Eyelash Wishes - Comments

  • holy fucking shit dude i love you sooo much for updating this story, cant wait to see what happens next :)
    February 6th, 2014 at 10:24am
  • "...he licked his lips and flipped his hair back, clearly allowing me permission to watch him."

    I laughed out loud at that. Such a way with words you have :P
    August 29th, 2010 at 10:08am
  • Hey. I basically went through and read this entire story in about 3 days...its f**king amazing!! I love it.

    Everything that Gerard and Frank have gone through has been touching. Definitely one of my new favorite Frerards! I am really interested to see what happens with Davey, cuz you know its bound to happen sometime soon!
    Please update soon! I wanna read more of this amazing story! :D
    June 27th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • I miss this toooo!! Cry
    I love all your stories... I need updates. Pretty please? -is cute-
    June 23rd, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
    May 16th, 2009 at 04:27pm
  • Hey, I just subscribed to this story!
    I really really really love it!!!
    You're such a great writer, in fact, I'm sure that I'm subscribed to another one of your amazing stories.
    Eyelash Wishes is just SO sweet. Wow
    Update whenever you can, and thank you so much for writing. :D
    :hug: xoxo ♥
    May 5th, 2009 at 04:55am
  • Uwah!!

    Yay! It's all better!

    Gee came back!

    And they are happy!!


    Update spoon!
    May 3rd, 2009 at 10:55pm
  • Holy balls.
    That was such a good update!
    This story...
    is amazing.

    hands down amazing.

    I sooo can't wait for more!
    April 30th, 2009 at 04:22am
  • That chapter was so adorable and fluffy!
    i loved it!
    it was amazing and showed just how much love Gerard has for Frank!
    more soon?
    April 30th, 2009 at 01:32am
  • Can I start out with the title?? Seriously, I knew I was in for something when I read it!

    Whoa, just whoa. Poor Gerard, standing outside so wrenched, and just gutted. I don't know what I would do if I were him either except just scream and cry and never ever let Frank go...

    Which brings me to being like WHAT THE FUCK DON'T LEAVE FRANK IN THERE ALONE!!!
    I was seriously scared that either Frank was gone or he would have hurt himself or something by the time Gerard got back in side, I was going “Go back inside! Tell him you love him!”

    My previously tainted, broken, beautiful angel baby. My Everything. My Frankie.
    Angel Baby ^_^ Bhahahah, omg, the cuteness and sweetness of that thought! It make me just was to squee and melt at the same time!

    Omg, omg, omg, Frank...he's just SO heartbreaking, the entire scene is!

    He stared up at me through wide, tearful eyes for what seemed like hours; our fingers latched tightly around one another’s as our eyes searched desperately for some sort of reassurance that neither of us were in any position to leave one another.

    Not a single word was spoken until he finally whispered, “Away…”

    Liz, I'm in love with that part, it's so, amazingly beautiful and sad I I'm not sure why I connect so deeply with it. This entire story! The way Gerard has to correct him self to say Frankie, not Frank. How Frank won't kiss him back. Frank's so set on leaving and it's just frustrating and sad but oh so good !

    Gerard's whole new reason for living, and the way he has to tell Frank everything he's feeling. And they both say “I swear to you, I love you more than you will ever, ever know.”

    It just makes me want to scream at the utter perfection of it! ^_^

    Gah, Lizzy <3 I love you sooooooo much! This is amazing, YOU are so amazing.
    And obviously, the way you write has me fucking captivated.
    I can't wait for the next chapter, I honestly can't. You need to write more!!

    As for Like A Prayer.
    I can't believe it didn't even get a nod, it's one of my all time favorite stories Frank's attitude, the plot, the sex Is all amazing. (also, I've got a thing for Church fics, and out of all I've read, my god, it's one of the very very best!)
    Just know that you're an amazingly talented writer and that you're so appreciated and loved! <3
    April 29th, 2009 at 11:18pm
  • amazingness :D
    April 28th, 2009 at 08:09pm
  • In a word...



    You really write the most beautiful, touching, moving, loving scenes, Lizzie. And whenever I think that I expect it from you, you top yourself again and leave me amazed.

    With that final kiss to Frank’s lips, my auto-tuned legs carried me away from our bubble bath sanctuary.

    That is a fantastic first line and the beginning of two paragraphs that really blew me away. You captured the emotion, and the lack of emotion caused by shock, in Gerard so perfectly. It's pretty much how I felt at the end of the last chapter, so I can completely empathize with him. auto-tuned legs and bubble bath sanctuary are both excellent phrases. And when he heard the scream without realizing it came from him. No I could really feel it.

    I had hurt Frank too, just as, if not worse than his ex-boyfriend had.

    Okay, now that's a little over-the-top, Gee. Yes, you freaked out and need to get back to Frankie right away. But it seriously does NOT compare to the things Davey did. Not even close. By the end, I was yelling at him (in my head, of course :P) to quit bitching himself out and just get back inside NOW!!

    At the same time, I was really feeling terrible for Gerard.

