The Journal - Comments

  • So. Good.

    January 6th, 2010 at 05:25am
  • I highly enjoyed the latest chapter. Especially the way crucial information was revealed. It was quite neat.
    January 5th, 2010 at 10:16pm
  • Lovin' it! Curious to know why January 3 is an important day though...
    January 4th, 2010 at 04:06am
  • Gah! This is wonderful! Love love love.

    Christian seems cool... I wanna help her. And I love her friends. Especially Trevor. The cat thing? Brilliant. And Bunny's parent's are assfaces.

    Sorry. I just read all 5 at once and therefore my commenting is all over the place.

    In conclusion, the writing style is amazing and I can't wait for more :)
    January 3rd, 2010 at 07:09am
  • Alright; I have no idea how you don't have more readers and subscribers, Heather; this is really good and extremely interesting, especially with the way that you're writing it. I really am enjoying it, and I'ma go pimp this story out like mad once I get rid of this migraine... I was just too curious to see what had happened since I've last read. :3

    I'm worried about Christian... Kinda like I worry about you; I feel connected to her, and she somewhat reminds me of you, y'know? Not in the bad way, just... I dunno, but it's not bad. Haha. Subtly, I suppose I should say, is how she reminds me of you - the little things. I'm getting subtle little hints on how you two are alike, is all. God, I hope that made sense. Haha.

    Right off the bat, I wanna smack both of Bunny's parents; homophobia is absolutely one of the most idiotic things I've ever come across. And in this, it's even worse 'cause it's his parents and I'm sure that he didn't really see their outburst coming. I mean, they're his parents; I would think that he thought that they would love him no matter what, even if he was bisexual. They're just plain stupid, really.

    I'm worried for Christian about the cutting. And throwing the phone at her brother... That's not good. But more so the cutting, rather than the phone throwing. Her brother was just trying to help, and she really shouldn't've snapped like that, but things happen, I guess. Hopefully their mom's not too mad about her breaking the phone; she's already got so much stress to deal with, and she doesn't need her mom adding to it more so than normal.

    Her brother's awesome. He's protective and only wants to help her, which I think is one of the sweetest things I've read. :)

    Now, off to bed with me! :D
    January 3rd, 2010 at 06:44am
  • Okay, first off - I love that cat! ;D

    Secondly, Trevor's mom won't let him have an e-mail account? Wow... Well, my mom wouldn't let me have an e-mail account until like, sixth grade. It was bad. Not that I didn't make one before then, but you know! Haha. Speaking of Trevor, he sounds awesome; like a really good friend. I used to have a friend named Trevor, oddly enough, but he turned into an asshole after about a year and a half of being friends... -_-

    Anyway, I absolutely adore this; the way you're writing this is sensational, the characters seem really lovable, as does the setting... I've always wanted to live in Mississippi, but the heat is a major turn off. Oh, and Scrubs is an epic show! :3

    Good job, and keep it up! :D
    January 1st, 2010 at 05:32am
  • I really liked this, Heather! I think that you're doing are going to continue doing a fantastic job with this! I love the fact that it's choppy, just a real journal entry would be, because so many of them are pristine with no errors since we're trained to write in a certain format when it's a story, and we have to be formal about it all. But that's not usually the case for our journal entries - if we even keep a journal - because they're close, if not exactly, how you're writing this one out. I'm excited to see what you're going to be doing with it next! <3
    January 1st, 2010 at 03:08am
  • I think it's cool. Haven't really ever read anything like this. Keep it up :D
    January 1st, 2010 at 02:50am