The first - Comments

  • I really loved that. I can't believe that this doesn't have any comments yet, it deserves loads. With some oneshots, they're quite short, and the writer has obviously not really wanted to put the effort into developing the idea into a story, and has just quickly written a short 'story'. Even if they have a brilliant and original idea, sometimes it can be ruined with minor laziness, and I feel that that's why a lot of people don't particularly enjoy reading short stories. I myself have been guilty of skipping past a oneshot because I just assume wrongly that it's going to be not very well written. I;ve also quickly written a half-arsed 'crapshot', as my eloquent friend put it. Although the plotline wasn't groundbreaking, it's obvious that you have put a lot of time and effort into the plot, and into how you are going to write it, and that comes across.
    Anyhoo, sorry for my inane ramblings. I can't wait to read more of your work :]

    December 1st, 2010 at 01:18pm