A Healing Touch - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    You know... if I didn't know better, I'd think Matt was losing his mind, what with the hearing things and all.

    Good thing I know better. Not that it'd really matter... I'd still like him even if he was crazier than an eight-nine year old cat lady with dementia. XD

    You know... that look Kaila just gave me and Matt... its a little odd. I think a certain toddler had a vision of his future. It's rather cute how she takes to people so instantly... most kids are so stand off-ish. Though I guess that's really not a horrible thing either... what with stranger danger and all. Come to think of it... it's a rather good thing that I never got kidnapped. I had a bad habit of taking off on my mom in the mall when I was a kid. Hehe.

    Oh. So I'm the first to be telekinetic, eh? Sweet. I'm an individual even in a family full of people with special powers.See. I'm totally smart. I put two and two together and blamed the freak rain on the right person. Go me! *grins*

    Wow. Never been in my own father's house? Then again, I guess it's not that odd, seeing as how I never really knew him. And what with the creepy brother's ghost haunting it, I can't imagine that I'd have any great desire to go in without a pretty fucking awesome reason. You know, like the one I have now. Lol.

    Field trip! Not an ideal place for one, what with the crazy, homicidal ghost of my nutso brother running around, but I guess I can deal with that. I mean, gotta get rid of the fucker somehow. The more we all investigate it, the more likely we are to find out how to do that exactly. Besides... it's better to know what the fuck it is you're up against in that situation. *Nods* Definitely is.

    Ana can sense danger? That's a fucking useful thing, fer sure (maybe). Sorry. It had to be done. I couldn't just leave it hanging like that. Besides... you know your brain woulda added it automatically if I hadn't done so myself. But, anyway, like I said... that's a fucking useful gift.. Way better than Mya's 'I'm a useless empath who only cares about keeping my family's secrets' thing. Yeah. I'm still pissy about that.

    So sue me.

    Okay... if I can't even go into the house before the negative thoughts start attacking me, that can't bode well for this little get together. Not at all. Aww. Cuute. Matt notices that something is totally off with me. Good question. Why am I tellin' him that I can't read him? I mean, really?

    Ooo. More sparks. I like sparks. They're rather nice. XD


    Apparently brother dear wasn't expecting his baby sister to walk through the door with them. Well surprise you fucking maniac. Here I am. And what the fuck? Ghost or not, who the hell does he think he's talking to like that? *Raises eyebrow* Sure as hell couldn't be me, that's for damn sure.

    Ha! Stupid fucker. Someone's locked back in the attic. Serves his crazy ass right, recruiting demons and shit. I repeat, who the fuck does he think he is? I know one thing. I can tell you what he's about to be. A figment of everyone's imagination. *Nods*

    Ut. Oh. Fucking demon, going and trying to kill people. Hasn't there been enough of that shit? First Hale actually succeeds in killin' Val, then he tries to kill Matt, now Mr. I'm a Demon Summoned From Hell By Some Ghost Set On Some Twisted Fuckin' Sense Of Vengeance (that is a ridiculously long nick name isn't it? Kind of a pain in the ass to type out too) is trying kill Ana. Don't fucking think so.

    Okay... so he injured her. Great. You know, at some point someone higher up than Levi is gonna start askin' questions. We really gotta stop frequenting the ER. Lol. Apparently Matt shares my sentiments.

    Looks like everyone else is about to find out about my other rather nifty gift. Can't forget how useful it is either. Lol. Might have had something to do with Matt healing so fast? Riight. I think I had just about everything to do with him healing so fast.

    Looks like me and Ana are bonding rather quickly. Then again, I suppose crazy ghosts and saving lives will do that huh? Anyway... it looks like it's time to forget about Hale for a bit. God knows he's tons of fun to deal with. *Rolls eyes*

    This was an absolutely amazing chapter. I loved it, and I can't wait for the next one!

    Hopefully its up soon.

    That wasn't a hint or anything. Lol.

    November 28th, 2009 at 06:43am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Chapter two is up! I'm so stoked about it... and lemme just tell you... I loved it. Seriously. I dunno that you even know how much I loved it. *nods*

    Mostly because I'm in some serious love with this ficcy already. So you should be impressed with yourself for that.

