Aurora - Comments

  • ArgonXRoses

    ArgonXRoses (100)

    United States
    Why are the flowers so important!? I know, being a great author so far, that you will explain it. But I'm soo curious!! And Lady Joy and Lord Love kinda freak me out.
    February 6th, 2010 at 06:37am
  • explodenamerda

    explodenamerda (100)

    owwn, beautiful beautiful beautiful *o*
    this story is awesome, i'm loving this, it's so cool this world you've created, really exciting! :D <o>
    February 2nd, 2010 at 07:49pm
  • amelie

    amelie (200)

    United States
    Chapter One: I’ve been meaning to read this story since I saw it on your profile, but I kept becoming distracted or would read it and not fully grasp the words, thus the process of wanting to read the story repeated itself. So, I’ve finally gotten to reading it and I’m so glad I have!

    I was transfixed by the very first paragraph, especially this specific part: (and the simplicity of the layout; that is one of my favorite pictures ⎯ her Flickr stream is beautiful) We were given bows and arrows and were told to shoot, and when we shot, we shot to kill. Other girls were taught to sit and be still, we were taught to run free and dance wild, to braid flowers in our hair, to bite our lips into a blooming red, to wear nothing but fur. I found/find that absolutely beautiful.

    They told us we were different, but I never was so sure. I, personally, feel as if this was Aurora’s personal introduction to the reader. [I feel that] It lets us know she’s slightly stubborn and that there’s, very obviously, more to her than shooting arrows and running free.

    I’m having such a difficult time figuring out what I want to say when it comes to the first chapter. It’s just so lovely and there’s nothing that I want/need/should “critique” or anything of the sorts. You’re such a talented, descriptive writer; you get the reader (or, at least, me) into the story ⎯ swept into the world of the unknown, yearning to learn more and eager to click the “Chapter 2” link.Oh, one thing I noticed was: ...and seven year old Sofia scrambled to the corner... her name is Sofia in this sentence, but then it’s: ...per Sofie's suggestion... Sofie in the next sentence. Although, it might be her nickname....? I’m not one hundred percent sure, though. Never mind, I read on and I realize that it is her nickname, not a misspelling. :)

    Also, (sorry my comment is so skewed; I’m remembering as I go [read]), the fact that Delphine does not “remember” Aurora’s father leads me to believe that she might actually remember him and that he might actually be a wolf. I may or may not be wrong, but that’s my hunch.

    ... I find the wolves and moon concept so alluring and beautiful. I was already very much interested in the story, but then you went onto explain the details behind the story of the Liche Queen and the Moon Queen ⎯ it was beautifully done.

    I find their names peculiar, but beautiful. I’m a fan of something different and I find the names you’ve used fantastic. They’re different, strange, out there, etcetera. In simpler words: awesome.

    Finally, the last few paragraphs made me sort of sad. I doubt it was intentional, but the miniscule situation between Aurora and the dog made me feel sad for Aurora. Obviously, it’s only the first chapter so, we’ll be learning more about her as we (actually, I, because I’m so late on reading this) continue to read the updates, but I was definitely moved.

    Also, random, but: I have a friend named Aurora. >.<

    Chapter Two: I feel like Lunarenstein is a beautiful place ⎯ especially with the mention of fur. I really, truly love fur and I just want to huddle under it, like Aurora. I’m slightly jealous, ahah.

    I admit it, I chuckled at this line: ...the rats in the stables were not very clean or friendly.

    I might be eating my words in the future, but I like Rosalyn’s ferociousness. It’s very blunt and realistic. Straightforward, I s’pose and I really like that, but like I said, I’ll probably be eating my words in the future. xD

    Absolutely beautiful: rained to wash away the world.

    I have a question: what time period is the story set in? Or, is it like an alternate universe?

