That's Where You Take Me - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I've been waiting for this chapter since I knew you were working on it. Seriously.

    And you'll be happy to know... it didn't disappoint. Not a single bit.

    *shakes head*

    Oh joy. I'm getting screamed at by Lacey. I mean, really what did she want me to do? Call Median a cab and make sure she got in it before Matt and I left? Or rather, before we fucked in the parking lot while thanking god that no cops decided to pull in and ticket us for indecent exposure. She's a big girl. Besides that... her and Brian have been eying each other since they met. Oh... she's giving the whole 'Yell at Rowan' thing a rest so that we can go and check on Median. That's a relief.

    Aww. Poor Median. She's still fucking miserable. That sucks. Hopefully Lacey and I can cheer her up a bit.

    Okay... so forcing answers outta her probably isn't gonna help a whole helluva lot. Buut... then again we can't help her if we don't know exactly what the problem is can we? Nope... not at all. Alright... I'll be the first to admit that yelling at her... probably not the way to go. But then again, she didn't just have her ass chewed out because she didn't babysit me, did she? Nope. Didn't think so.





    He took her fucking virginity while she was fucking drunk?!? What a fucking douche (and yes I'm reacting as though I hadn't already figured it out and had my initial bitch fit about it)! I mean seriously, he almost couldn't stoop and fucking lower than that. He should have stopped, not just said he would have the morning after. Arrgh! Where is he... 'cause I'm kicking his fucking ass into next fucking week. Maybe even a week or two further than that. Fucking asshole that he is.

    Oh. How convenient. He's sitting at Matt's place when Lacey and I show up. He's gonna fucking regret that. Hehe. Matt's reaction was kinda hilarious. And now it's totally time to bitch Brian out Stupid fucker. Did he really just say that. He apologized? Big fucking whoop. Does he want a fucking medal for that or something? Sorry, but I don't fucking think so.

    Matt and Zacky are being nosy at one of the worst possible times. They should know better than to tempt fate and try and push a really pissed off pair of females for answers. The only ones they're gonna get are very clipped versions of 'shut the fuck up and butt out' at that point. Silly boys.

    Heh... well I inadvertently gave them their answers. And now they're entirely on mine and Lacey's side. Remind me to thank Zack for distracting Brian long enough for me to get a good hit in to Brian's face. Fucker. Oh. Not the first time I've kicked his ass, 'eh? Wonder what he did to deserve it that time. Apparently it was a pretty epic beat down if Matt and Zacky remember it so well. Go me.

    Haha. Lacey. Sure... I'll save some for her, but only because I'm feeling generous right then. Otherwise... I wouldn't be makin' any promises.Everyone's reaction to her violent side was pretty great too. And Leana laughing like that... epic. I can totally see that being her reaction. In fact, I'd be more shocked if it wasn't how she reacted to that situation. Lol.

    The fuck? Why is Michelle trying to stop us? She should know that we wouldn't kick his ass without good reason. I mean, really, its not like we go out of our way to beat the fuck outta our friends for absolutely no reason. Nuh uh. Nope. Not the case.

    Brian is very deserving of this beat down.


    I slept with Brian? Are you kidding me? That is something I wasn't expecting at all.




    As if it wasn't bad enough that Matt now knows I slept with him, he goes and informs everyone that he took my virginity too? Almost seems like its a hobby of his. Fucking douche. Oh good. I punched him in the face again. He totally fucking deserved that. Personally I feel he deserves another blow to the face. Unfortunately, I think that he'd be expecting that one so it really wouldn't be that effective.


    Now I get to explain to Matt how me sleeping with Brian came to be. Fucking awesome. I finally get him and now I have to explain that I've slept with one of his best friends. Multiple times. Fan-fucking-tastic.

    Okay. So sleeping with Brian was kind of a revenge thing. Figures. I'm pretty vindictive that way. And I can only imagine I was pretty fucking devastated by him asking Val out. Definitely doesn't justify me sleeping with Brian... but makes things easier to understand. *Nods*

    Let's just hope Matt isn't too awfully pissed about it.

    Wow. Median's sister-in-law is a fucking bitch. Seriously. Way to be there for your fucking family, that's for sure.

    Okay. I loved this.

    I want more of it.


    Very, very soon.

    December 2nd, 2009 at 08:19pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Why am I not at all surprised that she decided to pick up breakfast at the diner?

