My Name Is Jimmy and You Better Not Wear It Out - Comments

  • beautiful story, I can really see this being the movie :')
    January 3rd, 2013 at 06:55pm
  • The ending made me really fucking sad. Good shit.
    July 17th, 2010 at 08:41am
  • I have been procrastinating reading these last chapters (East 12th Street--Whatshername) for ages.
    And now I'm super fucking depressed that it's over =(
    (but it will give you more chances to finish up LOTMS ;)

    Saint Jimmy, rest in pieces of rage and love <3
    May 9th, 2010 at 10:44pm
  • It's always a great feeling to know that at least someone didn't succumb to painful and torturous life. He really did move on, move forward, and the ending cemented it. He was okay with it. He was okay with the fact that the screw-ups happened. He did the right thing burning all those phiotographs. No use dwelling on material things that he really had no use for. He cut off his connection with Gloria, or Whatsername, I should say, as soon as he burned the photographs. He saved himself from further destruction, and I think he realized that. Loved it, absolutely loved it.
    April 29th, 2010 at 02:31pm
  • I think this story was amazing
    For real, you're a Saint ahaha <3
    April 29th, 2010 at 01:04am
  • love this story, love you. Cannot wait for 21CB
    April 29th, 2010 at 12:33am
  • Bahahah, Greyhound Bus. Did I scare you away with my Dodgeball Trucker comment? XD

    Dude, I love you and your story and I can't wait to read Whatsername but at the same time I want it to last longer... but then again, sooner Whatsername comes up, sooner 21CB can start too.

    So yeah, Jimmy... Jimmy matured, who'da thunk it? lol.
    April 26th, 2010 at 06:25am
  • Oh, he's home! He's home, oh he's home! Like he said, he's back where he belongs! My God, oh he's home! I really want to hug Jimmy right now. I really really do. What he's feeling makes me feel it too. I feel a sense of accomplishment, of some sort of satisfaction of overcoming.

    "We're comin' home again!"
    April 26th, 2010 at 03:51am
  • Throughout this story, Jimmy's character really has changed, and you've showed it brilliantly. His thought process is a bit more open, his little "alter ego" type has disappeared. He's finally growing older and realizing. He's finally going back home. I can imagine the intensity of the relief I'll feel when he finally does get back home.
    April 25th, 2010 at 01:26am
  • I comment a lot don't I...
    Well the comment whore you are, I hope you enjoy it XD

    Anywayz, I LOVE it so much. Damn... Tunny grew up O_O
    Rocker girlfriend eh? hmm...
    April 25th, 2010 at 12:25am
  • Dude, I love you. Like seriously, I love you so fuckin' much.
    This = INCREDIBLE, I love Jimmy's thought process... and the clinic... THE FUCKIN' CLINIC WITH TUNNY... ok, I'm gonna talk to you about that later, lolzzz.
    Anywayz, love it so much and yeah, can't wait for the last three chaps and then 21CB
    April 24th, 2010 at 06:25am
  • Well... the options were
    Jimmia (which was your fav)
    and Jimoria (which is just weird)

    But once again my dear, A-FUCKING-MAZING. It's so... intense, and makes you really think about your philosophies in life.
    Love or lack there of.
    April 11th, 2010 at 06:03am
  • Wow... that. Was incredible.
    I will want full details on all the liquor monsters btw. And for some reason Ronaldo to me sounds like Antonio Banderas in my head XD
    But seriously, the fight between Jimmy and The Saint, and the way you described The Saint, incredible. To quote Ronaldo: 'ABSO-FUCKIN'-LUTELY' increadible. I mean it, just awesome.
    April 8th, 2010 at 02:35am
  • XD the liquor monsters. I can't believe he just left. I mean, he just left. But I guess you've got to feel the pain if something really needs to get at you so you can realize it. And he finally wrote in the journal too! Enjoyed the update. :)
    April 8th, 2010 at 01:40am
  • Ok... since my computer decided to be a bitch and not let me comment (Thank Tunny I'm home and have my mom's desktop) I am restarting my long comment on here.


