Habits You Couldn't Bear to Keep - Comments

  • Melly Jelly

    Melly Jelly (100)

    United States
    Sorry I'm so late on this! But, obviously, I'm from the CRAZY ASS STORY CONTEST!

    And what a crazy ass story this was! First of all, MAJOR kudos for doing a P. Stump fic. <3 I am madly in love with the man, I must say. Aha XD
    Love it! Sooo much... I've always wondered how he lost all of the weight so fast and this was definitely a great story based on it. Now I feel bad for him in case he actually did go through this! XD
    Seriously, never would have thought of this. Also, something I like about this was that it was well written. A ton of crazy ass stories are suckishly written and there's nothing more annoying. So I admire you for actually writing it with style. =) Overall, great entry!

    Thanks for entering! And again, sorry I took so long to comment. I might not get to the results tonight because I have to go to the gym and do my homework, but hopefully results within the next few days...? Thanks again! =D
    March 14th, 2010 at 10:48pm
  • Greta Morgan

    Greta Morgan (100)

    United States
    WOW. My mind is blown. That was for sure the most creative reason for the weight loss, so far. Interesting concept. Creepy, but interesting! Props for making such a cool plot line. I would love to see if this goes anywhere else. Message me if it does and good luck in the contest!
    February 17th, 2010 at 03:41am
  • Venganza

    Venganza (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awww, poor Tricky. That was awesome! I really like the idea behind how he got so skinny. Haha.
    February 16th, 2010 at 10:03am