    Oh. That's right. Because Lacey is there and apparently she really needs to have a heart to heart with her friend. Not that you can really blame her.

    Admittedly though, the way she greeted Lacey wasn't very nice. Not at all. But she's not having the best of mornings so I suppose that it's forgivable. Only this once though. *Nods*

    Why am I receiving death threats? Seriously. Did Lacey really expect me to keep that great an eye on her and what she was doing? She saw how Matt and I had been acting the entire night. Besides... Matt and I were the last ones to leave other than Brian and Median, so I think that I fulfilled my moral obligation the best I could, short of driving her home myself. And I'm sure she was thankful for that.

    I'm sure she didn't wanna witness the show Matt and I put on in that parking lot. Nor did we want an audience.

    Oh joy. Guess it's time to face the music, huh? I dunno that it's gonna be all that pretty. After all, Median does seem to be pretty upset by what happened between the two of them still. Makes me a bit curious as to what her issue really is about it all.


    So she's really, really upset by whatever it is. The tears make that much obvious.

    At least Brian's being a good guy about it all. You know, instead of leaving her a crying mess like he could have. Though admittedly, only if he wanted his ass kicked for it later. Because, Lacey and I, we'd totally kick his ass after she informed us.

    He would've stopped...

    Oh. My. Fucking. God.

    I know what the fucking issue is now. I can't believe...



    I dunno who this is gonna end up being worse for. Median and all the guilt that comes with that or Brian... who may be in store for some seriously physical injury unto his persons.

    Fuck that maybe thing, me and Lacey are probably gonna rip him a new asshole when we find out. Just... yeah.


    *Takes a moment to get over the shock*

    What the fuck, yo? Why is Lacey trying to burst my ear drum? I mean... seriously... it's not like I could have predicted she was gonna take Brian home and what happened would happen. I'm not a fucking psychic.

    Haha. Go me! Taking a jab at Brian and his ability to *ahem* perform. *grins*

    Oh if only I knew what exactly had transpired between those two the night before... I totally wouldn't be so very nonchalant about it all.

    Fucking wonderful. As if getting screamed at through the phone wasn't awesome enough, Val just walked in and is on her way over.

    So not how I pictured the morning after going.

    And now she wants to start shit? What the fuck is her problem. Isn't it bad enough that she pretty much just used Matt and took advantage of him completely? I mean, really. Doesn't she know when enough is enough? What good is it doing to come over and be a bitch about everything. Especially when she's the one that fucked it all up in the first place. Arrgh!

    Well, at least Michelle has some sense. That's a relief. Aww. She doesn't come around so that Val doesn't start shit. That's nice of her... but really, she should totally hang out with us. Fuck Val and all her temperamental bitch-fits. Michelle can have her own life, and her own fucking friends.

    Wow. I'm leaving Matt alone with Val? Believe me, its not him I don't trust. It's her. Then again, I'm just going outside and if the bitch tries anything, she better just hope Matt is able to stop her before I get back in there and kick her ass.


    I just got him to myself. I'm not about to let the bitch use under-handed tactics to try and steal him away again.

    Uh uh.

    Not a fucking chance.

    Yess! Go Matt! Put her in her fucking place. *grins*

    She really needs to get a fucking clue. I mean, seriously. He says he's got what he's always wanted while looking out the fucking window, directly at me! He really can't get much more obvious about what he was trying to say. *shakes head*


    Hehe. He's right you know. Desperation isn't attractive.

    And for the record. Michelle's ass better be at that party.

    Anyways. I loved this one. As always.

    Can't wait for the next chapter(s).


    November 30th, 2009 at 10:02am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to have two updates for this so very soon. Seriously. Fucking thrilled are the two words that first come to mind. *grins* Especially when I knew such wonderful things were in store for me in them. Lol.

    But anyway... I feel I've made you wait for this long enough so I'm just gonna cut to the chase and start the commenting process. Let's hope you don't end up with two monster like the one I left for A Healing Touch. Because, let's face facts here, those ones are always seriously fucking long. They're the length of some writer's one-shots. But yeah... commenting now.

    What a way to open things in this chapter! Zack and Frankee in bed together naked. If I hadn't witnessed them leaving together the night before (well sorta witnessed it anyway, considering I may have been a bit preoccupied with getting Matt in my pants) I might not have believed it. But I did exactly that so I guess I sorta gotta believe it huh?

