That's Where You Take Me - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    It's about time this got updated.

    It was definitely worth the wait though. The fluff was epic. It had me going 'Awww' like every few seconds.

    And Johnny got laid... go him. He really does get so very neglected in that department.

    But seriously...

    The end had to be my absolute favorite. I mean, seriously. I can't even begin to tell you how impressed I was with Zack when he made that move... just. Yeah. My jaw was on the floor and I was staring at the screen nothing short of amazed. And then of course, I fell into a fit of uncontrollable giggling. You can't blame me though... I mean... that's something that I would pull. I never expected it from Zack though. I was very pleasantly surprised.

    But yeah... I loved it.

    And I better not have to wait another month for an update...

    If so...

    I shall be undeniably sad.


    April 19th, 2010 at 08:53am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States




    *Falls over laughing*

    That's exactly what the fucker gets! Thought he could get away with having that thing brought out of the abyss I was perfectly content leaving it in without any repurcussions... Ha! Not fucking likely. He's lucky I decided to beat him with the notebook and not my fist. He's getting off easy if you ask me.

    Haha. And now Matt's telling me to stop beating him? I don't think so. Not after he went and got our mother to drag out that fucking notebook. Oh no... he's getting what he deserves. Ha. Coby tried to use Matt as a shield. *Snorts* That failed. Mostly because Matt's smart enough to know that staying out of my way is the best option he has...


    He just...

    Why'd he take the notebook?! I wasn't finished with it!



    Yess. That's right. Distract him and then steal the notebook back. *Glances at Coby* It's not so funny now that I have it back, is it?


    He just called Matt easy. Oh well. Lol. Apparently Matt feels the same way as I do about it. I'd just like to say he's a smart man. When given the options of being called a traitor or sleeping on the couch for a month he chooses the former rather than the latter. At least he's aware of what will keep him breathing. Hehe.

    *Falls over laughing again*

    Yess! I threw it at his face! Too bad it didn't connect. I'd have loved to see him explain that bruise. *giggles*

    Gah. Way to ruin an evening. Why did Val and Gena have to show up? Seriously, I'm sure everything was peaches and gravy (... ick. can you imagine actually eating that? *shudders*) 'til they walked in. In fact, I'm positive it was. Now everyone's gonna be all bitchy and in a bad mood. Remind me to thank them for that.



    Really. If I couldn't be the one to smack the shit out of her I'm glad it was Michelle. I also love how stunned Val is by it. It made me laugh.

    Oh. And there goes Gena starting her shit with Frankee. I sincerely hope that those two know what they're doing, starting shit with all of us. *Nods* I mean, really? It's just not the smart thing to do. Especially if you've done any amount of thinking about it.

    But yeah.

    I loved this.

    Really and truly.

    Update soon, mmkay?


    Otherwise I'll be sad.


    March 11th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved it.

    Abso-fucking-lutely loved it.

    If I seem a little giddy, blame the music I'm listening to...

    *Glances at iPod*

    I can't help that it chose to play Romanian pop after all...

    *Starts singing along in Romanian*

    Mmkay. I'm done with that now...


    That stupid fucking notebook. I know I said that in the last comment, but I really do mean it.

    I have big plans for that thing though...

    Unfortunately those plans don't include torching it... because you denied me that...

    But what I get to do is the next best thing to destroying it.

    After all... it's only fair that I get a little poetic justice since Matt had to go and read the damn thing...


    Haha. I like how I'm threatening to make him sleep on the couch if he doesn't shut up about it. I mean, sure technically he could go and sleep in a guest room, but as crazy and hormonal as I am? I highly doubt he'd take that chance. Especially after the hot water he almost found himself in when we were all in Montana. Lol.


    Car sex.


    At least we're in the garage this time... and not some dirty bar parking lot. XD


    Cuute-ness between Median and Brian. Seriously. It was just adorable. Especially when he told her how he was cock-blocked the first time they met. I mean hell, the only reason it happened that night we went to the bar is because Matt and I were behaving like a pair of horny teenagers and couldn't hold out any longer. Otherwise...



