Collide - Comments

  • nealerfan18

    nealerfan18 (100)

    United States
    awsome intense sex and chemistry between Kaycee and Luke. I hope to see more. I can't wait to read another amazing update.
    January 4th, 2010 at 04:59am
  • xcountrybaby

    xcountrybaby (100)

    my ttc stories just don't match up to this
    I think they need to do a little something at the Angus Glen Golf Course - according to my local newspaper he spent some time playing golf there...
    Don't know about you but I think the two would love some time down on Queen Street West in the Black Market places

    your story is much more interesting than my English
    January 3rd, 2010 at 08:24am
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    holy crap! that has got to be the hottest thing I’ve ever read. it was amazing. i was hoping it wouldn’t end. but then of course he had to go and say something stupid. why couldn’t he just keep his trap shut and live in the moment? lol so looking forward to your next chapter. keep up the amazing work!! and anytime you want to go dirty luke, I say go for it. lol
    January 3rd, 2010 at 05:30am
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    OK. What can I say? Everything I said up there ^ squared. Holy shit that was hot.

    There you go again with the most amazing guys POV. I hope the girls that read this pay attention and learn something about the way men think about sex.

    The guy is a total fucker if you ask me; next time the Leafs meet the Canucks, he better make sure he has his head up at center ice instead of admiring his passes like he loves to do. I will crush that sorry ass sonofabitch; he’d used Kay-Cee and had taken advantage of her and now it’s my turn to attempt to right the wrongs that had been done to her. She’s mine now; he hadn’t been able to man up and have her back and his loss is my gain. - - Love Luke's jealous side. I can't wait for Luke to actually come face to face with Mason.

    “You…are…so…fucking…beautiful…” she breathes, as her mouth gently caresses my stomach and travels over my chest and across my collarbone. “And so goddamn fuckable,” - - I freaking love that she says this to him!

    Did I mention how hot this is? Holy Shit! I think I might let Scott read this. (OK, No I won't but I'll think about it LOL)

    OH Luke! Big mistake with the Mason thing. BIG MISTAKE! I am one major fuck up. Living proof that a guy loses a frightening amount of brain cells every time he ejaculates. I have to be nearly comatose to say something so goddamn stupid.
    All I know is that I need to make this right.
    I have to make this right.
    - - Yes you do sweetheart.

    THis was so freaking good. Not something to read while my niece and nephew are jumping all over me though. I had to close it and read it later - LOL
    MORE, More , more ... Please
    January 2nd, 2010 at 08:14pm
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Why oh why do you keep telling me you can't write this stuff when you can? Lordy, it was HAWT! Totally dirty and very, very young, heat of the moment stuff. Luke is so lucky he can inspire Kay_Cee to the heights of inhibition and ease he can and its this confidence and what not that makes her feel so confident to explore things.

    Then he has to go and mention the M-word. Luke, Luke, Luke!! You're a total moron and idiot - especially with that dumb ass comment about him being the teacher! yeah right dude - no way. He's in his 20s and far too young to be that considerate and sensible. The kinds of things Luke and Kay-Cee do together are experimental, based out of a desire to please each other, his skills, their growing trust and emotion in each other... and then Luke makes a huge mistake. Obviously doesn't know that women spend their teens reading Mills and Boon and reading Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire etc religiously to pick up their knowledge then find some handsome, unsuspecting hockey player to experiment on LOL.

    Having said that, the way you had Luke bring up Mason is just so..... typical of a man in his position at that age. You really, really get into the head of someone his age so well.

    Someone's got a lot of making up to do.

    And Luke had BETTER hope Vik isn't home. Something tells me they wouldn't have noticed....

    Great chapter honey!!!
    January 2nd, 2010 at 07:47pm
  • Catharine.

