Together Foever - Comments

  • MamaZ

    MamaZ (100)

    United States
    ...i don't even know what to say...hum i guess i'll start with WAY TO SHORT!! shann you are a wonderful writer let me see what you really got girlie!!! it was sweet and i like the name you picked...seeing how you can never think of one. any way i like how matt just pops out the ring it seems like something he would do...and to tell you the truth i thought this was going to be about the rev when i saw the title...but it is a good fake out...for me at least,,,hell some people on here will bite your head off for doing yea i guess that's all i have to say...can't wait to really see what you got in the next one you do (cause i know you'll be doing more)
    January 18th, 2010 at 10:52pm