In the Mind of Madness - Comments

  • TheGoodLlama

    TheGoodLlama (100)

    United States
    Oh god poor Kenna. Joker where you at!?
    Really good update, thank you :)
    January 19th, 2013 at 08:09pm
  • JustShrugAtlas

    JustShrugAtlas (100)

    United States
    Uh oh. Joker doesn't like it when you mess with his Doctor. He's helplessly in love with her and she with him so I guess I'm waiting to see when they admit it. I also can't wait to see when the Joker comes to rescue her because I know it's going to happen. Please update sooon. I miss reading this story.
    January 19th, 2013 at 06:35pm
  • imaxmusic.artxbaby

    imaxmusic.artxbaby (100)

    United States
    Love this
    January 7th, 2013 at 10:12am
  • stace986

    stace986 (100)

    United States
    Update! Brawley is so sweet tryn to help. Can't wait for the next update:)
    January 2nd, 2013 at 09:45pm
  • TheGoodLlama

    TheGoodLlama (100)

    United States
    So crazy, thanks fpor the update! Super excited for the next one
    January 2nd, 2013 at 08:45pm
  • hail the moustache.

    hail the moustache. (100)

    United States
    I love this so much
    December 28th, 2012 at 09:23pm
  • amandap

    amandap (100)

    United States
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!update soon please
    December 16th, 2012 at 07:20pm
  • JustShrugAtlas

    JustShrugAtlas (100)

    United States
    It's interesting to know that Crane might be working with the Irishman. I'm excited to see how he'll play into all of this. I'm so happy your updates are coming regularly. :D They make me really happy. Help us weirdos disappear from the world for a little bit. It's nice.
    December 16th, 2012 at 07:14pm
  • TheGoodLlama

    TheGoodLlama (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the update! So good, and I'm so pumped to find out what happens next with Kenna n the Joker lol
    December 16th, 2012 at 04:59am
  • livelaughloveSING566

    livelaughloveSING566 (100)

    United States
    These updates make me so happy!!! And though I can't wait to get back to Kenna and the Joker, I really liked seeing the outside world again and getting some new information! Not only is the dramatic irony about Crane great, but it's a nice reminder that people are still going crazy trying to get Kenna back. I just really really love all of this! Thank you so much for writing!
    December 16th, 2012 at 04:11am
  • kailixx

    kailixx (100)

    I just spent all day reading this. Oh my god this is great. Also like everyone else said hello SEXUAL TENSION
    December 16th, 2012 at 02:52am
  • paracosm.

    paracosm. (110)

    United Kingdom
    All the sexual tension is making my head hurt - in a fantastic way. This chapter was just so amazing, I don't understand how you can write so well and update so quickly. When I try to update quickly the quality is usually so crap. -facepalm-

    This chapter had climbed up my list of favourite chapters, and is now sitting comfortably in third-fourth place. Which is pretty amazing seeing as it was updated like a day ago. The dream was just fabulous, I loved it. My heart plummeted into my stomach when I read the phrase 'ragged lips'. Shocked Kenna. Kenna what are you doing. Think about this. Bruce doesn't have ragged lips. OH NO.

    “Better than nothin’.” Suddenly there was a howling like a wounded animal, causing Kenna to jump. Brawley looked down sheepishly. “Sorry…s’my stomach. Nobody brought me anythin’ to eat since yesterday. Or I think it was yesterday.”

    Joker you little bastard. I became so angry while reading this, I think I have fallen in love with Brawley. Poor smart adorable awesome Irish teenager.

    Kenna glared at the goon through the door. “You’re talking to me right now, aren’t you?” there was a baffled pause, and Kenna had to count to ten inside her head. She wasn’t in any mood to deal with the third-grade drop outs The Joker employed. “Go and get your boss.”

    I laughed so much while reading this. :D The goon actually had to think about that, oh my god. The people Joker hires. I don't blame Kenna for being frustrated.

    “Did you hear her trying to…trick me?” The Joker was talking to his man who had been guarding the door. “Did you?”

