I'm a teenage boss...in boarding school?hell no! - Comments

  • Sporkette;

    Sporkette; (100)

    United States
    I'll be honest. For a person who's first language is obviously not English, you are better than some people on this website. That's a sad fact for them and for me, but find it as a compliment for yourself. :)

    Just some quick pointers:
    You seem to use your (,) comma placement wrong. You have them like this: so , and OR so ,and. However the comma goes after the first word, and then the space, like this: so, and. You see?

    Also, don't forget to capitalize your sentences and names; include (.,!?) punctuation at the end of your sentences as well [it's sad that plenty of people on Mibba already don't do this]. :) You tend to get tenses wrong, but don't worry about that now, that's one of the things that supposedly makes English so hard to learn. xD

    Just take that first step, and I'm sure they'll come out looking much better. I love your vocabulary, it's quite expressive. :)

    If you want, I'll come back again and review some more. Just leave me a comment on my profile. :D
    December 2nd, 2009 at 01:53am
  • prince zebra

    prince zebra (100)

    United States
    good start but for a seventeen year old she is a little rude, most parents wouldn't raise their kids that way, i thought the english was a little ackward, but it's quite alright, really. You have a good start, I too am writing of a boarding school instance. The sentences could be a bit ackward at times, but that'll improve don't worry.
    December 1st, 2009 at 01:43am
  • prince zebra

    prince zebra (100)

    United States
    good start but for a seventeen year old she is a little rude, most parents wouldn't raise their kids that way, i thought the english was a little ackward, but it's quite alright, really. You have a good start, I too am writing of a boarding school instance. The sentences could be a bit ackward at times, but that'll improve don't worry.
    December 1st, 2009 at 01:43am