    Next off, characters.

    The Saint: Hello. You need to learn to SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP MESSING WITH JIMMY AND GLORIA! You love her too! Why do something that gets rid of her!! NOT COOL! GO BLOW YOURSELF UP YOU DAMN IDIOT!

    Jimmy: fuckin' idiotic asshole... This is GLORIA we're talking about. The girl who has you pick her up from school every day, the one who seems to have a sex drive to match yours. I do not CARE if she reminds you of Sara! SHE ISN'T SARA YOU DUMBASS! SHE'S NOT LEAVING YOU FOR SOME DOUCHEBAG! SHE FUCKIN' LOVES YOU! Stop being so much of a scaredy cat and tell her YOU LOVE HER TOO, CAUSE YOU DO! But no... instead you have to realize this AFTER she leaves, of course...
    AND SHE'S PREGGERS TOO! So she seemed to have disappeared, YOU DON'T WAIT FOR HER TO COME TO YOU WHILE YOU MOPE IN YOUR ROOM LIKE YOU ARE THE OFFENDED PARTY! You go and sit outside her appartment room until she fuckin' HAS to see you! And then you get down on your fuckin' knees, BEG HER FORGIVENESS, AND TELL HER THAT YOU LOVE HER TOO!
    You're not emotionless! NO ONE IS! TUNNY MAY BE JESUS OF SUBURBIA BUT YOU AREN'T TUNNY! YOU AREN'T HIS WORSHIPPER ANYMORE! HE FUCKIN' ABANDONED YOU IN THE CITY WITH NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! And you made the best of it and met your SOULMATE! And it took her leaving you to make you realize this... you fuckin' idiot.

    Gloria: Oh baby girl, *hugs* I'm sorry he's such a douche and doesn't realize what you two had. Well I'm always here if you wanna raise your baby with someone ;)

    So... the long and short of it... I fuckin' love it, and I wanna just hold Gloria and take all her pain away.

    So yeah... there's my long ass comment, full of swearing and yelling XD
    enjoy my dear
    April 4th, 2010 at 07:04pm
  • I was stuck to the screen this entire chapter, and I was so into it that I read it twice. It angers me how Jimmy won't let himself believe that he was in love with Gloria, even though Gloria can plainly see it, and that, of course, along with the fact that he cheated on her, leads to their relationship's downfall. He's so insecure, my God, he's so insecure. He refuses to let go of the "love doesn't exist" philosophy that he's hammered into his head. I feel bad for him but I also am really mad at him. If he had only stopped pretending that he didn't love her, he would have still had her, and if his insecurity hadn't led him to fuck someone else- Ugh, I wanna shake Jimmy and tell him the reality so bad. I want to tell him that "Goddamit, love does exist and getting attached can be a good thing!" This is the moment in time where I'm repeatedly hitting my head against the wall because of his stupidity and complete utter insecurity. I'm only hoping that he learns from this.

    Anyway, great chapter! It was really intense and I absolutely loved reading it. Your characters pulled me into the story and, I felt like I was either of them whenever they spoke or through their actions. Great, amazing chapter.
    April 3rd, 2010 at 10:09pm
  • I really wonder what he's going to do. If the realization finally hit him- Hmm. Can't wait for the next update!
    March 29th, 2010 at 04:40am
    2) oh thank god, I'm not the only one who doesn't tan x)
    3) have I ever told you how much it makes me smile when you mention me in your author's notes? Because it does =)
    March 27th, 2010 at 09:40am
  • I really like how you have laced Christian, Gloria, Saint Jimmy/Jesus and Whatsername all together...
    March 25th, 2010 at 07:59am
  • i was going to comment on this chapter, but Cassicio up there just said everything i was going to say
    March 14th, 2010 at 08:07pm