Chase This Light - Comments

  • kristabby

    kristabby (300)

    United States
    <3 this
    March 3rd, 2011 at 07:17am
  • glitterspritz

    glitterspritz (100)

    United States
    I agree with the previous commenter. This is the best Spencer Reid story I've read. You've captured him and the rest of the team brilliantly.
    April 19th, 2010 at 05:02pm
  • X!CyanideXSymptom!X

    X!CyanideXSymptom!X (100)

    United States
    I love the story! so far its probaly the best story on spencer ive read
    March 29th, 2010 at 11:44pm
  • Abbycus Forensicus

    Abbycus Forensicus (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "Reid sat back in his seat, expecting the worst mocking that Morgan could deliver."

    Aww bless him, I can just see him sitting there twiddling his thumbs or looking out of the window trying to avoid Morgan.

    I like how the third chapter still managed to focus on the relationship between Reid and Jasey yet we had the formation of the operation and a scene between the agents which was believeable and acurate.

    "Hey guys!" Alex screamed into the mic Jasey finished testing. "This goes out to all the unknown subjects that are late to their own bust!" The whole room laughed at that.

    Haha, brilliant.

    Facet took a step closer, causing the room to flinch.

    I love this, beautifully written.

    Third chapter was well written, and again it's obvious you know a lot about the mannerisms and personalities of the team because you have written them very well. The profiling of the unsub was brilliant, I can imagine it being a case on CM. The story is also written in a way that, even if you don't watch CM, it can still be enjoyable. I like Moragan in this, very laid back and big-brotherly towards Reid like he is in the show.

    Now it was Spencer’s turn to stop. Statistics. The ban of his dating life. The haunting wingman no one wanted.

    Hahaha, too true.

    “Well, the chance of me dying in a sea of twelve year olds seems low…”

    There should be a statistic out there for this, and if not, there needs to be.

    Brilliant piece, keep up the good work.
    March 15th, 2010 at 06:49pm
  • Abbycus Forensicus

    Abbycus Forensicus (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I totally love how this is working out, the plot is brilliant.

    Okay, firstly I have to say that the story is very believable and that the profile you have built up for your killer is convincing. You write the characters of the show very well and the style in which you write complements the show's style. You can write seriously but you can also make it light and fun in places that require it.

    Reid was the total opposite. He liked the idea of concerts, with everything so new to him. It excited the genius in him to see everything work, to study the crowd. On the other hand, he hated crowds. Just so many opportunities for him to feel like an awkward little teenage boy all over again.

    I like how you write Reid, as if he is discovering new things but he is also out of his depths being surrounded by so many people that he knows nothing about, and also how he feels towards Jasey. I like how the relationship between the two of them is simple and it's always present but it doesn't overrule the case.

    Spencer tried to think of a witty Garcia-like response to tell her he was on his way out, but by that time she was too far-gone. He just waved at her and continued outside.

    Haha, love this.

    I love how Spencer is the quiet, stuttering person he is on the show and you really carry his personality well. 'By the time 11:00 came around, Spencer had changed his sweater three times.' YES! Totally geeky, very accurate.

    Can't wait for more. I'll write the comments on the third chapter when it's up so I don't ruin it for anyone.. (oh, and to edit is my pleasure!)
    March 1st, 2010 at 09:11pm
  • Nicole!

    Nicole! (100)

    United States
    I'm loving this :)
    Fuck yeah fall out boy!
    I like your taste in music
    February 11th, 2010 at 04:44am
  • Nicole!

    Nicole! (100)

    United States
    Haha fuck yeah Blink 182 and Criminal Minds, Can this get any better?
    I love this<2+1
    (ps- i just took this story's comment virginity >:])
    January 30th, 2010 at 03:57am