Je T'aime - Comments

  • Post-It

    Post-It (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awww! This was so cute I am actually still smiling from reading over it again. :D
    Amazingly written, and just perfect.
    Got me feeling all Christmasy again. :)
    November 24th, 2009 at 06:35pm
  • Cameron Hurley;

    Cameron Hurley; (100)

    United States
    Okay, that was adorable, end of story.

    You used the song in such a creative way. I mean, I pictured something like Alex stealing her heart, breaking it, then Jack coming to help her. Never did I picture this.

    Everything was amazing. I love Anabella's parents, not going to lie. But more importantly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your use of detail. Like this part :

    " Her eyes took in the worn look on his face, the dark circles under his eyes telling her hadn't be sleeping. Alex seemed to had morphed into a sullen creature bound by a ghost, something that haunted him not letting him sleep. She took in the black jeans and the simple white button up shirt. It seemed it wasn't a planned outfit to impress but more out of necessity to wear clothes. The black tie hung loosely around his neck making her step forward to lightly fix it. His calloused hand capturing her tiny wrist."

    Things like that make me go insane. It's so well written and makes me, as a writer, jealous.

    You did an excelent job =D You're raising the bar for this contest.
    November 20th, 2009 at 10:43pm