Keeping On Without You - Comments

  • outthewindow.

    outthewindow. (100)

    United States
    So, when I read the whole welcome back party bit, I smiled really wide,
    'cause when I read, I guess I sort of realized that Oli was truly better.
    And I wanted him to get better,
    because, as I've noted before, you make it too easy for me to get attched to these people you portray with your words.
    And no need to worry about intrest.
    You have a special talent of keeping my attention for a whole chapter without speaking.
    As for the story ending, I'm sad, but still eager for Oli's closure.
    Now, I guess, is the part where I ask "Another soon?" for the last time.
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:27am
  • youwillneverknow

    youwillneverknow (100)

    United States
    : / this is sad occasion, but i have hope. what's going to happen? my prediction? it's going to take him a long time. maybe even a few relapses. He's a headstrong boy-why would he just blindly listen to some rehab doctor? it's just not his style.
    January 28th, 2010 at 09:21pm
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    chapter 9
    btw I'm naming the chapter by the number that appears by this is avtually about the 8th chapter:P

    "he would be disappointed in me again"
    the key word is disappointed!

    "Why not bring it out for one last night?"
    damn...I'm like this with chocolate and sweets:/

    "flow like gold from the glass bottle into the sink "
    I was actually thinking he should do that the moment he opened the capboard.

    "I had to succeed."
    yes you do!

    I cannot believe I've read all the prequel and now I'm gonna have to wait for an update..ooooooohhhhhhhh....I can't wait!!!!

    Before I started reading the sequel I was actually thinking that you would speed things up and he would already be in checking out of rehab and maybe meeting another girl. I liked that it wasn't like that. This is so original. :}:}

    January 26th, 2010 at 07:08pm
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    chapter 8
    wel...moving on doesn't mean forgeting...

    "I still hadn’t dared to let a toe cross onto Addie’s side."
    lol...that was a bit funny...if you take lightly the "misery" of the situation:P

    "I was myself, nothing more, nothing less. I was a mess"
    I think that when you have a work or classes...something to make you get out of bed helps at this point. It makes you deal with the real world and so you have to consider that you can keep wallowing in misery and pain. Because it makes you at least try.

    "“I think you should bring dad in here,”"
    I'm pretty sure that his mom was thinking "what else is there to tell us" :/:/

    He started very nice..just by saying that he's going to check into rehab. Means that he acknowledge the problem and is trying to deal with it.

    "We’ll be there for you.”"

    Lovely chapter:}:}
    I'm back to my notes now:p
    January 26th, 2010 at 03:51pm
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    chapter 5
    I want my mum to cook me my favorite tooooooooo!!!
    okay I'll shut up:p

    I find his reaction quite normal btw.

    "Suddenly getting help just seemed like a waste of time. It seemed like a bad

    idea; I knew I would only end up failing."

    It's in those moments; when you think it doesn't even worth the effort. It's then

    when you need someone to be there for you; someone to help you find some hope

    within your darkness.

    "Having my parents here was much worse than going to their house. Here, I

    couldn’t leave at any time if things got uncomfortable."

    true!! good thinking:p

    I'm pretty sure Tom knows too. A sibling always knows

    chapter 6
    "Starting with telling Tom would be good."
    yup..that would be a good start!!

    "A soft cough, just loud enough to call my attention had my eyes snapping


    thank God!

    "Tom had his suspicion confirmed, and I didn’t have to do a thing.
    And somehow I felt horrible."

    I guess it was because deep down inside he hoped he would get over this alone.

    "“I don’t know if I’m ready,”"
    I wanna slap him!!!!

    "It was a vicious cycle."
    Oh God, how I hate those loops:/

    "You hear that, Addie? I fucking need you. "
    BEST QUOTE!!!!!!!!!:D
    January 25th, 2010 at 06:45pm
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    chapter 21
    from the moment he called a taxi, I had one and only image in my head. And you wrote it near the end.