    Did he just tattle to her about us beating his ass?


    Remind me to punch him in the arm next time I see him. I won't hit him in the face since apparently Median likes him pretty.



    Are you serious. Val and Gena are scheming against me? Well... me and Frankee... but mostly me. *Shakes head* How fucking ridiculous. I mean, really, I had nothing to do with Zack dumping Gena, or Matt dumping Val...

    Okay... so maybe I had a lot to do with the fact that Matt didn't take her back...

    But she's the one that fucking cheated on him!

    Haha. She's jealous.

    She's pissed because I've got the nice, shiny engagement ring that she never did.


    Now ask me if I care how pissed off she is?

    I just hope, whatever the two of them cook up, is worth what they get afterward.


    Lookit that. Johnny being all sweet and attentive. Makes me smile.


    But yeah... I loved it.

    Update it.


    Because I can't wait to see what happens next.


    February 25th, 2010 at 02:33am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Stupid fucking notebook.

    Coby just had to go there... didn't he? I mean, seriously. That just wasn't right. He should have left that notebook buried under years of accumulated school crap. More precisely, under all the cute finger paintings and hand print wreaths from kindergarten. *nods*

    Buut no.

    He just couldn't let it be. It was bad enough he brought it up. And now Matt's got it in his possession. I swear to god, if anyone else sees that... I will kill someone. Probably Coby... since he's the one that started it all.


    That bit between Michelle and Alex was pretty cuute. *nods*


    Well. At least Casey knows Coby's being mean to me... *sniffs*. He should be careful though. I'm knocked up, and he should know I'm prone to tears. Lol.

    Wow. Kissing her to shut her the fuck up...

    Didn't Matt use that same tactic with me in the first few chapters?

    Damn it for being so damn effective too...

    But yeah... I loved it. *nods*

    I was rad...

    Except for that whole 'mortifying notebook' thing.

    I could have done without it, lol.

    Update soon.

    February 16th, 2010 at 12:30am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    So I loved it.

    Really and truly. *Grins*

    Daww. Me and Matt fluff. Cuute. He brought me breakfast in bed. That's so freakin' sweet. Too bad it looks like we won't be eating that breakfast anytime soon. Mostly because I decided sex was far more important than stuffing my face. Then again, it is Matt, so you can't really blame me.


    God. You know, I know I've said it a bunch, but her parents are total douche bags. Seriously. I mean, what would they do and/or say if she really was a lesbian? Or at the very least bi-sexual? Oh I bet they'd throw a fit of epic proportions. *Nods* In fact, I know they would. They're just the type of small town, uptight, our way or no way sort known for that kind of thing. They just fail at life, and if that's the way they're gonna be then Median doesn't need them in her life. Us kids in California are more hardcore anyways. Lol.

    God. Coby just doesn't know when to shut up does he? Nope. Definitely not. Haha. Well at least Matt's telling him to. *Nods*

    He just called me a hoe!

    Some brother...

    Oh... good. I hit him. He fucking deserved it...

    Tattle tail. That be what he is... *Nods*

    And his wife just turned on him... Haha!

    Hehe. So yeah...

    Can't wait fer the next one...


    I love them.

    But you knew that already.

    January 20th, 2010 at 03:12am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    So I loved it.

    Really and truly. *Grins*

    Daww. Me and Matt fluff. Cuute. He brought me breakfast in bed. That's so freakin' sweet. Too bad it looks like we won't be eating that breakfast anytime soon. Mostly because I decided sex was far more important than stuffing my face. Then again, it is Matt, so you can't really blame me.


    God. You know, I know I've said it a bunch, but her parents are total douche bags. Seriously. I mean, what would they do and/or say if she really was a lesbian? Or at the very least bi-sexual? Oh I bet they'd throw a fit of epic proportions. *Nods* In fact, I know they would. They're just the type of small town, uptight, our way or no way sort known for that kind of thing. They just fail at life, and if that's the way they're gonna be then Median doesn't need them in her life. Us kids in California are more hardcore anyways. Lol.

