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  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    He’s the one person in this world that I trust explicitly, who knows all of my deepest, darkest secrets and who supports every decision I make with my life whether he agrees with it or accepts it a hundred percent or not. very interesting statement considering the future luke story.

    Kerrie would later admit on our second date that she’d been ‘studying’ me for a month and a half. She knew that on Fridays I was always the last to leave the ACC following practice-an hour after all of my teammates- because it was my usual appointment with my condition coach. She knew that I always walked or rollerbladed home; that I always stopped at the Tim Horton’s a block away from the arena and ALWAYS ordered a chocolate chip bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese and an extra large coffee. And she knew exactly where I’d lived; confessing that she’d often follow me all the way home and then sit in the empty lot at the front of my building and hope and pray I’d come back out and she’d get up the guts to talk to me. - - OK Stalker much? That is too creepy. I hope she's gone for good.

    “Oh hey, Schenner,” he nods at me in greeting. “I see you’re still familiarizing yourself with our nanny, huh? I’d kill to be nineteen again. No cares in the world, your kind of money, incessantly horny…” - - ahahahahaha - OK love this reaction. Totally love it. I was kind of expecting anger, disappointment, jugdement. This is good.

    The train last power and I feel in Luke’s lap,” Kay-Cee pipes up. “Lucas grabbed my ass.”
    “I didn’t grab it,” I defend myself. “It’s just where my hands ended up.
    - OMG so funny. Right in front of Jason and Sara.

    These two are a match made in heaven, seriously. So much fun!
    I love luke, but you know that now.
    Great Update Cellmate. Can't wait till he meets the sister. That should be so much fun.
    January 19th, 2010 at 09:15pm
  • Catharine.

    Catharine. (100)

    United States
    OMG i love you! yay! this is so cute! xD argh it just makes me want to corner Luke in a subway... :D
    January 19th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Wicked.Intentions

    Wicked.Intentions (100)

    really gooooddddddd
    January 18th, 2010 at 05:18am
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I liked how you sneaked a little Sid the Kid in there - yes I was paying attention LOL. You managed to fit in the dirty, the romantic and the sweet as well as the heartfelt. It was an absolutely magical chapter that summed up where the two of them are totally.

    The comments about oral made me ROFL - you know how I love it when the men get their dirty minds working.

    It was just perfect - and he'd better behave or he'll have Ariella all over him LOL.... More please...
    January 13th, 2010 at 03:20pm
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    [i/] It’s purely selfish reasons on my part; I’m just not ready to let go of Luke yet and I’m savouring every second that I have with him. I know that he doesn’t have a lot of time to spare once he drops me off and briefly meets my sister, and the longer it takes us to get to the Blake house, the longer I get to spend with him - - she is so head over heels for this boy! I love it!

    If you’re really serious about the whole ‘us’ thing, you’re going to have to get used to me being a little…I don’t know…eccentric.”
    He gives a small frown, returns his drink to the cup holders and then lays a hand on the top of my head. Running it over my hair and down to the nape of my squeeze; applying gentle yet firm pressure that encourages me to look at him. “I am being serious about us,” he declares, and then leans across the seat to cover my mouth with his in a slow, soft kiss.
    I really like how every time Kay-Cee reaches for reassurance, Luke gives it to her. Did I mention that I love Luke Schenn?

    Think about it; guys all over the world would be less frustrated, less angry and wouldn’t have as much pent up aggression if they were able to get off more. Blow jobs are the answer to this earth’s problems; more head equals peace in the Middle East. OK I seriously think he's stumbled on something here. Luke Schenn is brilliant!

    I’ll never hurt you, Kay-Cee. I’ll never let you fall. Jus trust in us; trust in me.”
    Circling Luke’s neck with my arms, I close my eyes as I rest my head on his shoulder.
    For the first time in what seems like an eternity, I honestly believe in someone again.
    Perfect ending. Totally perfect.