    ...which made me shove my fingers in between my legs... I have a gutter brain. >.<

    Oh my god, that is so cool. I can’t even explain the feeling that spread through me as I read the sentence where Dog communicates with her. I was so excited... or nervous, one of the two. That’s the most fascinating thing ever. So cool, so cool.

    And the rivers of all the worlds flow from her eyes. You have such a way with words. It’s surreal.

    Oh my gosh, I think I’m in love with this story.

    Chapter Three: You make everything so real. Reading, I feel more and more captivated by this world that Aurora lives in. I don’t know if this’ll make any sense whatsoever, but I feel as if my heart is just... being tucked. Everything is so beautiful, but tragic in some kind of underlined way.

    This, specifically, is so beautiful but so, so sad: Then most of them had fled, had become trees and rocks and rivers and stars.

    1) Probably an oxymoron, but Dog barking is strange to me. :p

    2) I think Nikolae is a wolf/woodland creature of some sort/Dog.

    3) I picture the Liche Queen looking like the witch from Narnia. .___.

    4) Oh my God, it’s him! /fangirl spazz

    I kind of died and went to Heaven during this entire chapter.

    Chapter Four:

    I love horses. I don’t understand how someone can’t love horses, y’know? I’ve been riding since I was four and they’re a big part of my life. I know it’s just Delphine, but c’mon lady, loosen up a little and go ride a horse.

    I’m hoping to find out the story behind Aurora’s father, too, Nikolae. Yeah, I don’t trust you. Take that boy-with-the-brown-eyes-that-might-be-blue-or-hazel-and-strong-features.

    ...I have not died yet so I figured they were okay... Most likely inappropriate, but I laughed when I read that.

    I wonder what the flowers are? My curiosity about them is practically killing me.

    Damn you Nikolae, I hope you[and Rosalyn] get syphilis.

    Chapter Five:

    I don’t want to say that Aurora is such an understanding person (when it comes to Rosalyn), but I’m doing Religions homework and I can’t seem to put my finger on an appropriate word to describe her acts. Her agitation is understandable.

    Firstly, what color are his eyes today?! Secondly, you go for tellin’ him that, Aurora, get it girl.

    Rosalyn is a slut. /eatin’ my words

    Magdalena is a freak. Like, seriously, a straight-up freak. Does she have nothing better to do than spy on Aurora and woodland creatures? And, seriously, make everyone her Lady in Waiting and marrying a prince? How does she plan on finding this prince to marry if she’s going to be heading the school? She’s an idiot ⎯ especially for telling her plan.

    I love the way Rosalyn described Aurora’s beauty. /no longer eatin’ my words

    Oh. :o Intense, Aurora, intense.

    Chapter Six:

    I love outdoors sports as in is and after a two and a half year absence, I’m getting back into the extracurricular world and, hands down, Aurora makes me want to take up archery. I seriously think I’m going to do it, especially since I’m moving to FB so, it’ll make finding an instructor much easier...

    Their ritual of the blood and smearing is peculiar, but understandable, I s’pose.

    I find Aurora having to howl amusing. :p

    I wish she would’ve shot Niamh. Do you know how epic that would have been? It would’ve been kick ass. Also, wow! at the bears. I think they’re lovely and if it wasn’t for them, I never would’ve submitted this Religions assignment on time.

    Oh my goodness, I didn’t really expect that. This Liche Queen is really pissin’ me off. :/

    If Aurora thought of herself as the ugly duckling, when she’s truly beautiful (and we all know she is) and she thinks she has a small chest, she most likely has the biggest jugs known to man and the only reason men/boys turn from her is because she knocks ‘em out!

    Adrian, Prince of Wolves sounds so alluring and dreamy, Emily. I almost always fall for some male character in some story, but I’m totally loving Adrian and we/I know hardly anything about him! Other than the fact that he’s “dangerous,” part wolf, beautiful and well... Adrian.

    Is Aurora going to turn into a wolf?! :p Probably not, but my inner is wondering..________. How can a half wolf man not outrun her? Never mind, it’s Aurora, what am I talking about?