    Catharine. (100)

    United States
    ahhhhh O_O sooo......DIRTY! lol I LOVE IT! :D omg I'm drooling so much right was really hot. but i hope he makes it up to her soon! I love them! and their sexy time. ;] hehehe
    January 2nd, 2010 at 07:46am
  • nealerfan18

    nealerfan18 (100)

    United States
    awsome updates. omg the intensity was amazing between Kaycee and Luke. you need to update more. i loved it
    December 30th, 2009 at 05:31am
  • Chickydee6

    Chickydee6 (100)

    Well then - I'm suprised I can form coherent sentences after that. Holy crap - my turn next!! :P
    Seriously, I'm drooling all over the place right now. And the Schenn muse better stay hott right now; but share a little love to Nash for moi!!
    More please miss!! :)
    December 30th, 2009 at 01:01am
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I meant to say crush. Obviously... LOL
    December 29th, 2009 at 06:11pm
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Honey, my mouth is still dry, I've read it three damn times and it still does something funny to me. LOL. I LOVED the monologue at the beginning; where Luke's been relationship and experience wise and how this is different - it's an important clarification. It's OK that he's been an ass; he's young, he plays hockey, it's expected... However, you totally set the scene through his thoughts - it's different now, it's different with her.

    Kay-Cee turns out to be quite different probably to how we all expected - wild an uninhibited, or is that just a side that Luke brings out in her? OK, so he knows he should have used protection, but sometimes it is possible to get totally carried away... we'll have to see how the rest of that conversation goes.

    And is Vik really away for the night? Or is he going to wake up, Kay-Cee in his bathroom, hearing the jangling of keys as Vik dangles them in front of his face LOL? And Phoebe's right... how is Ari going to react? what's she going to say? Are we in for a Romeo and Juliet sequence here, young love kept apart, or are we going to have a Stand by Your Man time, where Kay-Cee's like - well I know what I want, when I want it, I am totally into this and I'm off if you can't handle it. I am so looking forward to which way the story goes.

    I am equally glad you cleared up the chinese whisper lockeroom grapevine and where Luke stands on what happened in Vancouver. He may need to have that chat with her soon though, that he has a pretty good idea of who she is and what went down - and I think for him to reinforce that he's not someone who is taking her on as a pass-around, but that he's disgusted with Mason's behaviour, and, as you put it so well, Mason can't have her back, Luke's staked his claim, I really want to see the scene where those two meet on the ice and the fireworks and all. Will Kay-Cee be watching with all the WAGs? And will Mason's ex make an appearance? Will Mason's ex go b ack to her meal-ticket...? Cause that could make for some pretty intense reading.

    But I am telling you what to do again! Sorry - you don't need telling with fabtastic story delivery like this! Bravo... more soon.

    (Your Muse obviously has a huge ass cruch on Luke BTW. I'm just saying...)
    December 29th, 2009 at 06:09pm
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    OK, Wow. Fucking Wow. Standing ovations from the cheap seats over here! Bravo. Seriously amazing!

    I love Zach, and I know you almost wrote a Zach story, and at the time I really wanted that, but Damn you made the right decision! I admit it.

    I love the beginning. Coming into this chapter we know where it's going, what's about to happen. We're dying for it almost as much as Luke is. Have we been waiting eight months? It feels like it. But the beginning of this chapter puts everything into perspective for us. Beyond the sex talk and flirting Luke is really, really falling for Kay-Cee. This is different; I’m tossing myself into the deep end and when I should be pulling away and cooling my jets, I find myself holding my breath and allowing the currents to suck me under. - - this whole part was sooo good. Love you Luke!!!!

    there’s no doubt in my mind that what I have below the waist and the skills that I possess will far surpass whatever that shit head Mason Raymond brings to the table. - - so funny that he thinks of this now. I guess, what man doesn't want to erase the sexual experience of his girl out of her mind with his own.

    Here's what I want to know. So luke knows about Mason and Kay-Cee. Did they talk about it? Did he know about what happened with Mason and then Kay-Cee told him it was her? Or did he already know her as Mason's lover? Sorry Inquiring minds. - -

    So him admitting that about the older woman in Juniors, that's so... mature. I'm sure it's true. Every kid fantasizes about something like that and it would cause some serious damage. So well done.

    Now lets move on to the important stuff.

