupid, that would be heartbreaking. All that motivation for nothing, it wouldve been. So far, hes doing a fair job of keeping his head up, but he does have those days, where hes just like " This is'nt worth this, i should just stop.." But he always gets back up again and trys for the very best he can strive for.

    This whole story, shows how vulnerable he is, and how vulnerable he can be. I never would have though he would be so.. dull, or insecure. He really needed Addie, and thats clear now.

    Excellent chapter. Thanks for the upload! its appreciated :]

    Always a pleasure reading your stories
    February 3rd, 2010 at 02:29am
  • erika_xtc

    erika_xtc (100)

    United States
    Loved it ^_^ Are you getting stoked for the Warped Tour pre-sale tickets that go on sale March 26th!? I know I am!!! I'm buying my tickets as soon as possible! I'm not gonna miss BMTH XD
    February 2nd, 2010 at 11:07pm
  • xXCyanideTearsXx

    xXCyanideTearsXx (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The new chapter, like the whole of your story, was really well written.
    I always find once I start reading it, I can't stop! =D
    The end was my favourite bit, mainly because Oli didn't expect it, so it was kinda... uplifting? lol.
    I actually didn't notice you hadn't put any dialogue in it, until you mentioned it at the end haha.

    But I did noticed you kinda answered the question I asked last time about Addie's mother.. well more that Oli's going to see Addie, but still. It made me smile =)

    Ahhh, I don't really want this story to come to an end =(
    Hope it goes out with a bang, lol.
    Again, I really liked this chapter, nice job! XD
    February 1st, 2010 at 06:18pm
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    ohh it's almost over:(

    I liked it; even though you didn't describe anything from the wrote what he was feeling so it gives an idea...I will always be a fan of your writing!
    February 1st, 2010 at 04:40pm
  • painting flowers

    painting flowers (100)

    United States
    I expected this chapter to be one of the more melancholy ones, based on the first few paragraphs. But by the end I couldn't keep the smile off my face, because it was just so amazing to realize how much he had to go through before he could be at peace with himself. And until you pointed it out, I didn't even realize there wasn't dialouge.
    Thank you so much for updating =)
    February 1st, 2010 at 04:23am