    Wait, holdup: if Adrian is the Prince of Wolves, who is his mother? I’m assuming his father is a wolf and I assumed his mother was too, but then I realized that his mother can be the Liche Queen or Lourdes or somethin’. D:

    Chapter Seven: That night, I dined with the wolves. Oh my goodness, I’m in love with a sentence.

    Oh, she’s Adrian’s intended... and here I thought she was his mother or something.

    Not to sound like a rich, spoiled brat, but the dining hall sounds a lot like the dining hall at this one boarding school I was going to attend when I was in middle school. The school itself was beautiful; it had a library made of true gold, a Cirque du Soleil inspired four-story gym and a gorgeous cathedral. As I read Aurora I’m reminded of the school, in a good and inspiring way. :)

    "I am Randulf, King of Wolves, father of Adrian, Prince of Wolves." Lol dude, well, dur.

    The stars?! Emily, you’re killing me with surrealism. I read and think about how beautiful this story is and then I continue you on with my reading and it continually gets better and better. Aurora is nothing but sheer brilliance and that’s not a compliment I give out lightly; you’re such a beautifully talented author and I can’t express how much your words and descriptions absorb me.

    Oh, I guess Adrian doesn’t have a mother?

    Do Lourdes and Adrian sleep in the same room? Trippy.

    Oh my goodness, he can walk through walls? At first I thought he might be capable of turning into a human also, but now I’m convinced that he’s a spirit of some sort.

    I pictured Adrian and Aurora dipping their hands into silver honey or murky paint that’s tinted silver. I’m hoping more rituals of the forest as the story continues, because you make them so wonderful and realistic ⎯ it’s amazing.

    Chapter Eight:

    That banner is absolutely beautiful, my goodness.

    Lourdes is such a booger! Oh my gosh, ugh. And, her father, too. What bad apples they are.

    The images you create in my mind are absolutely fascinating! If I’m really, really into something, I picture the whole scene of the book in movie length. Everything. And, wow, narcissistically enough, I think my thoughts are pretty cool as it is, but you’re driving me crazy with the visual aesthetics right now!

    The stars talking is such a delight. Wow. My best friend, Bridget, and I were watching a movie the other day (Wristcutters: A Love Story) and it’s about how people commit suicide and whomever commits suicide goes to this alternate universe. The protagonist of the story befriends an alcoholic, girl loving Romanian and they “live [suicide] life” never having the capability to smile (although, some people in the movie smile...?) and drinkin’ beer. Anyway, the protagonist finds out that his girlfriend also committed suicide and now they’re on a mission to find her. Along the way, they meet this beautiful girl that accidentally killed herself (via drug overdose) and believes that there’s some way out of the dismal society. Anyway, my point is: during the movie the girl is smoking a cigarette and she tosses the match she used down to the ground, only, it floats up to the sky and creates the very first star (as, this dismal universe had no stars nor did it have a moon).

    I feel like the Keeper of the Gate is a branch? I don’t know, that’s just the aura I get. I also feel like this journey is going to throw a plethora of obstacles their way. I’m so very, very excited! Oh goodness, I can’t even explain how this story makes me feel.

    I like sorting books. Wonder if that makes me words? Then again, I like cleanliness in general, thus I like to clean. Well, I don’t really like to clean, but I feel obligated to do so, but I get the cleaning bug every few days (oddly enough) and so I’m always a’cleanin’.

    I know how you feel, Aurora. I’m hardly nervous and when I am I come off as passive-aggressive, which makes people think I 1) think I’m better than them 2) extremely shy 3) an angry, angry kid.

    Chapter Nine:

    I just have to say: I love the chapter titles, they’re awesome.

