Say Anything - Comments

  • breakOUT!

    breakOUT! (100)

    United States
    that made me cry. :[
    February 3rd, 2010 at 01:53am
  • avidreader16

    avidreader16 (100)

    United Kingdom
    please write one more
    it was amazing and i feel so bad for her
    February 1st, 2010 at 12:34pm
  • GiveMeTherapy

    GiveMeTherapy (100)

    United States
    OMG. I can't believe he walked away from her. This is a two-shot right? I hope so...
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:50am
  • GiveMeTherapy

    GiveMeTherapy (100)

    United States
    OMG. I can't believe he walked away from her. This is a two-shot right? I hope so...
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:50am
  • lies.

    lies. (100)

    United States
    Holyyyy shitchrist Alexa!
    This is fucking fantastic. If I would have read it when it was originally posted instead of waiting around until now I probably would have loved him wayyy sooner than only a couple months ago.
    Fuck it's beautiful.

    Maybe it's because you started out at such an important moment in the story - when they were just standing there and she decided that it would be a good time to tell him everything that she's been hiding from the world.
    In a way I'm sort of proud, and he should be too. I've dealt with similar problems and it's hard as hell to admit to someone that they're actually there. Putting on long sleeved shirts is so much easier than explaining to people why you're so fucked up.

    Ironically, the person that I was in love with is the person that I told also...and it sort of ended the same was as Chrissy and Alex.
    (do you read minds? I think so.)

    I was mega pissed when he walked away from her though. And I was mega MEGA pissed when the second chapter said that their friendship was over ever since she opened up to him.
    It's just not something that you should do; tell someone that they can tell you anything and then leave like a pussy once shit gets complicated.
    ...but since this is Alex that we're talking about, I guess I can forgive his first mistake.

    SECOND MISTAKE = getting a girlfriend.
    He should have settled all the shit with her before starting a whole new chapter in his life.
    Douche. bag

    the whole proposal thing was totally not the key to my happiness, but obviously you weren't just gonna leave me hanging there all disappointed and shit. You're too good for that :)

    'He did just say something. He just told me he loved me.'
    And as much as I love open endings, because I always envision them living happily ever after with 2 children and a kickass house with a badass pool table/bar in the basement, I really wish I would have some closure in this. I'll make my own.
    Alright so, Jack and Chrissy are best friends (because sometimes a girl needs to have a change of pace from Alex). Oh, and Alex? He took out the trash 5 minutes after they walked off the set and ripped the ring off of Macy's finger after realizing that she was his backup plan - which he clearly didn't need since the original, and best, plan was back in his life and barely 30 feet away from him.
    The amazing basement totally happened, mostly because Jack needs a bar to drink in that he wont get thrown out of when he gets too crazy, but the kids didn't...not yet anyway.

    Jack's enough of a child. OH! and he also lives in the badass basement because crawling to bed is alot easier when your bedroom is the next room over.

    Was this comment too much?
    I love you :)
    February 1st, 2010 at 02:55am