The Calming Touch of Metal - Comments

  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Sorry for the delay on your comment; my laptop chose a bad time to act up. Anyways, onto the comment. I always do my comments in subsections about the story, so here it goes.

    I'm not really fond of the premade mibba layouts. I know it really fits your story, but I love it when the authors make their own layouts because that adds more to the feel and intensity of the story. It is readable, however, so it was perfect for setting in a little dark mood and great at being reader-friendly.

    I'd have loved a small summary in the story. The title led me to think it was a story about metal music XD but it turned out to be something not even remotely close to it. I think summaries, even in one-shots, allow for the author to attract more readers and adding a nice, short summary previous to the great content that your story has would certainly get more readers to your story.

    I really loved the plot of your story because of how realistic it is. This is how stalking usually escalates to violence and it's so common and highly correlated that it made me smile (I know it shouldn't have made me smile because it's a serious topic) that you carried it out so realistically, from the microagressions that this man made onto Cat to the life-threatening situation he placed her in. The story is written so well that it allows for these progressions to be shown in just one chapter and it's really perfect that you managed to convey all of the horror and trauma that such experiences carry with them.

    I also loved that you made such a strong leading female character. Even though Cat was placed under such situation, she managed to defend herself and fight. She was smart and strong in such a realistic manner that it doesn't touch on the typical Mary Sueness associated with these types of stories in which the chacarter all of a sudden learns to fight like a professional; she's a regular teenager that managed to pull through such a horrible experience and fight for her life.

    The rawness of the emotions carried through your descriptions do a great job in conveying fear and anxiety. That's what I got the most on the last scene in which he enters to her house. I also liked the descriptions of the actions taken by Cat; it seemed like a combination of a horror/action movie XD but it was a great combination and it worked well with the characters.

    Overall, I liked the piece and, content-wise, I think that the only improvement that it needs lies on having a small summary and that's about it. I know layouts are just an add on that we authors have on mibba, but I think it'd be nice to have a personal layout for such a unique and interesting story. I really enjoyed reading and I will recommend Smile
    May 27th, 2013 at 06:47am