    I picture Adrian looking like this guy that I know: he has the darkest, brooding eyes (my mom once made a comment about him having “bedroom eyes” xD). His hair is the darkest brown I’ve ever seen and it’s curly, wispy around his neck. He almost always has a five o’clock shadow and he stands around 6’0”, tan, broad shoulders, lean legs, washboard abdomen, haughty smile and assured confidence. Everything about him is just so mysterious and confident and then boom! that sarcastic smile of his turns into this absolutely beautiful little shy mixture between a smile and a frown and I don’t know... he’s just one of those beautiful, rare young men.

    Only, I picture Adrian with straight hair, not curls. xD

    Wow, the description of the spirits is invigorating.

    I love adventure so, if I were in Aurora’s shoes, I wouldn’t petrified, but I would be skeptical of all situations (such as she). My curiosity would most likely get the best of me and I would flat out question everyone’s undertones and innuendos.

    Just not my puzzle to solve. That made my heart plummet.

    Oh my goodness, I’m so terribly excited for the next chapter, but saddened that it’s the last chapter until you update. Do so in time, though, I hate making an author think that I’m rushing them whenever I say: “I can’t wait for the next update!”

    Chapter Ten:

    This is one of those stories that I do, but don’t want to be seen turned into a movie. I wouldn’t want to see it turned into a movie because I don’t think there’s any justice they could do to the aesthetically pleasing world you’ve created, but I’d also generally love to see it on the big screen. When push comes to shove, though, I’d rather it stay a story so that the director and visual artist wouldn’t distort my own personal view of your creation.

    A boat, a boat! I love boating. My mom + brother lived on a boat for quite some time and I spent a majority of my childhood summers on boats.

    Aw, I’d like to sit down and have tea with Charon. Then again, I’m not too far into this chapter and I may or may not be eating my words later on. /repeatin’ the process

    I now imagine Delphine is the Queen of the Moon! I’m most likely wrong, but I’m picturing it in my head and sort of see it being true.

    I wish you could just knock on trees the proper way nowadays (speaking as if this actually happened in the past) and walk into it’s depths.

    What a beautiful way to be captured by a lake. I find this story all around wonderful.

    My goodness, the tattoos are a splendid idea, Emily. How beautiful!

    The Rest:

    I could go on and on about how much I adore this story and how it should immediately be read by everyone in the world. I have to read a book for my Critical Thinking class and it makes me wish that this was finished so that I could read it, but I guess I’ll have to stick with The Bell Jar, which I don’t mind. :p

    Um, okay, I don’t really have any critiquing to do, because everything is sheer perfection in my eyes. Hands down, this is my favorite story. There are a few typos, but nothing to fret over or worry about, they’re hardly noticeable.

    I’m a vivid person. I’m constantly daydreaming, thinking, wondering, etcetera (despite how much of a ditzy/rude person I come off as on the interwebz xD) person and while I love, love, love to read I hardly find a story on Mibba that fully quenches my thirst and, wow, I think I’ve found it.

    Emily, you’re such a talented young women and I really couldn’t applaud you more for the kind of words you can loop together and the images that dance around my head as I read your work. It’s so surreal and beautiful and pleasing. Everything is absolutely splendid, is all I really can say, just absolutely splendid.

    I am definitely subscribing and obsessing.

    Also, I apologize for any grammatical errors in this comment. It’s almost four o’clock in the morning and my eyes are quite bleary, my mind isn’t really on how well my writing is and I just finished reading the latest chapter of Aurora, thus my blood is still pumping! :)
    February 2nd, 2010 at 09:15am
  • ArgonXRoses

    ArgonXRoses (100)

    United States
    Amazing chapter!!! Thank u so much for updating. : ]
    February 1st, 2010 at 07:47am
  • (105)

    United States
    My morning dawned warm and content. For hours I constantly blurred the lines between dreaming and half-awake, I kept slipping into dream of dark eyes and soft lips, of fingers on the skin of my back and of small, happy noises in my ear.