    "I spent the day in her old bed, laying there with tears leaking out of my eyes and mourning taking over my soul."

    and am thinking now that he should maybe take with him something from her old room...but how can he move on if he does?

    "I couldn’t even fathom having to relay the story again and again."
    I can only think of one person I would have told. I would probably lock myself into the house and just call my mom; just to let her know. Then let the misery have me.
    Everyone should have a time of mourning before they move on. If you never do that and you never actually move on.

    chapter 3
    He did the best thing he could; he told his brother. I suppose Tom will tell the rest so by the time Oliver goes back home, there wont be any questions.

    chapter 4
    I sense a bit of a hurry from Olivers character and I understand the reason; I guess. He wants for time to move on quickly in order for the pain to go away.

    "I needed to step up. "
    get help and then write some lyrics! ;p;p
    January 25th, 2010 at 04:15pm
  • lies.

    lies. (100)

    United States
    I cant even remember the last chapter I commented :(
    I'm such a damn slacker it's not even funny.

    'The cap unscrewed with ease; the way it met my lips even easier.'
    Not gonna lie, that pissed me off. I guess I can understand the whole I'm going to rehab, so I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want until I actually get there mentality - but I just think it would be better to face shit head on instead of waiting around for someone else, or an institution, to help you.

    “That ain’t no laughin’ matter, Oliver,”
    fuck me I love when Tom gets fiesty. It does thing to a girl - even if it's just in a story.

    I feel like it won't be as easy for Oli as we'd like to hope. It's good that he's admitting his problem, but part of me feels like he doesn't really want to do this yet. He's just doing it for his family and because it's what Addie would have wanted.
    Clearly he doesn't want to disappoint people, but you can only fix shit it you really want it. And I don't think he's quite realized yet how fucked up he is and how difficult life is going to be recovering from an addiction on top of the death of a loved one.

    ...but I'm most likely wrong.
    January 25th, 2010 at 01:08am
  • cantcontainit

    cantcontainit (100)

    United States
    It was a decision I didn’t want to make, because as far as I was concerned, Addie Kaston was the best thing to ever happen to me - regardless of the condition I was in now.

    fkjaslfja ahhh. this has to work.
    January 25th, 2010 at 12:17am
  • Vanima-Arwen

    Vanima-Arwen (100)

    Read the intro...loved it :):)

    so many things he could have done...but he didn't...

    I can't wait to start reading the rest of the always, I have to say it; I adore your writing!
    January 24th, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • mr. owl

    mr. owl (100)

    United States
    Again, I'm amazed as to how you capture alcoholism so well. And I'm seriously feeling bad for Tom in this chapter. He's so frazzled about Oliver leaving to rehab and he can hardly keep himself together while Oli just doesn't really give a fuck. So, I'm hoping once Oli is out of rehab, he'll be sober and he'll learn how to treat Tom better, and he'll give Tom a huge thank you for being such a good brother while Oli could hardly stand up straight. Tom is Oli's crutch here.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • outthewindow.

    outthewindow. (100)

    United States
    I truley have no idea how Oli's going to act in rehab,
    but I am really excited to see.
    Hopefully, it'll make him better,
    and not just in the matter of alcohol.
    'Cause I'm really wishing it does.
    Another soon?
    January 23rd, 2010 at 06:43pm
  • xXCyanideTearsXx

    xXCyanideTearsXx (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyhey, I love the new chapter (Chapter 8) =)
    I like the way things are moving- that Oli's finally decided to get help and do something about his alcoholism. It was well written (as always) too! XD

    I have to say though, I find it a little bit difficult to focus on Oli, because I want to know what's happening to Addie's mother. I feel like that's sorta a loose end.
    Does Oli go and see her again, or does she die alone, or does she wake up? =D

    Again, awesome work on this chapter, I can't wait to read more!
    Keep up the good work,
    January 17th, 2010 at 04:47pm
  • outthewindow.

    outthewindow. (100)

    United States
    I kinda feel like I should jump into this story and tell Oli how proud I am of him.
    Which just shows that I'm waaayy too attached to this.
    But really, you write it so well that I feel like everyone is real.
    Another soon?
    January 16th, 2010 at 01:48am
  • mr. owl

    mr. owl (100)

    United States
    I found one, holding it gently in my hand because I knew I would end up stabbing myself with it accidentally if I forgot it was there.

