A two way street to love. - Comments

  • appley92

    appley92 (100)

    United States
    hhaha heyy christy. lol. you are suchhh a fruitloop!!!

    i think i figured out the character page----maybbbe??? idkk haha. and yeahh!!! i love editing-- im a lot better at it than writing, or at least i think so lol.

    i dont know how to rate a story :(( but if i figure it out,, ill let you know :))

    haha third comment-- not really creepy cuz its kinda sweet :D lol. i can 2x space it--- hopefully i do that right lol.

    and yes i promise i will!! life is just complicated at the moment and i dont get a lot of time to write anymore :( but hopefully either tonight or tomorrow ill have some free time, so i gotchu!!! :)
    June 6th, 2011 at 03:19pm
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    Are you gonna update this soon? I love the story, and you would be creeped out from how many times I check back here in a day, hoping another chappie is up. ;(
    June 4th, 2011 at 10:25am
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    Lol third comment in like an hour!!! Ok so apparently mibba likes it if you 2x space, they wrote it on the writing giudlines page that it's like easier on the eyes of readers or some crap but yea :) It also fills more space and kind of staggers our thoughts. . . if that makes any sense at all. I normally have like 6-ish pgs of writing with the double spacing.
    June 2nd, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    OH!!! Do you know how to rate a story? I have no idea :)
    June 2nd, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    Hi! I'm Christy <3

    Uhm character page... I know you can create characters with their stats and stuff on your mibba page, under "Stories" you go to "Characters" and there it is, but I haven't made a character page :) I think it's because I don't know if I want real people, so I'll probably just draw them, 'shop them, and then find out about a story page. Sorry I can't help!

    I'm new too, so we can be new together ;)

    Hm so I've been looking for an editor, but no one seems to be interested! On0 *gasp.* Do you think you might like to edit? ;) I'd reciprocate, if ya want C: Just for spelling n stuff, and sometimes I write things twice. Things like that?
    June 2nd, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • appley92

    appley92 (100)

    United States
    you are my new favorite person in the whole world. haha. ive had this story on here for awhile but nobody has said anything and i totally welcome the critisism lol. i have no idea what im doing-- kind of just going with the flow. how do i create a character page?? like i said-- im totally new at all of this!

    i realllly hope you like the rest of it and please please please keep commenting and any help i can get is greatttly appreciated!

    im liz btw :)
    May 31st, 2011 at 06:38pm
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    okay I loveeeee the story and the characters are adorable, but I think you hit us with too much too fast. I can't keep the names straight to save my life!
    I once heard someone say in a writing guide that you should only introduce maybe two characters at a time, and I think she is completely right. I know it's hard when you start a story, but it really helps the readers keep track if you're more gradual.
    That said, I love the personality you put into the characters. I'm only on about chapter 3, mind you, so maybe it gets better with that? It might especially get better when you don't have to introduce all these characters. Do you have a character page? I'll check, and you might want to link it into the story if you haven't yet. Chapter 3. I'm subscribing to this story, and I'll comment on things or just to say hi or whatever :)
    I can't believe no one has commented. . . -_-,
    Hope this helps? Or just gives you a different perspective? Good luck ;)
    May 26th, 2011 at 09:09pm