    God. Coby just doesn't know when to shut up does he? Nope. Definitely not. Haha. Well at least Matt's telling him to. *Nods*

    He just called me a hoe!

    Some brother...

    Oh... good. I hit him. He fucking deserved it...

    Tattle tail. That be what he is... *Nods*

    And his wife just turned on him... Haha!

    Hehe. So yeah...

    Can't wait fer the next one...


    I love them.

    But you knew that already.

    January 20th, 2010 at 03:12am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States



    That fucking ending.... Just... Yeah.

    I think I've turned into a puddle of goo. Seriously. It was just so cuute and sweet and yeah. I think you get the point. It was fucking amazing. As usual, I had a blast writing all the dialogue. It was fucking hilarious.

    But that bit at the end.

    Totally my favorite part of the update.


    Definitely was.

    Can't wait fer the next one.

    Fer seriousness.

    It'll be up soon right?



    January 17th, 2010 at 11:43am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Loved it.

    It was so appropriately titled too. *Giggles*

    I love how we all just roll up to Median's parents house like we own the place. I can totally see it going down exactly like that too. Not at all surprised that Matt was the one to instigate the fight this time either, lol. Them trying to out number Matt, however, so not cool. Like I said, good thing he didn't do too much damage to Matt cause I'd throw a fucking fit, seriously. *Nods*

    You know its true.

    Ahh... now its time to go out and scare then entire town, not just her family. Should be fun. Haha. Gagging at the country music being played. That sounds exactly like me. Lol. In fact, I do that regularly. Oh thank god. We abducted the juke box. About fucking time. I think my ears were starting to bleed.

    Hehe. Pour Some Sugar On Me... I bet that brings back a lot of good memories fer the Sevenfold boys. I'm just rather impressed that Coby's not trying to maim Matt fer touching his baby sister inappropriately in his presence. Lol.

    Haha. Epic ending, fer sure. I wouldn't be surprised if her mom dropped dead right then. *giggles*



    I like 'em.

    You know that.

    That means you'll have one for me soon, yeah?


    January 9th, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    This was epic. It really was.

    I gotta say though. I feel really bad fer Brian. He may have deserved to get his ass kicked... okay so he didn't even really deserve that... mostly because I think its fair to say he got his ass kicked plenty by me, Lacey, and Matt. What I'm positive of though, is that he most definitely didn't deserve to go through a sliding glass door and get stabbed.


    She calls Lacey, thinking that's her safest option. Haha. I also like how calling me or even Michelle doesn't even cross her mind though. Mostly because she knows we'd tattle. That's right... I'm not denying it. Fuck... Matt wouldn't even have to call the guys because I'd probably be dialing one of their numbers as I was telling him what happened.

    At least I admit it.

    Haha. I like how Brian warns her that her brother is in for an ass kicking. And he totally is. I mean, come on... he put Brian through a glass door! I wouldn't be surprised if he gets his ass chewed out by us girls after the boys beat the hell out of him. We all know I like to verbally abuse people. Never mind the fact that I'm really good at it. Lol.

    Aww. Cuute.

    Its about time those two worked their shit out.

    Oh lookit that. Pissed off parents. Oh well. They'll get over it. If not... *shrugs* big fucking deal. She's got all us 'weirdos' out in California and we're way cooler anyway. Hehe.

    So yeah.

    I can't wait to see what happens when the guys get there.

    So do me a favor...

    Update this.


    Otherwise I might cry...

    *Nods solemnly*

    January 8th, 2010 at 06:02am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Loved it.

    About time Brian got off his ass and went after her, really. He's lucky I didn't kick him in the shin when he told me to shut up though. Lol.

