There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays - Comments

  • SO. GOOD.
    July 1st, 2013 at 05:06am
  • I just re-read this.
    Heh. I miss your epic one shots, er three shots. (;
    March 26th, 2010 at 08:25pm
  • OMG that was adorable!!! You should sooo do a sequel
    March 6th, 2010 at 09:37am
  • I want sooo much more! <3 I love this story!
    January 11th, 2010 at 12:55am
  • Awww so cute!!!!!! Love it!!!
    December 29th, 2009 at 07:08am
  • DDDDDDDDDDD: nooooooooooo i wanted more no one seems to write about the habs (well he's a leafs now but you get the point) but thank you for writing it :) komi is so cocky in this, love it!!
    December 28th, 2009 at 05:15am
  • omg...wait until i tell my friend this is about komi....she'll die!!! tho she was mad when he left montréal (trow out all the shit she had from him haha, and she had A LOT!) she'll be happy to read this, she read all your other stories too :) with my account, cause she's too lazy to make one...
    hmm higgins or sergei kostitsyn fanfic after that? i'd like 8D
    December 28th, 2009 at 04:56am
  • HAAAA i was so stocked when my sister told me you had updated, tho i was sure it was playing house :O i'm still happy since it's 3 chapters :) it'll keep me busy until ben's back :) keep on the good work. and mike hmmm who is mike aha
    December 28th, 2009 at 04:43am
  • I loved this story...and I'm hoping that there's more to it!! :)

    I had a HUGE crush on good ol' Mike when he played for U-M! He would hit guys and it would just echo throughout Yost Ice Arena! I really missed him when he left before his senior year to go pro!

    Again, I loved the story! It was so cute and just amazing!
    December 27th, 2009 at 03:13am
  • For chapter 3:
    “Hey, are you okay?” Mike asked Alyssa after bringing her into a secluded corner. She looked over at him and forced a smile, but it soon broke and her eyes welled with tears. Fucking great. Mike brings me to a SECLUDED corner and I'm crying. WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT, ALYSSA. God. & While I can't help but find it sexy that he brought me into the library and locked the door, I also find it incredibly considerate. Mike's such a gentleman. Legit. *swoon* <3

    Finally Mike turned the last page he intended to, which showed his mom in a hospital bed. It was just her and Mike, and it was evident neither knew the picture had even been taken. Mike’s hands were in hers as she sat up in her bed, their foreheads pressed together and their eyes shut. Smiles were on both their faces, despite the obviously sad situation. Oh my god. I am crying. Thanks a lot. :|

    Mistletoe. FUCKING YES. Let's put that sad moment behind us and get snogging!! Woo. AND THEN OMFG. He paused before their lips met, looking into her eyes for a few moments. He finally closed the gap the rest of the way, pressing his lips against hers softly. YES. FUCKING YES. <3333333

    if her last name is going to end up as Komisarek, who cares what it is now? An inner voice provided. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod. Ohmygod. ohmygod.

    I would have no shame and change in front of him. Seriously, if I'm that tired, I don't give a shit. I just want to be in comfortable clothes and in a warm bed. Who cares who sees me almost nakeyyy.

    “You don’t even know me,” Alyssa pointed out softly. “I want to,” Mike shrugged. “I want to know you too,” she laughed.So sweet, I might vomit. WE'RE CHEESY AND I LOVE IT. LOVE IT.

    “And your boyfriend?” “What boyfriend?” Alyssa playfully raised an eyebrow. “Your hockey player boyfriend,” Mike answered. “He’s pretty good you know. A beast on the ice. I hear he’s pretty good in the sack, too.” Alyssa burst out laughing, but Mike silenced her with a kiss. THERE IS THAT CHEMISTRY AGAIN!!! Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I want to fiiiind outtttt. *whines*

    “And who is this?” Alyssa’s dad asked, motioning to the person Alyssa had brought with her. “Hi, I’m Mike Komisarek, defensemen for the Toronto Maple Leafs. And I’m your daughter’s boyfriend.” HE INTRODUCED HIMSELF THE WAY I SAID TO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes. Yes. YES. FUCKING YES.

    Aimee I don't think you understand how perfect this is. Omfg. I love love love it so much. You don't. I can't even form sentences. I am Mike Komisarek's girlfriend. And he's my boyfriend. And he loves me. And I am SO HAPPY. AND Ugh. I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

    Thank you sooo much, Aimee. Seriously.
    I love you! (:
    December 26th, 2009 at 08:54am
  • For chapter 2:
    she couldn’t help but notice his defined v-cut as his shirt rode up. She couldn’t deny that he was a very attractive man, and she supposed she should be flattered that he made up a lame excuse to talk to her. MMM. Mike. Yes, he did come up with a lame excuse to talk to me and I was a bitch about it. And here is he trying to help me get home and I'm still being a bitch about it. I suck. And he keeps grabbing my bags for me. Omfg. Marry me.