    Haha, I don't know why, but that sentence just like totally made my life. I can see Oliver running around the kitchen and then accidentally stabbing himself because the fact that he had a push pin in his hand completely slipped his mind.

    And the fact that he still has all of Addie's clothes and he hasn't slept on her side of the bed, as well as the fact that he put that ticket on the wall, just makes me so sad for him. It's cute, in a way. But it's also so horrible, because it just seems like he hasn't let go of her. I know that two weeks isn't that much time to do so, but I just feel so bad for him. First, he loses Addie, then he loses the one thing that was at least somewhat of a coping mechanism, even if it was unhealthy. It's just a really sad situation. D:

    Wow. I'm so glad that he finally told his parents. I would feel horrible if I were Oliver, having to sit across the table from them and telling them that, while seeing the looks on their faces. D:
    January 15th, 2010 at 05:52am
  • cantcontainit

    cantcontainit (100)

    United States
    After being home for nearly two weeks now, I still hadn’t dared to let a toe cross onto Addie’s side. I was sincerely doubting that I would ever cross onto that side again, and I liked it that way.

    Her clothes were still in the closet, still occupying drawers in the dresser we had shared as well. Everything that had belonged to her was still here. And I hadn’t the slightest intention of ever moving it. Not at least until I could feel comfortable and not guilty doing so.
    -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawh. <3

    The word alcoholic tasted worse than any vomit I had faced after a night of drinking.
    -so good.
    January 15th, 2010 at 05:18am
  • outthewindow.

    outthewindow. (100)

    United States
    Well all I have to say is "It's about damn time!"
    I feel like I'm just as scared about Oli telling his parents as Oli is about telling them.
    I'm interested to see Oli's stay in rehabilitation (that is, if you follow him into it) and how it works out for him.
    Also I'm curious to see if helps him get over Addie in a way.
    So yeah, I'm just really excited to read more.
    Another soon?
    January 11th, 2010 at 02:45am
  • cantcontainit

    cantcontainit (100)

    United States
    Ooh kicked out of BMTH, haarsh mate.

    Then and there I made a promise to myself that if I completed rehab - fixed myself - I would visit Addie. I would fly all the way to Springfield, to find where she was buried. And I would give her the apology she deserved. I had already written what I should have said, but if I could complete what I needed to do, I would go there and show her what I had become.
    January 10th, 2010 at 02:58am
  • mr. owl

    mr. owl (100)

    United States
    Liars. No one’s noticed. Tom told them.

    I love how Oliver instantly gets mad at Tom. You've portrayed addiction so well in this story, it's amazing. I mean, he gets completely defensive. But I'm also glad you didn't take the 'I'm not an alcoholic' route. That would have just been cliche.

    And I love the way that Tom just sits in the corner, practically hiding from Oliver. I know he feels bad for outing Oliver to everyone, but he couldn't just stand by and watch his brother deteriorate like that. Especially if he decided to go back on tour and drink again.

    “I know you’re mad at me, and I wish you weren’t,”

    That line made me so sad. D: I can just see Tom sitting there, wringing his hands with some type of somber expression on his face, being all upset with himself. D:

    I'm really glad that Oliver is actually checking into rehab. It makes me really happy. ;DD
    January 10th, 2010 at 02:22am
  • Sweater Weather

    Sweater Weather (100)

    This story is amazing and it is definitely going somewhere good. I am so excited to read more.
    January 7th, 2010 at 06:52pm
  • erika_xtc

    erika_xtc (100)

    United States
    That chapter was so heartbreaking to read. I love your writing. I hope the story goes up from here though.
    January 5th, 2010 at 02:33am