That One Time - Comments

  • Did u no that its absolutely 100% true that people get hurt for no reason at ALL sometimes in their sleep like really bad... And if it can hurt you it sure can grab your ankle and drag you!!!

    I know countless people who have seen angels and my neighbor she lived in this huge house for most of her life, and every night she saw this figure on her roof.

    I am a christian but i beleive in the paranormal. I know ur honest cos in the BIBLE it has talked about hauntings and demons and demons being trapped in humans.

    It must have been so scary!!!!! Wow count ur lucky stars u wer ok!! I have never had a personal paranormal experience but i beleive in it. There are records of 'out of body' expieriences where peoples spirits come out of their bodies generally when thwy're asleep or in a coma and the spirits go out and dO stuff. o.o freaky!!!! xx
    January 6th, 2011 at 10:40am
  • that type of thing happened to my sister when she thought there was this dark evil figure walking across her room and it began to feel the blankets of her bed and it felt as if he were real. That is freaken scary!
    January 30th, 2010 at 06:35am
  • i don't actually know whether I believe in paranormal activity but I do know that something is out there...i guess that sort of means that I believe in it, i don't know...but otherwise, a great detailed memoir :D this sort of stuff interests me and im glad that you shared your experience with us...
    December 17th, 2009 at 11:07am
  • First off, you already know that I believe in ghosts. This was freaky; I got chills as I was reading it, and my hair stood on end. Something similar happened to me, but I'll most likely only tell you if you ask. It's just... I don't really like thinking about it. That must've experience. At least you weren't the only psychic there though; even if you were just noticing your abilities then, I'm sure that there was some sense of relief knowing that there was someone else there that could see it, too. But your friend that wasn't really psychic that saw it... That's gotta be bad since it showed itself to her.
    December 17th, 2009 at 04:10am
  • People think I'm ludacris when I suggest these things, but here goes:
    I totally, 100% believe in paranormal activity. There is a ton in my house, all the time. It's quite frightening at times, but we had professional paranormal investigators come out. They confirmed our house is haunted by more than one spirit, and are still doing frequent investigations. It's scary, but interesting!
    December 4th, 2009 at 09:39am
  • sounds like you have a demon. i should know. my mom hunts for ghosts.
    November 28th, 2009 at 01:27am