    I don't think I could love these two more. How is it they can be so awkward yet so sure of themselves. It's amazing how deep they are. This is such a great story! More, more, more!
    January 13th, 2010 at 11:48am
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    I’ve let my mind wander to all the kinky little things I’d do to Sidney Crosby in order to ensure he’s no longer a momma’s boy. He’d been my NHL crush since he’d been drafted; there’s something about those dark curls, those huge brown eyes and those phenomenal thighs and calves that just drives me wild. And never mind the junk that boy has in his trunk… - - YES! I love this. We all feel this way about Sid honey!
    January 13th, 2010 at 11:23am
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    i loved it!! it was awesome!! loved kay-cee's nhl crush on sid, hehehe.
    i cannot wait for luke to meet kay-cee's sister. its gonna be awesome.
    keep up the amazing work!!!
    January 13th, 2010 at 10:25am
  • (100)

    United States
    love the update.....can't wait for the next one!!!!!!
    January 13th, 2010 at 09:09am
  • kare_bear

    kare_bear (100)

    United States
    YES! You updated! best friend!
    omg this story is making me fall for this boy so darn hard!
    i hope kay-cee's sister doesn't go ape shit on his pretty face! i would absolutely be heartbroken!
    and ps. i TOTALLY agree about sid's badonk, boy has a big, heavy hockey butt, no denying it!
    can't wait for more, girl! <333
    January 13th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • (100)

    United States
    i just started reading this story and i absolutely LOVE it.... it's by far becoming one of my favorite hockey stories on mibba........
    can't wait for the next update!!!!!!
    January 12th, 2010 at 12:08pm
  • kare_bear

    kare_bear (100)

    United States
    hey! i've never really been into a schenn story before, but i REALLY like this one! i can't wait for another update, girl! <3
    January 12th, 2010 at 07:18am
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    My arms won’t budge; I feel fabric digging painfully into my wrists. And as my eyes snap open and I glance over at my left hand, then my right, I see exactly what the problem is. - - Yes! Go Kay-Cee. She's got some serious balls. I love it.

    I’ve never given bondage much of a thought; it’s something that while I’ve never had the opportunity to try, I certainly don’t knock what other people are into and always kept an open mind about. I just always thought I’d be the one in control; the captor if you will. I think Luke is learning the hard way (Pun not initially intended) that Kay-Cee likes to be in charge.

    OK That was HOT!! I mean really Hot!! I can't believe you want to tame this story down. PLEASE DON'T DO IT. So as hot as it was, I love that he asked her if she was OK afterward. It just confirms that she's more to him then just sex.

    “You better be fucking prepared,” I say without opening my eyes, and reaching under the blanket covering my naked body, close my hand around my cock and stroke it. “’Cause the second I’m free and you’re in this bed, I’m going to fucking punish you.”
    “Sorry Schenner, as much as seeing you jerk off is kinda kinky, you do nothing for me.”
    Ahahahahahaha This whole part was freaking hysterical. Vik thinks it's a prostitute. ROLFL.

    I don’t know what’s freaking me out more: the mention of love or the thought of having to engage in some sort of sexual act with Vik. - - I love how she gets him going, but tell me no part of her was serious, cuz he's got Luke Schenn tied up naked and Vik Stalberg standing in the room. She wouldn't have brought it up if it didn't cross her mine. I'm just sayin'.

    This was such a good chapter. You always leave me wondering what they'll get into next. I LOVE THIS.
    January 11th, 2010 at 01:00am
  • Catharine.

    Catharine. (100)

    United States
    ahhhhhhh! don't end the dirtiness! i loooove it! ahhh this is such a great story! you can't stop it or i'll.....i'll.......ummmm i don't know, but it will suck big time! :P muhahahaha but on a side note, i loved this chapter, and i want to see him get back at her and some more romance! :D not that i don't adore the
    January 9th, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • weetziepigi

    weetziepigi (100)

    United States
    I love all your stories. They're my favorite guilty pleasures on this site. And right now, Luke is my absolute favorite of them all.
    January 9th, 2010 at 07:19pm
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh good Lord, that was funny - sooo damned funny. I think you took "teasing" out of the dictionary and gave it a whole new reference LOL. I was laughing like mad. And you made it HAWT at the same time WOW! That was seriously HAWT.

    I know we went through the keys thing a million times... but you totally brought the house down with that scene with Vik - bigger, better and far badder than anyone could... It was just... ROFL. But he kept his mouth shut - hurrah! Something tells me Vik is one of the good guys here and seeing Kay-Cee has made him put two and two together and got a nasty ass Mason smell..... Isn't Ari going to love him?

    Clean the apartment ROFL - does it look a little like a brothel huh?

    Brilliant chapter - and thanks for the shout out (even if I did have to threaten to kick your ass LOL). I was only teasing, you literary genius you...

    MORE please... is he going to punish her? Is he??? Or has the moment passed???
    January 9th, 2010 at 04:42pm
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    She tied him to the bed LMAO!! That's too funny. What's even better is that she leaves him there, LOL. You have to keep dirty luke going, I love it. Keep it going!!! Can't wait for more!!!
    January 9th, 2010 at 10:29am
  • Aliannah_Rocks

    Aliannah_Rocks (100)

    United States
    It is to freaking cute that he sat on the other side of the door to coax her out,,,lord knows most men would have fallen asleep or grabbed a beer and watched some tv.

