Crush'd - Comments

  • TashaInsanity

    TashaInsanity (100)

    That was so cute!
    April 18th, 2010 at 03:26pm
  • stretchedlobes

    stretchedlobes (100)

    United States
    That was really cute (:
    March 26th, 2010 at 06:05am
  • Earl Of Slander

    Earl Of Slander (100)

    United States
    I decided that instead of giving you a full analysis at the end of the one shot, I might as well just take small notes here and there as I read (like you've done for me and I absolutely love it!!)
    So here it is:

    -love the banner :)

    -also really like how you begin the story with one-worded sentences; very short and very deliberately. It gets the reader interested instantly, just like it did for me. Smart technique.

    -the introduction to oliver, even though it happens very early on, is really great. I like the way you did it.

    -I was reading the first letter, and I thought it was really cute, and then when I saw the date it was written, it really intrigued me. 1994. That's just...odd and original all at once beginning from such an early place.

    -and also, the huge jump from 5 years between the first two letters shows, in just that element, that they have become a lot closer. I LOVE the way you did that!

    -You incorporated the lyrics very well between the letters too. excellent excellent excellent.

    -aw, Oli punched a guy for making fun of him writing letters. GO OLI!!! and him asking ava if they're best friends just shows how dependent he is on her. that's so cute :)

    -oh man, and now he's a total manwhore. so oli man lol

    -i also find this very interesting too how it's all from his POV. his letters; you don't get to know how ava has been feeling through the years, and as much as it's frustrating, it's also a fresh approach that i completely appreciate.

    -and the obvious transition of oli's maturity is amazing. you are so good girl, so good!

    -dude, i'm reading right now, and I'm really feeling connections to both oli and ava. this is awesome; i love when this happens.

    -"I overheard our mother’s talking on the phone. Your mom told my mother about you being sad and devastated because of some boy that you loved but he didn’t love you back."
    This is the first time we hear things from Ava's POV, even if it's oli who's writing it. this was the perfect way to semi-introduce her so fully.

    -....dude. This one shot was fucking awesome. Seriously, I absolutely adore the format and the plot and the letters and, my god, the other contestants (even though I've only gotten one other entry), have some competition.

    Let me just say it again:
    I FUCKING LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    great job dude!!!!!
    January 31st, 2010 at 03:29am
  • mytimet0dream-

    mytimet0dream- (100)

    United States
    I freaking love this. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I love Oli Sykes...Okay, it's does. But seriously, this is what they call amazing in writer world. Now I sound weird, restart.

    I loved this, just simply adored it. I love the passing of time. I love that you can only read his letters, all in all, it was overly amazing. I give you major kudos and you deserve the praise. Just, amazing!
    January 29th, 2010 at 01:10am
  • NikkiEcstasy;

    NikkiEcstasy; (100)

    sweet likaa million cupcakes . ;D

    LOVED IT. <333
    January 28th, 2010 at 10:47pm