    What do I say? Do I copy and quote the whole thing and paste it here, cuz that's what I'm feeling. It was that good. So hot. So worth the wait. (I think Luke thinks so too!) Holy Crap!

    Is it too early to beg for more?
    This was seriously amazing. Not just because it was hot as hell, but it was mature and realistic. So freaking good. I'm not sure that I can convey that enough. Really loved it.
    December 29th, 2009 at 12:42pm
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    That was some dirty stuff. and it was the good kind of dirty. loved it.
    i wonder what kay-cee's sister will say when/if she finds about where kay-cee has been all night.
    amazing chapter!!! can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!
    December 29th, 2009 at 09:10am
  • Jessica;

    Jessica; (100)

    United States
    Soooo, Luke did know about Mason.
    I guess that makes sense.
    But, hot damn.
    Kay-cee is fucking luckyyyy.
    More soon. <3
    December 29th, 2009 at 07:52am
  • shopaholic

    shopaholic (100)

    United States
    Sorry kay cee typo :)
    December 29th, 2009 at 07:28am
  • shopaholic

    shopaholic (100)

    United States
    that was unbeleivably dirty but very very well written Jaycee is really lucky!!
    December 29th, 2009 at 07:27am
  • Catharine.

    Catharine. (100)

    United States
    ahhhhh i love you! <3 finally! they are my fave couple, besides Clover and Bergy. :] hehehe kind of kinky, no? xD
    December 29th, 2009 at 07:25am
  • Catharine.

    Catharine. (100)

    United States
    moooooooorreee! it needs to happen SOON! lol the sexual tension is killing me! *faints* they are just so open and cute together! <3
    December 29th, 2009 at 02:26am
  • Jessica;

    Jessica; (100)

    United States
    Oh Luke.
    I like how they seemed so comfortable with each other going through their histories and talking about that stuff.
    Screw Mason, seriously.
    More soon. <3
    December 28th, 2009 at 06:36pm
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    Our initial plans had been to grab something to eat and have a couple of drinks on the outdoor patio at Planet Hollywood, Can I tell you how glad I am that that little plan didn't work out?

    Can I just tell you that the conversation they have about sex is so awesome. It's like they are drawing a road map and getting ready for the night of their lives. They are dispelling all the myths and he practically comes right out and tells her he wants her to show him how to please her. If this isn't the most mind blowing sex ever, I would be very surprised. “I’d rather be told or shown what to do to make it incredible for you than to be a selfish bastard only worried about getting himself off,” - - mmmhmmm - Show him Kay-Cee!

    “Most men aren’t that perceptive during sex though,” I remind him. “Most men are only thinking with their dicks at that point in time and are only concerned about getting their rocks off. They’re not analyzing every twitch and spasm going on; all they care about is reaching the finish line.” - - Oh Kay-Cee, How true this is. - - “Well I’m not like most men,” he informs me, and swigs his beer. Put your money where your mouth is Luke baby!

    “I don’t think it,” he interjects. “I know it. It’s the only thing I’m confidant about. I’m more sure about my skills off the ice and behind closed doors than I am of what I can do on the ice.” I swear you wrote this to tease me :D

    Luke chuckles. “In all honesty, if I was a chick? The first time would probably traumatize me to the point I’d never have sex ever again.” - - LMFAO

    OK - the little present at the end there. wow! Wow! WOW! Thanks for that.

    Please tell me the next chapter will be up tonight? PLEASE!!!!
    December 28th, 2009 at 05:59pm
  • JustCallMeTrouble37

    JustCallMeTrouble37 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh good god that was hot... I loved their whole teens in the park moment. I'm pretty sure I had one of thoise, albeit not on a park bench rofl.

    Genius and totally, totally brilliant.

    Sorry this isn't a longer review; I woke up late and I am on the run and I slept in and today... well you know what today is...

    Great chapter, now c an you get them home please, cause I really, really, really REALLY want to read that!

    (PS Totally spot on with Kay-Cee's head... totally!)
    December 28th, 2009 at 11:40am