The Waiting - Comments

  • For some reason, the title reminds me of the song 'Are We The Waiting' Green Day. I love that song, so I clicked on. Reading the summary, it definitely doesn't have anything to do with GD. x]

    I'm not a fan of left center, I like the story to be right, in the middle. Ah, maybe it's just a personal liking for me. I like how you decided to write about both topics, instead of just one.

    Wow, this had a twist and shock effect. I liked it though. It makes me wonder why the boy is just sitting there, though. Ah, he must be the loner type. I'm assuming the woman and the dog died? Ah, I feel bad for the dog. D: I'm an animal lover.

    For some reason, I had the idea that maybe the woman was going to go and pick the boy up, but I don't think that fits correctly. Or maybe the woman got in a car accident and wrecked into the people who were going to pick the boy up?

    Ah! That's what I love about this story, though. It keeps me wondering and thinking about what happened. It's like being mind fucked; like Shutter Island. xD Maybe I'm thinking to far... Probably.

    But anyway, I really liked this. I really liked that it was simple, but at the end, it leaves you like 'what?' Sort of like a cliffhanger.

    I enjoyed this!
    August 13th, 2010 at 09:46am
  • So short, yet so sweet. I really liked it. I really don't have anything to complain, I loved the ending it was like a wow ending, but great at the same time. I loved it!
    November 19th, 2009 at 03:51am