    Haha... well at least neither one of them regret it. Gena... oops? Guess they sorta forgot about her? Or not... apparently Zacky dumped her alcoholic ass. Not that you can blame him... I mean, seriously. The key to the liquor cabinet.... not a good necklace. Not at all. She needs to take a vacation to the Betty Ford clinic, that much is obvious.


    I really do like taking jabs at her in this one don't I?

    Ahh well. Makes for some good laughs. *Nods*


    She realizes she just lost her boyfriend so now she's trying to get his friends to talk him into taking her back? Ha! Not fucking likely! Please, please let the bitch call me next so that I can laugh hysterically, hang up, then call Zacky and congratulate him. Assuming I'm not otherwise occupied of course.

    Because we both know if that's the case no one's even answering the phone.

    I don't see why she had to go and fucking bother Johnny and Lacey anyway. I mean, seriously, that's just dumb. Who gives a fuck if she's pissed that she got dumped and then walked into her ex-boyfriend's house to find him in bed with someone else. I'm still lost as to how she imagined Frankee was her friend though. Must be the booze talkin'.

    Oh. And before I forget to mention it...

    Cuute. Johnny and Lacey are engaged now. Good for them.

    Now its time for Jimmy and Leana fluff. I gotta say, those two really are basically perfect for one another. They're both absolutely crazy in the best of ways. Hehe. I think its kinda hilarious that all the guys knew how Matt and I felt for one another, and yet, never tried to get us together when Val up and left Matt. No. They left it all up to us... I gotta say. That's one thing I wouldn't have minded them interfering in. Lol.


    I loved mine and Matt's stare down over the bathroom. Seriously, it was pretty epic. And the fact that I won it makes it even better. Hehe. You know... him watching me get dressed reminds me of 'I Get Off' for some reason or another right now. It doesn't really makes sense since I'm pretty sure I'm only getting dressed, not masturbating while he stands outside a window watching and doing the same.


    Yup. That's definitely not the case. I'm gonna file that in the 'It's because I'm seriously sleep deprived right now' file and leave it there.

    Aww. Matt can't cook. That's okay... besides he probably doesn't really have to worry about it too much. He's got enough women around that care enough about him to cook for him (most specifically me and, since she did give birth to him, his mother). If I were him I'd take advantage of that situation too. *Nods*


    Hello Median.

    Freaking out as she realizes just what she did the night before.

    Well. I suppose that's one way to deal with that predicament. Ignore it completely. And of course the best way to do that is shower and leave for a bit. At least she left him a note though. Can you imagine how serious a blow that woulda been to Brian's ego? I mean c'mon... waking up alone in the apartment of the girl you drunkenly hooked up with? Yeah. Doesn't do much for confidence levels, that's for sure.

    Well. I'm off to go comment chapter seven.

    November 30th, 2009 at 09:15am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Do I even have to tell you how amazing this chapter was? I mean seriously. It was just fucking epic. So what if it was a little shorter than the others. It was still great.

    Haha. Trust us all to end up at the same bar... it only makes things all that much more fun. Especially when its them walking int to all of us girls dancing together. I'm sure we weren't up to no good at all. Not trying to make just about every male being drool. Because the five of us? We'd never do anything like that...

    Was that even kinda believable?


    Didn't think so. Revetahw.

    Pole dancing. Seriously... I could totally be a stripper. I wouldn't... but I could if I wanted, and that's the point. Apparently my friend's didn't know I had it in me though. Lol. I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?

    Okay... I just would like to say that while I may have not exactly been paying attention to them, at least I was the last to abandon Median with Brian! Sure I was pretty much dry humping Matt right in front of them... but at least I held out longer than the rest of 'em! ;p

    And now he's got her in bed. Well up against the door.

    Well that more than we can say for Matt and I, isn't it? The bar parking lot is as far as we got. But really, can you blame me? I waited for him for ages, I'm taking full advantage now, that's for damn fucking sure.

    But yeah... this was amazing. I loved it. I know I've said it already, but I did.

    Can't wait for the next one!

    November 25th, 2009 at 05:58pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Chapter four!

    So Median's working at the bar Frankee's mom owns? Awesome. And lucky for her... Frankee doesn't hate her. That would be awful, working for someone who's daughter hated your guts. It'd be like walking on eggshells constantly.

