Sunglasses - Comments

  • Love the concept.
    Some grammatical errors, but nothing major.
    All-around great entry.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 01:35am
  • Okay, first I think I will say that I loved the background cos it was so bright! :D

    And second I will say that you really need to check your grammar.
    Here's two examples: '... Wednesday was Brain broke up with me... ' For one, I really hope the guys name isn't 'Brain', secondly, you can't go Wednesday was Brain broke..., you need to lead into the clause with a time adjective, eg. when.
    Second example: '“On weather I’m ready to tell you,” I said, suddenly serious.' Weather?? I think you mean whether...

    Other than that, I think the story was pretty good. It sounds like Kelly has been talking dastardly plans with my friend Lauren.... :S

    Rikki xx
    December 12th, 2009 at 12:03am