    “Gee,” he croaked, looking up at me through wide, tearful eyes. “I’m so sorry. I won’t be here much longer, I promise.”

    And this... This just broke my heart. No, broke isn't nearly strong enough a word. These words shattered my heart into a million pieces and then tap-danced on the bleeding wreckage. This, Lizzie, is where you made me cry. Cry

    I have sworn so many times that I would never make him cry; that I’d always protect him and that I would never hurt him. So many times tonight I have gone and done the exact opposite,

    But that's the hardest part of love, Gerard. True Love, anyway. It's inevitable that you'll hurt the one you love. That you'll make them cry. The more you don't want to... the more you try not to... it seems, the more you do it. It's learning to deal with that and not have your love shattered, that's the hard part. That's the part where you find out if you bend and snap back or if you break. Welcome to the test.

    “Frankie! No, I will not let you go!” I shouted, tightening the grip that I had around his body. By the way he stared up at me with wide, frantic eyes, I was very aware of the fact that I was probably hurting him. As if I hadn’t already caused enough damage to him tonight, I felt this was necessary in convincing him that I was serious about not letting him go.

    Perfect. This is just perfect. He needs to show Frankie that he's willing to fight for him, even fight against Frank himself if need be. I love this part. In Love

    You looked at me as if I was someone that could do no wrong; someone who was innocent. You saw me as this untainted, perfect little angel, and now that you know for sure that I’m the exact opposite of what you imagined,

    Ah, and so here's your half of the test, Frank. Just like we can't keep from hurting those we Love, neither can we ever truly live up to their ideals. It's just another way of letting down the person you most want to hold up in the world -- another thing you have to overcome if you truly want that elusive forever.

    “I’ve said those words before to people but I know now that I have never meant them before until I’ve said them to you. I have never loved anyone the way that I love you, and I never will love anyone else for as long as I live, because you are it for me, Frank.”

    More crying from me. Just because it's too beautiful. Cry

    nothing but the rapid sound of our beating heartbeats and shallow, rugged breaths as we attempted to remember how to breathe filtering in the quiet room around us.

    *happy sigh* Another lovely turn-of-phrase.

    “Oh baby, do I see you. And let me tell you, Frankie, I am so in love with what I see.”

    “You are?” He asked, his voice choking up, though his face broke into a dazzling smile as he peered into my eyes; his hand resting securely around my waist.

    And they pass. *blinks away tears* Because the test here wasn't between the two of them. It was each of them within himself. Frank can let Gerard love him, can accept Gerard's love, even though Gerard knows his past. Gerard can let Frank love him even though he knows he'll hurt Frank sometimes. And sometimes (usually, in my experience), it's far harder to let yourself be Loved than it is to Love someone else.

    “Yes, baby,” I assured him, kissing his lips softly once again. “Thank you for singing me that gorgeous song earlier tonight.

    Was that just earlier tonight? Wow... it seems like forever.

    I’ve been wandering around so aimlessly these past few months, and even years, trying to get a handle on what I wanted out of life, and what I wanted to become.

    I know that Frankie already knows about Gerard's past. But Gerard doesn't know that Frank knows. This passage made me think about it. I really think that, especially in light of all of this, Gerard needs to come clean with Frankie.

    His kiss was calming, sending me to this wonderful, magical land where it was only my Frank and me, and nobody else in the entire world existed.

    And then you top off all the heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching emotion with the cutest, sweetest little detail ever. And that above all else, is why I will ALWAYS read whatever you write, Lizzie. It makes me supremely happy.
    April 28th, 2009 at 05:32am
  • really amazing update that made me cry but thank god frankie is staying
    April 28th, 2009 at 05:02am
  • Okay, so... usually I don't comment on stories because I always forget.
    But that last chapter...
    It made me CRY. Like literally, tears in my eyes, CRY. Cry
    That was probably one of the sweetest things I have ever read.
    So truly, you deserve the comment.
    Bravo. <3333
    April 28th, 2009 at 12:11am
  • this chapter was so sad, i nearly cried, yet so sweet. i love the detail, it's like being there.

    please more please, i love it!
    April 27th, 2009 at 10:18pm
  • Aw.. at first I was kinda worried that you were making it a little too cheesy, but seriously, it warmed my heart. It was the most unclichéd, beautiful, honest, and just damn loving love scene that I have ever ever read, and I was completely riveted the whole way through.

    Well done on yet another awesome chapter, and yeah, I think this is one of my favourite chapters from the whole story. Really, truly can't wait for the next update. Clap
    April 27th, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • wow..that update was amazing, hun! can't wait for some more frankie and gee! tehe
    April 27th, 2009 at 12:02pm
  • nice chappy, that was so cute and loving! I hope teh story isn't over yet
    April 27th, 2009 at 07:35am
  • Beautiful. Fuckin' beautiful. You have a gift.
    April 27th, 2009 at 06:54am
    Prettyful chapter. Such an Aww-fest, but it was an awesome Aww-fest. xD
    April 27th, 2009 at 06:31am