Earth Without Homosapiens - Comments

  • Mibbite_Muffin

    Mibbite_Muffin (100)

    United States
    Hello, I'm one of the other contestants :D

    I just read this and I thought it was really good. It was to the point and made me want to think about how the Earth would be without people. Great job!
    January 31st, 2010 at 10:32pm
  • daggers

    daggers (100)

    United States
    thank you for entering the contest :)

    first of all i want to thank you for incorporating the comic into the layout. kudos to you haha.

    i really like how you made this short, and basically right to the point. that right there won me over. i don't like stories that are elaborated on into oblivion and you forget the simple message, and you acheived the simplicity i was hoping for. bravo.

    "It would be a very lonely place."
    idek, i just really liked this. you explained what earth would be like--a very lonely place.

    "Trees would be trees. Grass would be grass. Dirt would be dirt. Flowers would be flowers.
    again, this was just what i was hoping for. the simplicity makes it absolutely perfect.

    so all in all i am very satisfied with this. you did a very wondeful job. oh, and as a side note, i love how you put the quote in at the end. it ties the whole story together, it completes it.

    i enjoyed this. lots. thank you again (:
    December 20th, 2009 at 04:00am