What Could Have Been - Comments

  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Neat.. :) Superbly awesome, as well as highly well-written, too. I like it — especially this part:

    “May I ask what you have in your hand miss?”

    “What do you mean?” I asked, getting a bit shaky. The uniformed guard took me by the wrist and pulled open my loosely closed fingers, and there they were. The voodoo doll earrings.

    “I’m going to have to ask you to come with me,” he told me. He started pulling me along to the entrance. I looked around, scared and slightly frustrated, for Aiden, Leigh, or Davi. All three were in the back already, looking for me.

    I guess the warning came too late.

    The uniformed officer led me into a small white room in the back, and threw me down to a chair. I was already on the verge of tears. I didn’t want him to call my parents. I didn’t want them to know what happened. I’d get slapped around a bit, and then sent to my room with no phone for a week, no after school things for a month, and no Mibba for the next two. I’d go to bed hungry and alone, with yelling coming from daddy dearest to “shut the fuck up.”

    Superbly amazing! :) You should make a sequel oneshot for this showing what happens when and after Hayley’s parents find out, as well as when Suzette, Aiden, Davi and Leigh discover what had happened, too. :)
    May 3rd, 2011 at 11:02pm