    I loved that. :)

    Oh my, your idea of spirits embodying emotions is sooo cool and awesome!

    I loved this chapter and I have to catch up on the rest of it.
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:46am
  • CecilioLux

    CecilioLux (100)

    United States
    So hooked. You don't even know. I am IN LOVE with this story right now.
    January 31st, 2010 at 03:48am
  • undead_princess

    undead_princess (100)

    United States
    oh god its so good!
    youre the only story on mibba i follow.
    January 30th, 2010 at 04:52am
  • deepinthought

    deepinthought (100)

    United States
    I am loving this story. They are only at the beginning of their adventure together and I can't wait to find out what happens next! Keep it up! ^_^
    January 29th, 2010 at 07:43pm
  • silvertongue

    silvertongue (105)

    United States
    This totally makes up for you dropping Pale Moon. I love this story just as much. Brava.
    January 29th, 2010 at 01:34am
  • imagine;;

    imagine;; (100)

    United States
    Wonderful chapter as always!
    And when i read he name Endymion, I so thought of my Sailor Moon days. lol
    :]] love the story!
    January 28th, 2010 at 11:54pm
  • magique

    magique (100)

    United States
    Chapter 10 is my favorite chapter by far... You are seriously amazing.
    January 28th, 2010 at 08:19pm
  • horsechic4bibis

    horsechic4bibis (100)

    United States
    i should probably be doing my homework right now because it's midnight, but i really just did not want to stop reading this story... at all. I'm pretty sure this is my favorite story that i have read so far. i'm not even kidding.. Oh my goodness, I cannot wait until the next chapter!!! :)
    January 28th, 2010 at 07:12am
  • (100)

    United States
    Haha I love Charon :)
    January 28th, 2010 at 03:11am
  • theavalanche

    theavalanche (100)

    [i"]My morning dawned warm and content. For hours I constantly blurred the lines between dreaming and half-awake, I kept slipping into dream of dark eyes and soft lips, of fingers on the skin of my back and of small, happy noises in my ear. When I would wake I would feel something warm and soft against me, I heard heavy, yet quiet, breathing in my ear, but my only registered that sighingly sweet happiness that I continued to fall into. Those few moments I was entering the realm of the waking I would move myself closer to the object against me and in my head, all was right and good. The room was warm and glowed orange whenever my eyes blinked softly opened and then closed. My world was perfect in those in-between moments. I was safe and loved and happy. And then something tightened at the bottom of my stomach and I opened my eyes for real and realized where I was."

    - If I tried to write something like that, it would be two lines tops. I think this was my favourite part of the chapter. :) I cannot waiiiit to see more.
    January 25th, 2010 at 04:57pm
  • s f

    s f (100)

    United States
    I love Adrian! He's like a child. I loved Aurora's words "just not my puzzle to solve." It's so sad. I love this story.
    January 24th, 2010 at 11:47pm
  • (100)

    United States
    Gahh I love your idea of spirits embodying actions and emotions! It's so cool. How do you think of this stuff??
    January 23rd, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • blocpartyfan

    blocpartyfan (100)

    i love love this
    so perfect!
    January 23rd, 2010 at 11:54am
  • riellybabie101

    riellybabie101 (100)

    United States
    Loved it.
    January 22nd, 2010 at 07:21pm
  • finnick odair

    finnick odair (105)

    United States
    Awwww, poor Aurora!
    I feel so bad for her and at the same time, I feel like she's incredibly lucky.
    It was amazing, as usual. For an odd reason, I like the Keeper of the Gate. She's interesting.
    Can't wait for the next update :)
    January 21st, 2010 at 01:59am
  • end.of.forever

    end.of.forever (100)

    Oh gosh. That was great.
    You have a talent for capturing people's innermost feelings, you know?
    I really liked the way you described Adrain's fears-his loneliness, his worry about having marry Lourdes etc.
    It made me teary.
    January 20th, 2010 at 12:08pm