Speak Low If You Speak Love - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States


    Do I even have to tell you how ridiculously cuute the end of this was?


    Yeah... didn't think so. I mean, seriously, all I could do at the end of this is go 'Oh my god... awww... they're so cuute...' *shakes head* Ridiculous right?

    But I loved it anyway. Lol.

    Coby is fallin' for Zoe.


    That much is very obvious at this point. But I think it's adorable so you won't hear me complaining about it, hehe.

    Soo... yeah.

    Update this...

    And please don't make it a month from now...

    Or I shall be very sad.


    And before you get on my ass about how I make you wait a month...

    It's not my fault you update so ridiculously often that I've become accustomed to it.

    I spit out updates as quick as I can, I just happen to be waay too nit-picky about everything. It's the OCD in me, lol.

    Besides... you know my updates are worth the wait...


    I love yew....

    January 30th, 2010 at 08:33am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    That ending was really sweet.

    Seriously. Way to go Matt, putting the over-protective big brother feelings to the side and telling his baby sister to go for it with Zack. I mean, he could be a total selfish jerk about it and be all 'I don't want my friend dating my sister' about it all, but he's choosing to not freak out about it and let them at least give it a try, while still threatening Zack like a good brother should. *sighs* I think he just turned me into a puddle of goo with that one...


    Coby being worried about Zoe was really adorable too. I won't lie... I'm really curious about what's about to go on between the two of them. Hopefully not a drunken hook up. Lol. Then again, Denny's doesn't serve booze so unless they go somewhere else... that's not gonna happen. Thank god. The one she had with Zack was enough thank you.

    But yeah...

    I loved this one.

    Abso-fucking-lutely loved it.

    I can't wait fer the next one...

    Which I've heard from a very reliable source is in the works...



    I couldn't help myself... so leave me be, dammit.

    January 30th, 2010 at 07:06am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Oh holy hell.

    What were those two thinkin'? Really.

    Oh that's right... they were fucking drunk so they weren't. Still... I wouldn't wanna be them. *Shakes head* The interruption as he tried to figure her name out though? Epic. Seriously. I can't wait to see how Matt handles that one... *Tries not to look so excited*

    Haha. And here is where the chapter title makes sense. Three years? Seriously? He waited that long? What the fuck was he thinkin'? I mean, really. If they've been together since high school, and never had problems what was he waiting for? Obviously not the right time... because the right time was waay before Matt proposed to me. I bet she was pissed. I woulda been. Guess it doesn't really matter too much anymore though, does it. I mean, at least he finally asked.

    God. Devyn's mom is a bitch. I mean, I totally expected her to be and all... but this, this goes above and beyond that. I mean really, what good does she think its gonna do to keep her kid away from her father. None. I mean, its not like Coby's a threat to Devyn in any way, shape, or form, and that's the only time its acceptable to keep a kid from one of their parents. *Nods* Good. He's going fer custody. Bet he gets it too... *grins*


    I loved it.

    Always do, you know that.

    Can't wait fer the next one.

    December 27th, 2009 at 07:17pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved it. To bits and teeny pieces.


    It really was an epic chapter though. I seriously love the interaction between Zoe and the guys. It amuses me. Mostly because she has no idea who they are, and therefor is going to have to work out their personalities on her own. She has no idea what she just got herself into.

    Hehe... and meeting the guys' girlfriends was fun. I like how Blaire got all defensive about Jimmy buddying up with Zoe only to relax once she found out it was my cousin. And the 'Not booze honey, sugar' bit had me giggling fer seriousness.

    Even if I didn't know what was gonna happen next, with those last words written in the chapter, I'd be saying 'Famous Last Words'. Seriously. People just fucking jinx themselves when they say and/or think things like that. Really... they bring it on themselves.

    So yeah.

    You know what I'm about to say.

    I want an update.

    In a timely manner.


    December 17th, 2009 at 10:19am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    This chapter was awesome. Seriously. I loved it.

    The bit between me and Coby at the start was awesome. It made me laugh. I wanna hear more about how he kept me from getting my ass kicked in high school though. Lol.

    Gah. Fucking hell woman... Really.

    That was so fucking sappy and cute that I think i said 'Awww' about ninety friggin' times. *shakes head* What have I told you about making me do that?

    And I'm playing matchmaker to boot. Hehe. Why am I not surprised?

    The conversation at the bar is awesome. I love it. And the way you ended it was absolutely amazing. I love that last line of Jimmy's. It made me laugh. Mostly because I totally see Jimmy saying that.

    Mmkay. So... I want more of this, fairly soon.

    Mostly 'cause, like I said, it was epic and I loved it to bits and pieces.

    December 12th, 2009 at 11:46am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Oh god.

    How I loved this third chapter. Seriously. It was just flat out amazing-ness.

    All of it.

    Hehe. Poor Zoe. As if her day hadn't already started out awesome, what with walking into the restaurant to find her bitchy aunt yelling at the staff and trying to fire them, they open up and who walks in? Coby.

    *Shakes head*

    I don't blame her. I'd take off too.

    Hehe. Of course now Coby, Matt, and I have to discuss it while we're eating. Can you blame us? I mean, I dunno about you, but Im fuckin' nosy. I wanna know what's going on when. Lol.

    Haha. I would ask if she was stalking him. It's cute how Matt's like 'Don't say that'. It's because he knows that very well could be the case. It's not. But it could be.

    Well would you look at that. Zoe and I are cousins. Damn... that means bitchy Aunt Jolene is my mom. God that sucks. Haha. I called her a bitch. Well if the shoe fits. Besides maybe if she wasn't I wouldn't feel the need to point it out to her. So, yeah. Totally not me being disrespectful. Just calling it how I see it.


    Gramma left me and Zoe loaded.

    And mom got five hundred grand and a cottage.

    Karma at its best right there.

    Told her she should have been nicer.

    Ooo. Confrontation with Val. Yess.

    Hehe. I can't believe she just called me a gold digger. Riight. Totally a gold digger. What with the 400 million dollars I'm getting ready to inherit and all. She really has my number.

    *Tries to keep a straight face*

    *Fails miserably*

    If she only knew. Coby's outburst at the end made me laugh. It's totally something that he would do.


    You know what I'm gonna say.

    I want an update soon.

    Very soon.

    December 6th, 2009 at 07:32am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    You posted it.

    And I totally loved it. I can't wait to see where you take it.

    I feel really bad for Zoe though... I mean she gets evicted, goes to California, then finds out her grandma's dying.

    Things don't get much suckier than that.

    Oh well. Hopefully things start looking up for her.

    Can't wait for more!

    December 2nd, 2009 at 05:16am