The Perfect Christmas - Comments

  • Invincible

    Invincible (100)

    United States
    Amazing one-shot! Immensely sweet :)
    August 16th, 2010 at 11:37pm
  • SmileyShatsBraxtons

    SmileyShatsBraxtons (100)

    United States
    I loved it! Tom is so sweet to her.
    June 18th, 2010 at 08:51am
  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States
    You. Whore.

    ...I'm just kidding xD After all, I write about the love of my life and his twin brother having gay, incestual sex. So I shouldn't be the one calling you anything .__. I just wasn't quite expecting the intensity of the sex scene. I know you warned me, but...gah.

    Now I have to write one, you know that? >.>

    It's called inspiration and you gave it to me x3
    January 6th, 2010 at 02:20am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    ' I don’t want a lot for Christmas
    There is just one thing I need
    I don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
    I just want you for my own
    More than you could ever know
    Make my wish come true
    Baby all I want for Christmas is you
    Totally reminded of this song! :D
    After laying in each others arms for a few minutes, Tom said he was hungry now and that he smelt cookies when he came in. I laughed at him and told him he was a typical man for wanting food after having sex.
    LOLZ! I love that part and he probably will want food after you know *wiggles eyebrows* tehe

    I think this was a lovely one-shot.
    I felt like reading something fluffy and heart warming.
    Thank you, wife for brining this story into the world!

    December 25th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • (100)

    United States
    Ok this was such a cute little one shot I loved it!! :D
    I wouls go through and quote the best parts, but then I'd have to quote the whole story. XD
    I'll just do my favorite parts instead. :D
    But to me, however, it means a whole day that I get to spend with the love of my life. Nothing else matters to me but him.
    I loved that part. x] you can tell how she loves him so much and she just wants to be with him. :]
    I had told them that I wanted to spend it in my new home and with the love of my life.
    Aww, isn't that just what everyone wants out of life. x]
    He had my heart and I couldn’t change that.
    That's all I can say to that line.
    I knew exactly who was standing behind it. I had to try and catch my breath. This was it. The moment I had been waiting for since I woke up. He was finally here.
    Aw, it's so cute how she's all excited at the simple thought of him x]
    . . . And I was leaving him out in the cold.
    Hahaha good job. xD
    Tom Kaulitz.
    He looked so perfect. ---He hated when I said he was perfect, but I couldn’t help it. To me, he was and that was never going to change no matter what he did.
    I like thinking that Tom really isn't as cocky as he puts on, so this part was really sweet to me. x]
    I smiled and looked up at him. His chocolate eyes seemed to see right through me as he stood there with a slight smirk on his face. His smirk slowly turned to a smile as I opened the door wider and beckoned him inside. He smiled at me again; his genuinely sweet smile. That was by far my favorite look of his. It made me feel like I was the most special person to him in the world. He had told me I was and that smile helped make me believe him.
    That whole paragraph just made me melt again. x]
    I love how you describe him. x]
    “It’s okay. Your house is nice and warm.”

    After setting his jacket down on the sofa, he pulled me close to him and kissed my lips. “Mmm just like your lips.” He murmured then pulled slowly away, but not taking his arms from around me.
    Aww hearing Tom all cute with a girl is so sweet. x]
    It's be nice if he let that soft side out a little more.
    “But I already have my present.”

    He raised an eyebrow. “You—huh?”

    I laughed quietly as I took the bow off and stuck it on his shirt.

    “You’re my present, Tom. I wouldn’t want anything but you for Christmas.”
    I aww'ed out loud at that part. x]
    It's so cute!!! x3
    Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him deeper. His hands immediately went to my butt as he held me up. We took a few steps forward as he pressed me firmly against the wall as we kissed.
    Oooooo, we know where this is going *giggles*
    Exactly! :D
    I knew I probably wasn’t helping him open the door any faster while I teased and bit his neck.
    Hahaha aww you're messing with poor Tom, he'll never get that door open. XD
    He was being far too slow for my taste. Usually I didn’t mind the slow teasing, but right now, I just wanted him.
    Haha now Tom gets to tease. XD You're in for in it. XD
    “You had to wear this one?”
    What was wrong with the belt?

    Instead of quoting, I will merely say that sex scene was *cough* very well written
    I laughed at him and told him he was a typical man for wanting food after having sex.
    Hahah once again, that sounds like Tom too. XDDD
    “Well, you certainly opened mine.” I let out a breath, moving some hair out of my face.

    He smirked knowing exactly what I meant. “If that was your gift to me, I think you should give me another later,” he winked and squeezed my butt.
    Haha I love how they tease each other, it just feels very natural and sweet. :]
    The box contained a breathtakingly beautiful silver necklace with a small purple (my favorite color) jewel neatly in the middle of the small pendant.
    Awww Tom's such a sweet heart. <3
    My arms were wrapped around him and now and I smiled. I was smiling because I loved having the feeling of my world in my arms. Tom was my world and I couldn’t imagine a life without him. Ever.
    That was another beautiful paragraph. Just the way you describe how much she loves him, it's so powerful. x]
    He put his hands on my hips and pulled me close then gently kissed my lips.

    I now had my perfect Christmas
    Aw, that was really a perfect ending for this one shot. :]

    Wow hun, you did an amazing job on this. Gah I only wish I could write as well as you cause this story was perfect.
    That's all I can say, it was perfect. :]
    December 25th, 2009 at 04:50am