Ramblings - Comments

  • The only thing I can say right now is... holy shit.
    This was so, emotional. I could feel the anger and the sadness.
    I seriously fell like crying. This was so good. <3
    July 15th, 2010 at 05:32am
  • I, too, am very fond of using underlining and italics and such, but I do think that how they are used in this piece cause me to stress different words in places that don't make sense. I do like that the entire first part (the letter) is done in italics, because to my knowledge, italics are used to add stress to words, which makes for a very creative way of conveying that the character is feeling extremely emotional. But, as I previously mentioned, I do think that a few of the different underlinings and boldings are a little much.

    For example:
    I don't see the point of living.

    In my mind, this sounds like "I don't see THE POINT of living." You know what I mean?

    The end was breathtaking. "Then with a final breath she pulled the blade across her throat, the blood spilled out and she dropped to the floor like an apple from a tree. A grim smile plastered on her face." This imagery was shockingly vivid and perfect in every way. Overall, I loved this piece. It was raw and emotional and really beautiful. Great work. :)
    June 29th, 2010 at 11:13am
  • This was simply amazing. Great imagery.
    I loved how you underlined, italic, and bolded different phrases in the letter.
    Why keep fighting something that you're never gonna beat?
    Why keep trying when you know you’re going to lose?
    Why have faith in something that'll never happen?

    These few lines just took my breath away and made me want to cry.
    I'm so sad ):
    And the way you ended it, with her smiling, that was very emotional.
    This was loved . . .
    June 9th, 2010 at 09:48am
  • Creepy.

    Love it.


    Points for using "loose" verses "lose".
    Again, missed a few commas, but very well done overall. I like the raw emotion behind the words, it really stands out.

    And if this is something you're trying to tell the world, I'll be here if you wanna talk XD.
    February 18th, 2010 at 01:21am
  • You almost made me cry.

    I want to hate you but I can't.

    I love this.

    I just wouldn't have the guts.

    Only error is in the description. Most people get scared when they see something misspelled and they wil immediately stop reading. Fix "sucide" to "suicide".

    February 2nd, 2010 at 02:16am
  • That is very well writen :D i like it alot
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:47am
  • I liked this a lot. The letter was written so it was easy to see how the character was feeling and the character herself was good too.

    Good job =)
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:21am
  • First thing, you may wanna check your italics tag in the first paragraph moving on.

    I like how the character’s emotions flow within the letter, It isn’t hard to understand what
    she is feeling. However the way you portrayed her dying in my opinion was not very realistic I don’t think
    Most people go out with a smile on their face. Suicide being a touchy subject here, sorry. I like how you were able to put the ideas into the readers head with imagery of how she may have felt : )

    I will be subscribing.
    January 30th, 2010 at 05:15am
  • That was intense, seriously, really well done...nice job
    January 29th, 2010 at 09:26pm