Broken Danger - Comments

  • Okay you gotta love Joe, he is like the best brother ever. I am starting to like how monroe is speaking out more, that she has her limits on what things she let's slide and what things she has to put her two sense in, it is very intriguing. I think Nick is beginning to soften up to "Minnie Mouse" (love that btw) but you can tell he still tense, but he is intrigued by her, you can tell that he is, because he is always staring at her. I have a theory it maybe wrong but whatever. I am starting to think that Nick's mean facade is just a mask like there is something that is hurting him, and he doesn't want no one to know about it, so the only way he knows to hide it is by creating this mean guy persona; but he knows that Monroe is the type of girl that could break his wall that he built, in a matter of seconds, so maybe that is why he treats her like dirt more than he treats everyone else like dirt. If that makes any sense. Well that is my theory of Nick. :P

    But I am really curious what Nick's "problem" or "situation" is. I am also wondering if Monroe plays an instrument, if you could answer that, I would love you forever!

    Update soon!

    I swear this is the first book ever that I have actually took the time and write about the characters and my theories about them, these are the most insightful comments I have ever given an author! This story is a classic, I swear in each chapter you can see more of what the character is. BEAUTIFUL!

    Now write another chapter!
    January 4th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • I like this story! It's amazing! Can't wait for the next one =)
    January 4th, 2010 at 11:15pm
  • haha joe just makes everything awkward. it was really good :]
    January 4th, 2010 at 10:28pm
  • goshhh you need to update like now!!
    January 4th, 2010 at 05:19pm
  • I love it! Monroe reminds me of myself a lot. haha. I even live in Washington. And No, it does not rain here all the time like everybody thinks. haha. We actually get some sun in the summer. But it's mostly cold and misty.
    January 4th, 2010 at 08:13am
  • I really really like this so far.
    I like how Nick is so rude yet Joe is so nice.
    And I just love the way Monroe is around people.
    You're an excellent writer, great at giving detail.
    I can't wait for more :)
    January 4th, 2010 at 07:06am
  • Mannnn. he's got that mysterious, bad boy attitude & I like it :)
    But I think he should help her get rid of her timid, quiet-ness.
    January 4th, 2010 at 03:39am
  • i think nick is pmsing. just a guess haha.
    January 4th, 2010 at 12:57am
  • Oh Nick, what a jerk. But you gotta love him though. :)
    January 3rd, 2010 at 11:44pm
  • Twinie! Just realized u posted yet another amazing story!! lol I love it update really soon!
    January 3rd, 2010 at 08:41pm
  • Again you blow me away! No joke. I am sensing Nicky has a habit of being snappy. Lol. YAY! Monroe finally stood up for herself...somewhat.

    More soon!
    January 3rd, 2010 at 07:39pm
  • Alright...first off, I love this story. It's amazing!

    Monroe...Minnie (or Minnie Mouse, as Nick would call her) seems like there's more to her than meets the eye. She seems like an interesting person, and I think Nick is going to bring out that quiet streak in her. In the future, I sense more arguments between them, but I also sense some reluctant, yet stimulating, conversations between the two, and that's how Joe's plan will work...I think.

    Nick...Nicky, Nicholas. I like the fact that he's so secretive and defensive. I like that he's just all around mean. It's attractive in a way, and for Monroe, I think she secretly enjoys it. It's kind of a turn on. I wonder about him and Joe though. Did somethings go on back at home? Maybe that's why he's so irritable and full of anger.

    Joe...all around amazing guy. I love the fact that he brought Monroe along just to try to make Nick feel better. I guess he knew that Monroe was the type of girl that could bring out the worst AND best in Nick. It's like Joe is saying, "Nick needs someone classy in his life to straighten him up. Oh! Look what we have here! Monroe Stone? Quiet, but classy, none the less."

    Cheryl...she's brutally honest, and I love how blunt she is. My mother is the exact same way, especially when it comes to my father and his wife. Even though she's always busy, she seems to understand Monroe...unlike her father.

    Clarissa...I like her. No, I love her. She really wants to have a mother-like relationship without ruining what Monroe has with her real mother. I think, in this story, we'll see more confidential conversation between the two. I think Clarissa might give her some good advice. She seems like a cool woman, which is hard to say for my step mother.

    Robert...don't like him. He doesn't really show like he cares in my eyes either. He doesn't understand Monroe and he tries to be father like just so it is enough to say that he "did his father-like role", and that makes him a coward. I sense some arguments and awkward moments between the two.

    So, now that I told you how I felt about your charries...UPDATE SOON!!!
    January 3rd, 2010 at 04:30pm
  • Okay I am officially going to bed, now....but first, before I do I need to rant. =)

    I am in absolute happiness right now! Okay Joe is freakin' awesome (everyone knows that, but I felt the need to clarify it.), second I a beginning to warm up to Clarissa, I think she is not only trying to befriend Monroe but I think she wants to have that motherly relationship with her aswell...well as close as she can get without ruining Monroes relationship with Cheryl.

    Cheryl is...something, lol. I actually like Cheryl, for one thing and one thing only; and that would be, that she tries; as you made a point in the chapter, she tries to be a good mother and she tries not to lose what relationship ties she has left with her daughter, which I respet deeply.

    Rodney....where do I start with Rodney, my opinion about Rodney is that he doesn't care about Monroe, he pretends to be all parental for two reasons I believe 1) To impress his new wife and 2) to make Monroe's mother jealous. I don't believe that Rodney cares one bit about Monroe's life; her spending the summer with him, is just something he can flaunt, something he feels inclined to do, not something he wants to do.

    Okay my rant about your amazing cast is done. :P

    Update soon!
    January 3rd, 2010 at 08:14am
  • i like monroe a lot. rodney not so much. i really like cheryl. i think even though she's very business like she loves monroe a lot and has tried her best which is what counts. i also LOVE clarissa. I dont know why but she just seems like a nice person.
    I think that Joe wants monroe over to meet nick. idk y though haha.
    really good :]
    January 3rd, 2010 at 08:03am
  • great story......but he cant like her like that... can he ?
    January 3rd, 2010 at 07:12am
  • I am in utter shock on how this story is unfolding, this is amazing writing skills, I think the best I have ever read from you. Keep it up, I love the plot line, and how Monroe is shy but you can tell she has alot in her. I am very curious what kind of stuff she writes. You definitly need to post another chapter. This story is to good to neglect.
    January 3rd, 2010 at 04:30am
  • write more!!! i love all your stories but you NEED to write more for me?? ha, update soon!!! <3
    January 2nd, 2010 at 11:03pm
  • this is amazing. Im definetly subscribing
    January 2nd, 2010 at 09:02pm
  • I like this! Update soon! Funny, I am now subscribed to three of your stories, m' lady! Love this!
    January 2nd, 2010 at 07:38pm
  • its an awesome Story cant wait for the next chapter
    January 2nd, 2010 at 05:09pm