    Her busting his head!Priceless! I would have swung open the door...
    And you make me feel so bad for Kay=Cee bc mason really took advantage of a young girl and i hope that she can see that Luke is right.

    Give me a chance. That’s all I’m asking for. I just want a chance to prove to you that I’m who you want~OMG lucas schenn you melt my heart, i really hope that she gives into him!
    MORE SOON PLEASE, you know i love it!
    January 8th, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    totally loved it. especially the beginning. it was a great start. and him calling Kay-Cee his girl, was an awww moment. lol. loved the chapter. very well done, but I don't expect anything less from you. You are an amazing writer.
    January 5th, 2010 at 11:15pm
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    The physical part of us is amazing; but the emotional ties that I’ve made with this girl is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. And there’s no way in hell she’s going to rain on my fucking parade and tell me I’m an ass for feeling the way I am. Go for broke, is my motto. - - I love how he's just falling head over heels for her.

    “There’s no way that I’m the only one feeling this way. This isn’t about sex, Kay-Cee. It never was about sex. Sure, we have amazing, mind-blowing sex, but that’s not all we are. We can’t define ourselves by that.” - - Awww Luke. Just tell her you love her. You know you want to.

    “Luke!” Kay-Cee screeches, as she crouches down next to me. “Oh my God! Are you okay? Are you alive?” she asks, frantically smoothing my hair off my forehead and stroking my cheeks.
    “I’m fine,” I reply, and attempt to sit up. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to open the damn door?”
    - - OMG ROTFL I knew this was coming and I still couldn't help but laugh. HAHAHA

    “Three,” I reply, and then grin cheekily. “Your favorite number. That’s what you always like me to use when I…”
    “You’re such a pig,’ she scowls, and I grab a fistful of the jersey and yank her down into a deep, passionate kiss,
    - - HAHAHA So freaking funny. God I love these two.

    Him calling her his girl and her telling him that he is only the second guy she's been with, it was so romantic and so heart felt. I really love that. I can just see them on the floor having this talk. It's really well written.

    He never respected you or loved you. ‘Cause if he did, he never would have let you leave Vancouver. If you were his be all and end all he would have fought for you; tooth and nail. And where is he, Kay-Cee? Where’s Mr. Perfect now?”
    “Back in Vancouver,” she admits,
    - - He is so freaking mature here. I just feel like he's giving her so much perspective. Kay-Cee needs to hold on to him and never let him go.

    “He promised me so much and now I realize how little he actually gave me,” she says, eyes riveted on her hands as she fidgets with a loose thread on the bottom of the jersey. “I fell for all of his shit; hook, line and sinker. I believed him, Luke. When he told me that he loved me and that he wanted to be with me. I believed him. And that’s why I…that’s why I slept with him and why I continued to do it. Because I did believe him and I trusted him.” - - I can totally feel how painful this is for her. Poor Kay-Cee

    I know that I haven’t been the poster boy for good behavior in my life, but I would never, ever do something like that to you. I’d never hurt you like that. We could have something so phenomenally amazing. I mean, we already have that in the bedroom, but…”
    “We could have something even better outside of it,” she concludes.
    I nod. “Give me a chance. That’s all I’m asking for. I just want a chance to prove to you that I’m who you want.
    - - I totally love this. They are totally already in love. I know it's early, but you can ust feel it in the way they talk to each other.

    I loved the ending. That' Luke. Always taking care of his girl.

    I totally adored this chapter. So much was explained and it said so much about both of them. How hurt Kay-Cee was/is is so hurt by Mason and how strong luke's feelings are for her. IT's really beautiful. They already seem like a united front, like a single unit. I love it. I love them. More soon please.
    January 5th, 2010 at 11:06pm
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    All I can say is - wild cheering - fantastic chapter that clears up soooo many things and totally clarifies just how much of a prize sh*t Mason really is. Not to mention Luke's quiet strength and determination to sort things out.

    He's got a real emotional maturity, no doubt down to his career and talent.

    I did like her concern and freak out, calling her his girl, pointing out he's got 20 guys at his back...

    And then there's the stamina LOL. I think he's capable of giving Kay-Cee a quiet strength and the fact he's determined to be open and honest with everyone, including her sister? That says it all...

    Loved it
    January 5th, 2010 at 09:57pm