    This line really stuck out to me, I'm not sure why. It just seemed so Joker. Like it was so realistic I could hear his voice saying it. You portray the Joker wonderfully, although I think I've mentioned that before :) And this dialogue was just so Joker-esque, I loved it.

    Exhaling noisily, Kenna turned around so she was leaning her back on the door. “Alright.” Then she called out to Brawley. “Are you allergic to anything? Have any favorite foods?”

    “No, and no.” the answer came from the other side of the door.

    Kenna scoffed. “I wasn’t talking to you, Joker.”


    I LOVE YOU. Seriously I think I cried a little from laughing so much. Even typing this comment I'm grinning like an idiot because all of her conversations with him are just precious. I think I completely lost it as soon as the Joker said 'Rude' :D Another one of my favourite excerpts. I have so many little phrases from your story that I adore building up in my head, but this one definitely stands out among them. It's hilarious.

    The idea of Kenna cooking for the Joker is amusing. I would like to see that too. I suppose I already have... in my imagination. O.o

    Is it weird that I laughed when Kenna referred to Vicki as the 'sexy' new anchor?

    “I do dictate what you can or cannot do.”

    “Like hell.”

    The Joker chuckled. “Whatever you wanna tell yourself, kitten.”

    Like hell does Kenna have Stockholm >.> The Joker may be able to 'dictate what she can and cannot do', but it's not like she has a passionate emotional attachment to him... yet. Kenna's too strong for that, anyway. She's a psychiatrist! Her state of mind must be pretty solid.

    And The Joker's constant nickname for her makes me smile. Really big. :D

    “Did you become ‘more than friends’ with Wayne, Dr. Archer?” The Joker asked her, his voice mocking with some other edge to it.

    Her neck felt warm, but Kenna acted like it was nothing. “That wouldn’t be your business.”

    “Everything is my business.”

    Do I detect a hint of jealously? :3 Oh Joker, you silly thing. He's been stalking Bruce because he's jelly, I just know it! ADMIT YOUR FEELINGS. ADMIT THEM RIGHT NOW.

    No matter how many times I shout at them to confess their love, they still don't seem to do it. It's all rather futile. :( Ahh well.

    “Oh? Like what? Making the world a better place? Pleasuring himself to images of bats?” The Joker cackled when Kenna looked disturbed, clasping his hands behind his head like he hadn’t a care in the world. “You like to point out just how crazy I am, sweet cheeks, but you never do stop and think that no ‘normal’ person would dress up like a nocturnal rodent and swoop around beating up bad guys. Hm?”

    That is very true. Not the pleasuring-himself-to-bats bits (which I laughed at, admittedly) but the whole 'crazy' thing. No one seems to realize that their 'saviour' dresses up like a giant bat. I mean, is that not considered slightly odd?

    “What kind of crazy am I?” the clown at the table leered at her expectantly.

    A smirk tugged at her lips and Kenna hid it with a snarl. “Batshit crazy.”

    Oh Kenna. I love you so much. Best comeback ever. I have so much respect right now. And apparently the Joker does too. :D

    "Good one."

    That's Joker code for 'I LOVE YOU, BE MINE'. Well, actually I don't think it is, and that's just my wishful brain reading into things. When you write about him even giving the slightest bit of eye contact with Kenna I immediately think "OH HE'S LOOKING AT HER THAT'S PROOF THAT HE ADORES HER."

    And then I calm myself down and remind myself that I am overreacting.

    As his hand reached out for it Kenna bent over the table, looking down only long enough to aim, then locked eyes with The Joker as she gathered the saliva in her mouth and spit it into the drink.

    In the stillness the impact of the heavy bead entering the whiskey was like a comedic water drop sound effect. Kenna stole a glimpse down to see it sitting foamy and whitish clear on the surface, and felt mirth rising up inside her. She looked back at The Joker and could see a parallel expression on his face, but there was something else.

    There was heat in his eyes.

    “There you go, Daddy.” Kenna kept her voice low, so it wouldn’t tremble with her glee.