    Hehe. Looks like its time to reveal more special powers. Since it's a family thing. Ahh... she's an empath. I guess that's helpful. Not sure how, but I guess it could factor in at some point. I'm with Gena though... I wouldn't like people knowing

    Wow. Big sister has some serious mood swings. Are you sure she's not knocked up too? *grins* I'm just sayin'... Hehe.

    I like how Gena points out Ana's over-use of the word boyfriend during what's getting ready to be a huge screaming match. Not that you can really blame Ana for that... she just wants some fucking answers and my bitchy sister doesn't wanna delve into big brother's dark, seedy past so that she can save face? What kind of shit is that. She's not stupid... she knew what he was capable of... so she should be more than fucking willing to help out.

    But maybe that's just me.

    Oh yay! Matt. And me... *grins*. Haha. Matt couldn't drive even if he wanted... he doesn't have a car there! And his friends aren't there either. *Shakes head* Hehe... and now everyone is mauling him. Hehe. Then again... I'm sure they're just glad he's okay. Doesn't make his 'Back the fuck off' reaction any less funny though. Actually... it just makes it a little funnier. And the interaction with Kaila was really super cuute.

    I went Aww. More than once. Yeah... I just admitted that.

    Haha. Obviously Ana doesn't like my sister. Not that you can really blame her... I mean... Mya was sorta bitchy about not helping them. When she should have been more than willing to help 'em out. I mean... just... yeah. I've already ranted this... so I won't repeat it.

    Haha. I like how Angelique's immediate reaction is 'Did that bitch pawn it?'. Lol. And how I'm being nosy because I'm getting funny looks. It really is just like me. Actually... it's a really good thing that I don't have telekinesis in real life. I'd be in everyone's minds all the fucking time. And now we drop the bomb that I'm the daughter no one knows about. Hehe... I love dropping bombshells like that

    Is my sister a hermit? It kinda sounds like it, you know. Then again... if my brother went on a murdering spree I wouldn't wanna face the world either. Oh wait... nut job was my brother too. Haha... I like how I don't even attempt to defend Mya when Ana calls her a bitch. Obviously I agree with her sentiments.

    So Matt thinks he heard someone behind him? Wonder who that could have been... *looks around innocently*

    Okay... So I know. You know I know. But still. It's fun to pretend I'm oblivious sometimes. Hehe.

    Okay... seriously. My brother guy, he's one individual who is seriously fucked in the head. Obviously, he goes around killin' babies and then his ghost goes and fuckin' kills Cara and her husband. Just yeah... its seriously fucked. And all the mysterioso surrounding me and my siblings... and the dad i never really knew.

    I want some answers there. More than I got now... cause I know I'm not tellin' them everything. I think that's was fairly obvious by the way I stopped myself from tellin' why Mya hates our dad... But yeah. At least I'm more willing to give information though.


    But yeah... I loved it. I want some more. Fer seriousness.

    November 24th, 2009 at 07:33pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    That's right.

    First comment belongs to me.

    As per usual.

    And can I just tell you that this is an absolutely epic first chapter to a sequel which I'm sure will be just as epic? Seriously. I loved this first chapter... and not just because it had about twelve tons of Matt/Me interaction. It was seriously just awesome all around.

    Okay... I know thos is random... but I have to share it.

    I just watched some guy on tv hammer a nail into his nose... Not pleasant. At. All.

    And now that I've gotten that out of the way.

    So I'm telekinetic. Awesomeness. And I get the feeling (okay so really I know cause you told me already) I have some special healing powers. Hehe... which explains why Matt's healing so fast. Funny that I can't read his thoughts though. It's probably a nice change of pace.

    Aww. I'm spazzing out, thinking that they're gonna think I'm a freak. Pfft. Yeah right. Not after the last few weeks they've been having. That's the last thing they're gonna think.

    Oh god...

    I pick the most inappropriate times to laugh. I really do. And it's not just a problem I have in fics either. It's an issue I struggle with in real life. Hehe.


    Sparks are good.

    Very good.

    And there we go looking at each other like 'what the fuck was that'. Not that you can blame us... I mean... Matt's almost fiancee just died... there shouldn't be sparks with anyone for a long while.

    My sister's name is Mya...

    I have a feeling I know where this is headed.

    And I think I'm gonna feel really guilty for something I didn't even do in a chapter or two.

    Stupid fucking ghosts.

    But really. I love it. It's awesome. I want more of this... soon.

    November 21st, 2009 at 09:52am