Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone. - Comments

  • Macy Emalia

    Macy Emalia (150)

    United States
    i really like it!
    i already posted the results to the contest so i cant change them, but because you actualy got it in im going to give you a shout out.

    so i can tell that you are not from the USA becuase of what you write (mate, telle, all of that). but im used to it, i have family from england so im used to hearing that.
    gaskarth charm, i love that, i hear it all the time and it makes me smile, so you get points form that! i love the waay that you wrote this, its sweet and kinda an emotional rollercoaster.

    it is great! especialy for a first one-shot!
    November 30th, 2009 at 09:36pm