    Oh. Joy. She's got an irritating co-worker. Sounds like a blast. And she stalks the boys? Fuckin' great. Bitch better stay the fuck away from Matt... otherwise... well we all know what otherwise entails so I'm not even gonna go there right now.

    And what's with bitchy Gena. Oh... she's pissed 'cause Zack gave her a ride? Fucking stupid if you ask me. What's the big fucking deal. Not like she was fucking him in the backseat afterwards. Bitch can cry a river, build a bridge, and hang herself from it.


    That was kinda mean, wasn't it?


    Oh fun times. Girl's night out... should be interesting to say the least. I just hope we can all remember the night before when we wake up the next morning. Lol.

    I'm watching Matt stare down a bottle of alcohol? Wow. Good times... not. About fuckin' time someone got off their ass and took care of the problem for him. Can't stare at it if it's shattered and going down the drain.


    I got some balls and took some initiative. I should have done that forever ago! As is obvious from his reaction. Well, now that all of that is cleared up, by all means, let the me and Matt kissing (maybe more) thing commence!


    Matt's right... he really needs to make a habit of locking his doors so that Zack and whoever else can't just barge in at the worst of times.

    But yeah... I loved it... and now I'm going to read chapter five! Yay! I'm excited for that one... hehe.

    November 25th, 2009 at 05:28pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I can't believe Lacey just ditched her like that. Oh wait... she wanted to bang her boyfriend... so I can totally believe it. At least she left her somewhere she knew she'd be safe.

    Oh. so me and the girl's were cock blockin' Brian huh? Yeah. I bet he was pissed about it. Now ask us if we care. Lol. Serves him right. Why, I'm not sure. But it does for something or another that he's done. I'll tell you when I figure out what.

    What? Why's her mom there? God. If I were her I'd be pissed. And then thinking she can just stay there without any notice. What kind of shit is that anyway? Fuckin' ridiculous, that's for damn sure. Stupid mothers. Thinking they can do whatever the fuck they want. Grr.

    Well at least Median told her to go the fuck away. Just like she shoulda. Pushy, over-bearing, annoying woman that she seems to be.


    I'm done now. On to the next one...

    November 25th, 2009 at 05:07pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    It's time to party.

    Well that and rip Matt outta the bottle of whiskey he seems to like drowning himself in. Why the fuck is he sulking anyway? He could have any fucking woman he wants. Any woman and he's there whining 'cause Val left him? Go out and make her fucking jealous. Men are so stupid about things sometimes. *Shakes head*


    Lacey's threatening Matt. That's pretty classic actually. Oh... don't pour the booze out. That's a horrible thing to do. Drink it yourself, hide it from him... just... don't waste it. Nothing good every came from wasting alcohol like that. And there's Val, being brought up again. God. He really needs to go and bang someone else. I volunteer myself.

    *nods enthusiastically*

    See. Even the girl who dumped the shot agrees that it was a waste. She should feel some guilt about it. I would. And now they're off to meet more people. Fun times. Wow. Way to make Gena look like an alcoholic. I'm impressed. I mean seriously, isn't it a little obsessive to wear the key to the liqour cabinet around your neck? And what's with her laughing at what I said. So I'm head over heels for the guy... nothing funny about it. Bitch.

    Well... I guess that goes to show I'm not a fan of Gena in this one.

    Oh. Looky there. Matt was totally just checkin' me out. I know he was. I mean... why else would he watch me for a minute and then go and chug whatever the fuck he's drinking like that. Ha. He wants in my pants. *does a happy dance*

    Mmkay. so yeah. I'm gonna go and comment the other chapters... and then go read the one you just posted... so... yeah...

    November 25th, 2009 at 04:56pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I'm not the first commentor? BLASPHEMY!

    Okay... I'm over it. Maybe. Just for now... I won't be over it later.

    This was a really awesome first chapter... but then again... I've already told you that, because I got to read it before everyone else.


    Well... at least Median should fit in waay better in California. I hate small towns. They're awful.

    Aww and she's befriended Lacey... who is forcing her into going to a party... haha. Should be an interesting night... that's fer sure.

    I'm off to read some more...


    November 24th, 2009 at 08:21pm
  • toxic infatuation.

    toxic infatuation. (200)

    United States
    Very nice I can't wait to see where this goes!!!!
    November 24th, 2009 at 08:10pm