    Oh lord have mercy and now I'm stuck in NYC and he's like "Come stay with meeeee!" And akjfgbeujbgbg then he has to go being all cute with his sister and dad. AND CALL ME LYSS ALL ON HIS OWN. Son of a bitch, I love him.

    Alyssa mulled it over for a moment, and once she decided that they seemed nice enough she figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay the night with them. Besides, he was still carrying her bag. I knew it. I am being kidnapped. And I like it. Because Mike is fucking foxayyyyy.

    “Come on, we’re home. I mean, we’re at my home. Er, my family’s home. Well, we’re here.” I don't even think I have to tell you how big of a fan I am of awkward men. Like, I can just see him stuttering out. Like, "baby we're home. Errrr. MY HOME. Ah shit." Fuck ittttt, I love ittttt.

    “I picked her up at the airport,” Mike answered. Roman and Joanne froze and looked at him incredulously. MAKES ME SOUND LIKE A PROSTITUTE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SO fucking funny. Mike WOULD be the fool that takes some poor girl in a Toronto airport who's trying to get home to Chicago to NEW YORK. He just would.

    She had no idea where she was headed, and suddenly a shirtless Mike came out of one of the doors. “Oh, hi,” Alyssa waved, trying not to stare at his naked chest. Slowly but surely, his attractiveness was overpowering her dislike for him. Heh.

    “And we are in there.” “We?” “Yeah, we. As in you and me. Sharing. Is there a problem?” He asked. Alyssa wanted to rebuke him for his snappy tone, but then her eyes traveled down to his abs. “No, no problem,” she said, walking into the bedroom to rummage through her bag. Even bigger Heh.

    Omfg. The whole tripping over him thing. HOT. And my questioning him why he's so close to the door, and him being like "my bad." Oh lord. I was dying. And then "Why didn't you tell me you were a hockey player?" and him being like "I don't introduce myself that way. Sorry." And me being all bitchy, but in a nice way. "Makes you seem cooler." We have chemistryyyyyy. Just sayingggggg.

    YES. SNOWED IN. WOOT WOOT. I can SO stay at the Komisarek house hold. Totally fine with me. And me kissing Roman and Joanne on the cheek like they're family is totally making Mike want to put a ring on my finger and a baby in my belly, so it's all good.

    Also As Mike watched Alyssa move about the kitchen with ease, he wondered where the sudden urge to find out everything about her was coming from. LMFAO. YEAH RIGHT. I GIRL CAN DREAM, I SUPPOSE.

    <333333333333 youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sooooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch.
    Give me part 3 now!
    December 26th, 2009 at 08:20am
  • For chapter one:
    Plus, she wanted to know what kind of presents she would get. STILL HILARIOUS. It's so true. I came home from work last night and was like "CAN WE OPEN PRESENTS NOW?!" I'm a terrible person.

    “Do you really think I don’t know where I’m supposed to be? It was an excuse to talk to you. Jesus,” the man muttered. AW. That's so adorable. I'm sure I just looked SO attractive in that airport with a scowl on my face, reading a magazine. Real approachable. HAHA. (:

    “Your boss sent you on a business deal until Christmas Eve? What a douche,” the man muttered. What a charmer! lmfao. not. Kinda hot, though. You know me, liking the assholes.

    “Well, the weather here is absolutely ridiculous, and it’s not supposed to let up any time soon. Your flight is cancelled, honey,” her mom chuckled. Thanks for the well wishes mom. Jesus, it's like you know her, the pessimistic biatch. :/

    The guy grabbed his bags and then picked up Alyssa’s duffel, leaving her with only her purse. “Wait a second!” She called out, following his fast pace.I can't help but feel like I'm subtly being kidnapped by my mystery hottie. Heh. And I kind of liiiike it. (:

    The plane jolted again, causing Alyssa to stumble right into the man’s lap. He woke up with a grunt and grabbed her hips instinctively, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked her, causing Alyssa to nod with a blush. “Do you need to get out?” “No, I was coming back, actually,” she said softly. He nodded and let her go, allowing her to slide over into her seat. “Sorry.” I'm SO AWKWARD. LIKE AWKWARD LADD. Heyyy, grabbing my hips. Hottayyy. WHO ARE YOU?!

    “I’m Mike, by the way.” He stuck out his hand, and she shook it with a smile. Mike? Mike who? Mike... coming from Toronto... Going to New York... OMFG. YOU WROTE ME A MIKE KOMISAREK ONE SHOT, er, THREE SHOT!? *giggle* *squee* DYING.

    Now, give me part 2!!!! <3
    December 26th, 2009 at 07:24am