    Poor Brian. Talk about fuckin' culture shock. He has no idea what he just walked into. He's sure as hell about to find out though. Montana is definitely not California that's for damn sure.

    *Falls off chair laughing... again*

    Seriously. Her dad's name sends me into hysterical giggle fits. I keep picturing him feeding stale crackers to a racoon while a little hummingbird tries to slowly decapitate him. And all the while her mom's watching in an buckskin dress...


    Mmkay... I'm done now.

    *Giggles a little more*

    Yeah. Done. Definitely.

    I want an update soon.

    Mostly 'cause I wanna know what her brother does to Brian....


    December 23rd, 2009 at 06:23am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Yeah. I totally loved this.

    When don't I though? Lol. Seriously.

    This chapter was amazing. I really do feel super bad fer Brian though, poor guy. At least Median's slowly coming to realize she should have maybe, possibly let him finish a sentence though. Hehe.

    That bit with Matt and I was pretty epic to. *grins* Then again, I think anything involving Matt and I (So long as we're not fighting and/or trying to kill one another) is pretty epic. *Nods*


    What the fucking fuck? Seriously? Why is she going to Montana? That's just... no. I told her I wasn't gonna be happy if I had to drag her ass back. Not happy at all... *Glares*

    This was not in the plan... not at all.

    I want updates.


    Stupid fucking cliffhangers.

    December 22nd, 2009 at 06:31pm
  • bloodravyn

    bloodravyn (100)

    United States
    this is completely awesome!
    December 16th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved it.


    Nevermind the super fast update.

    I can only imagine that sympathetic me is really throwing poor Brian off. I mean... not too long ago I was beating the hell out of him, or letting my fiance beat the life outta him. Can't say that I blame him for being completely confused by that.

    And seriously? Running off to Montana isn't gonna solve anything. Running off to New York didn't solve anything, did it? *shakes head*

    I guess we'll get some answers soon.

    I better be getting an update... quickly.

    You know how I get when I'm sick...

    December 15th, 2009 at 03:40am
  • MsSynnieVengeance

    MsSynnieVengeance (100)

    United States
    -smacks her- she doesnt need to run away!!!! lol
    December 14th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • MsSynnieVengeance

    MsSynnieVengeance (100)

    United States
    I really like this story and I cannot wait for an update xD
    December 13th, 2009 at 09:27pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    This chapter was amazing. Absolutely amazing.

    A whole fucking lot of dialogue... but whatever. Lol. It was fun dialogue.

    It was like an interrogation throughout the entire thing, mostly for Michelle and Brian. I loved how Matt nearly dug his own grave with that 'Wait 'til you get one pregnant' comment. Fuck the bell, his ass was saved my Motley Crue. Lol.

    And the crazy pregnant lady hormones strike again. Seriously. Pregnant women are a blast to write with their crazy mood swings. Hehe. Is that a mildly sadistic thing to take pleasure in? Yeah? Oh well.

    And that cliffhanger ending... *shakes head*

    Yeah. I predict you get some hate mail for that... but not from me. Lol.

    Can't wait for more...

    December 12th, 2009 at 12:50pm
  • LittleMissRESENTMENT

    LittleMissRESENTMENT (100)

    United States
    oh good Lord!! can we hurry up with the next chapter please? I gotta know what Brian thinks/says!!!
    December 8th, 2009 at 03:05pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Seriously. I love the fast updates I've been getting on this. I mean seriously. Three. In twenty-four hours. That's pretty fucking awesome. *Nods*

    I won't ramble about stupid shit right now though. I mean, I think I owe that to you since I did kinda, sorta, maybe, possibly verbally harass you a couple comments ago.

    In my defense, you did have me dump Matt.

    But, yeah... to the actual commenting now...

    Hmm. Why are Median and I arguing? *Looks curious* I suppose I'll find out later. Oh... lookit that. A nice, shiny diamond on my finger. I like when he does that. *Nods* Makes me very happy. Oh, and me and Median are both pregnant. Well if Coby didn't wanna kill him before, I think he might just change his mind. Lol.