    Shocked I can't even... I wasn't expecting that. At all. And yet it was still so awesome. Just... so much respect for Kenna. So much. The fact that she called him Daddy made me giggle, because that's just a slap in the face for the Joker. And as much as I love the Joker, he deserved this and I am infinitely proud of Kenna for spitting in his drink. And the whole 'heat in his eyes'? ~~ Tension much?

    The Joker kept moving for it. Her eyebrows shot up into her hairline. No, he wouldn’t do that. That was disgusting. Just to screw with her? No. But his eyes said yes.

    That is indeed disgusting, and my eyes widened throughout the whole of this little excerpt. I was afraid that he would actually do it. His reply made me laugh a lot, though.

    “It’s not like I haven’t had your spit in my mouth before.”

    Ooooh, burn. All of this verbal sparring is so entertaining :D

    She felt like something was about to happen.

    I felt like something was about to happen too.

    My heart was hammering in my chest while I read the last little section as well. I was just staring at it with wide eyes, wondering if all the tension would just snap and something that I've been waiting for would happen, but then...

    Darla walked into the kitchen.

    Goddammit Darla. I love you but WHY. *Slams head against desk repeatedly and cries* I'm so filled up with 'what if's' right now. All of this tension needs to reach it's peak, without any interruptions from a certain red-headed woman.

    While we are on the subject of Darla, I just wanted to mention that one of my favourite chapters in In the Mind of Madness would have to be Chapter 46, Fall. I adored it so damn much, Darla's perspective was so refreshing and I fell in love with her while reading it. It's so lovely to have some background on how she got caught up with the Joker. It makes everything very three-dimensional. You describe her fear fantastically, too.

    There were many things she wanted to know about. Like why The Joker seemed to like abandoned buildings so much, or why his hair was green, or how he got those scars, why he wore the makeup, why the suit, why the vendetta against humanity. Just why he was who he was.

    This paragraph is firmly etched into my brain. I find it to be really gorgeous, I'm not sure why. My heart aches when I read it, which is an odd way of describing it but I can't think of anything better. It's just so beautiful, I love Darla :') It's just gorgeous and beautiful and amazing and argh.

    Anyway, this was as brilliant as always. The writing was fantastic, as was the characterization, the dialogue, everything was perfect! So much love for this story, I'm surprised I only found this a few months ago. I should have been subbed to this from the beginning. But I'm glad I found it nonetheless. Hug

    Have I mentioned that the new layout is flawless? I think I have. I can't read the summary without highlighting it, for some reason, but the rest of it is stunning. The background image/painting of the Joker made my day.

    I think I may re-read this sometime in the near future, just for nostalgic purposes. Although this is still active, so I'm not sure how it would be nostalgic... O.O

    I have one more thing to say. Seeing as I came here a little late, when you were well into Kenna's second kidnapping, I just want to comment on a few of the first chapters because I didn't have a chance too before.

    The sessions with the Joker were utterly priceless. I adored them with all my heart, they made me laugh so much, especially the whole 'Mc Donalds' scenario. The idea of it still makes me giggle. And the whole 1 million questions thing, courtesy of the Joker.

    Dea out. tehe
    December 15th, 2012 at 09:50pm
  • hail the moustache.

    hail the moustache. (100)

    United States
    SeXuAl TeNsIoN much? Haha luv this, it's like in my top five Joker stories. Please update soon before I explode with questions.