    Aww. Cuute. That was a very fluffy bit between Matt and I. *Nods* Not that I mind. I love fluff between Matt and I. It makes me grin. Ahh so Matt knows about Median too. Makes sense. The last thing I need to do is keep secrets from him. It only causes problems. *Looks at chapter nine*

    Sulking Brian huh? He needs to stop being an emo kid, that's for damn sure. Haha. Michelle's there to make sure he goes.Wonder how well that'll go over. It's obviously not. He needs to stop being such a baby about it. I do like how he assumes that I only want him there so I can fuck him up again though. He knows me too well. Except that not it, cause I can't go around beating the hell out of people right now.

    Ooo. Michelle mean's business. She's callin' his dad.


    Papa Gates finds out I want Brian at the party and he's suddenly like 'Be there in ten...' and more than willing to drag his son's ass out of the house. Apparently he's rather fond of me. Woo! It's fun being loved.

    Ha. Median's avoiding Brian? I don't blame her. I wouldn't wanna see him either. Unfortunately, she's very misguided in thinking that Michelle is with him. Not at all the case. I'm sure she'll find out eventually.

    Oh. Look at that. Median and Michelle are getting ready to have a heart to heart. And Median's being all bitchy towards her. Then again, I'll cut her slack since she thinks that Brian and Michelle are together. I'd prolly be bitchy too.

    Ha. Michelle's married. Wasn't expecting that one. Oh. And now she knows what Brian did too. Haha. She wants to fucking kill him too.

    HA! Matt's kicking his ass! Yess!!!


    I shouldn't be so happy about that, should I?

    Oh. Well. I am.

    And they think I'm gonna fucking stop him. Ha!




    Not in this lifetime. Damn... Michelle managed to get me to do it. Only for Matt to tell me to sit the fuck down. They need to make up their damn minds. *Nods* Honestly.

    Oh... now everyone knows Median's knocked up. That's one way of letting the cat out of the bag. Haha, and then I turn around and do the same thing. Only to have Coby walk in at that moment. Awesome. Now he wants to kill Matt again.

    Hehe. And then I tell him I'm engaged the same way. Poor guy. Information overload for sure. *Nods* Ah well. He'll get used to it.

    Well.. I'm out of here. I know you're waiting for this...

    Updates are awesome!

    December 8th, 2009 at 07:19am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Matt's sulking 'cause he wasn't his typical pushy self with me, therefore he didn't talk over me and apologize like he'd wanting. See. Knew I was being an irrational bitch in the last chapter. *Nods*

    Oh. He called Coby. And from the look and sound of things... he is not happy. Not at all. Then again, I suppose I wouldn't be if I were him and had just put my baby sister on a plane to a place on the other side of the country. Yeah. I can see where he wouldn't be exactly happy. Especially not talking to Matt. Who he thinks is at fault for this.

    Nope. Not Matt's fault at all.

    Just his over-emotional sister's.

    So Median and I took of to New York, huh? Remind me to thank Coby for that trip, lol. Wonder what sort of trouble we can get in while we're there. Let's hope no one gets arrested.

    Holy fuck. She's pregnant. Way to fucking go Brian. Seriously. As if he weren't a big enough douche already, he goes and gets her pregnant too. Yeah. He's due for another ass kicking. Oh. And we're gonna go see Coby. Fun times. Wonder why he's being so weird on the phone though. I mean, seriously. It's odd.

    Oh. That makes sense why he's being weird. Sevenfold is there... and what the fuck? Why is Val there? And why the fuck is Matt kissing her?!? Oh. I bet Coby wants to beat the fuck outta him. *Nods* Oh yes. I'm positive he's feeling more than just a little bit murderous. But at least he's being a good big brother and sticking with Median and me instead of going over and beating the stupid outta Matt and Brian.

    And look at that... Val's already whoring around. Big surprise there. *Rolls eyes*


    Apparently he's not very concerned about Val being a skank. He'd rather talk to me. Not that I blame him. I'd rather talk to me too. He's sorry. He really doesn't have much to be sorry about... except for making out with Val earlier that day. He should be sorry about that. But he doesn't have to be, because I had broken up with him. Not like he was cheating on me.

    Hehe. I like how he's the one cutting me off and not letting me talk now. Total role reversal. But it works. It works really well.

    Oh thank god. I got Matt back. Seriously. I was so upset last chapter.

    As that angry rant up there ^^^ proves. Lol.

    I can't wait for the next chapter. So hurry and finish it.


    December 8th, 2009 at 12:30am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    So the beginning starts out nicely. What with Brian bitching about the rather large diamond, which now resides on her finger. Really he should just take it all like a man. Couldn't have hurt that bad. He should just be thankful she didn't decide to kick him in the testicles. *Nods*

    Haha. I love how we all go from conversing about why it is that Brian deserves to have his ass beat into the next fucking month, to congratulating Lacey and Johnny on getting engaged. Or at least that's how it goes until Matt storms into the house, all pissed off.

    Great. No one likes an angry Matt. He's kinda really scary.

    And of course, I'm the sacrificial lamb being led, well shoved, to slaughter. Remind me to thank them for that later. Personally I think that Brian should be the one going in there. It's all his fault anyway. *Nods* That was low of Leana, threatening the brother and all. Not fair. At all.

    My threat to Brian almost makes up for them forcing me to go and deal with pissed off Matt. Almost.

    Wow. Big surprise. He doesn't wanna talk to me. Told those assholes outside sending me in was a bad idea. Should have sent Brian in and let Matt beat him to a bloody pulp first. At least then, when I went in to talk he'd be a bit more agreeable. Damn him, bringing out the full name (Shaddix huh? Guess we know who big brother is...) like that. Totally uncalled for.

    Oh. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Brian slept with Val too? Seriously? Yeah. It's settled. He needs his fucking ass kicked. Hardcore. And the fucker ditched me at prom to go and bang her?!? What the fucking fuck is that shit? Oh yeah... he's definitely got another ass kickin' coming his way. That's for damn fucking sure.

    Yay! Time for Matt and me to make... up....




    Am I a fucking idiot? What the fuck did I just do? I can't believe that shit. I must be half retarded or something because no one, and I do mean no one, in their right fucking mind would dump Matt.


    Is it a bad joke? 'Cause really... its not funny. At all.

    I want Matt back. Now...

    Like as in, this instant. Immediately. Pronto. Chop, chop.

    Arrgh! *Bashes head against desk*

    I'm a fucking moron in this right now. And you! I can't believe you had me dump Matt! What the fuck is that?!? You know that I would never, ever, in a million and half fuckin' years do that.

    And then I just take off like that? What the fucking fuck is wrong with me for Christ's (No, not Johnny) sake?!? Did I suddenly lose my capability to think straight? That's the only explanation that I can fucking come up with. Because yeah... so no happy about this 'Me and Matt broke up' thing right now.





    Okay... so I ran to Median's place. Makes sense actually. That's the last place anyone would think to look for me. And even if they did, I really highly fucking doubt either of us would answer. They'd have better luck breaking the door down and hoping we hadn't managed to escape the apartment in the amount of time it took them to do that. Pizza and beer? I think we need to add some tequila and Jack to that mix. And some rum. It's never a party unless there's rum. Pretty much, we just need a fuck ton of alcohol so we can forget that Brian's a fucking douche and a half and I'm a fucking dumb ass.

    Huh. Michelle punched Matt. He sorta deserves it, but not really. I mean... it's not like he's the dumb fuck who dumped me. Oh no... I did that all on my own. *Shakes head*


    So I think you know what I'm gonna say.

    I want this updated immediately.

    As in ten seconds ago.

    Because I want Matt back dammit.

    I miss him already.


    <333... maybe
    December 7th, 2009 at 11:06am