    December 15th, 2012 at 06:10pm
  • DeathsIssue6661

    DeathsIssue6661 (100)

    United States
    OMG! you cant leave us brewing like this! the sexual tension is horrendous! whats going to happen?????? Is Kenna gonna go mental?!?
    December 15th, 2012 at 04:24pm
  • stace986

    stace986 (100)

    United States
    Ok you really know how to write cause that was fucking awesome! I had a stupid smile on my face like a creepy dumbass lol can't wait for the next one! Woo hoo!
    December 14th, 2012 at 05:06am
  • JustShrugAtlas

    JustShrugAtlas (100)

    United States
    That last part made my heart scream "SEXUAL TENSION! SEXUAL TENSION!". Because it's true. :P I was hoping they'd have hot sex right there because it needs to happen. :D
    December 14th, 2012 at 02:57am
  • jmg123

    jmg123 (100)

    United States
    Oh, Darla! That woman has awful timing, if I may say so.
    December 14th, 2012 at 01:23am
  • mori art ti

    mori art ti (105)

    United States
    @ paracosm.
    I just...I just love you. There was almost some completely real crying on my part from your lovely comment.

    I freaking love Brawley, too, and I'm excited someone else does. He is a smart little Irish teenager. And also it kills me to take things slow sometimes, but its also what I like about writing this.

    Honestly I don't know what to say except thank you so much. Especially for the BBT gig, which made my day. But also the stupendous comment.
    December 12th, 2012 at 05:08pm
  • paracosm.

    paracosm. (110)

    United Kingdom

    When I saw the little email for In the Mind of Madness, I just started crying tears of happiness. Figuratively crying, but it was still a beautiful moment.


    I just had to put that gif in there. I'm sorry.

    Anyway. Back onto the actual comment.

    This chapter. Wasn't boring. At all. NEVER THINK YOUR CHAPTERS ARE BORING. NEVER. EACH ONE IS GOLDEN. I like the Irish guy, he's adorable. :)

    “No, actually I’m the Frenchman’s son. Can’t you tell?” he was being sarcastic, probably referring to his obvious brogue.

    C'mon, you have to love him for that. tehe

    Awh he's hitting on Kenna, that's so cute. Who wouldn't hit on Kenna though. If I was a guy, I would hit on Kenna... and then get murdered by the Joker. Oh well.

    Brawley shifted to try and find a comfortable position squished between the toilet and the wall. “I think I heard the two a ya yelling a couple days ago, an’ I definitely heard it just now. Why’s he got ya here if all ya do is fight? Don’t make sense.”

    Seriously, the Irish kid who had been with Kenna for a total of five minutes manages to see the attraction between the two. And yet Kenna and the Joker are blind xD Frustration. Just realize it already. I'm kidding, the fact that this relationship is so gradual is what makes this fantastic. You're really staying true to the Joker's character, and I must say your portrayal is probably one of the best on Mibba.

    I love how he referenced back to Lord of the Rings, haha.

    “I hope my da' doesn’t came after you for this.”

    Oh god I hope his dad doesn't come after Kenna. Please, no no no no no.

    He's going to isn't he? D: That's your evil mastermind plan. To make me cry because Kenna gets kidnapped by a crime lord.

    She didn’t really know what he meant, but Kenna elevated an eyebrow, trying to keep the mood light. “Haven’t you seen The Joker? The boogeyman checks his closet for The Joker when he goes to bed.”

    That made the kid laugh. “I think yer talking about Chuck Norris.”

    “Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell The Joker stories.”

    He laughed even harder. “The Joker’s already been to Mars, thas’ why there’s no sign of life.”

    This made me laugh so much I think I fell off my chair. That conversation is just priceless.

    “Well, I bet thas’ why he likes you.”


    He's already like my second favourite character in this story, I love him so much. He's alongside Darla, I think.

    My favourite would have to be torn between Kenna/Joker, of course. Although Kenna is one of my favourite OC's.

    This comment makes no sense. -facepalm- It's just me shouting about how cute an irish boy is and how they must accept their un-dying love, alongside babbling and constant capitals. I'm sorry. But generally each time I comment it just shows my devotion and love towards you, and both of your Joker stories, because they are flawless. It's just - I love them so much.
    December 12th, 2012 at 04:43pm
  • JustShrugAtlas

    JustShrugAtlas (100)

    United States
    Eeeeeppppp! I'm so excited for this story to continue. :D I really want them to fall in love, as sick as that sounds. I just love it. Good luck on your finals.
    December 10th, 2012 at 10:34pm