Diaries - Comments

  • oh my lord. that was just pure genius.
    It is basically just so true. word for word.
    It amazed me the way you captured thoughts and just everything into something so delicate and beautiful. Its something that could be read aloud, and have such a rhythem that moves people.
    This was amazing.

    January 3rd, 2008 at 06:23am
  • You've certainly got a beautiful narrative voice.

    You can’t really place an age on a writer. A writer is an artist; writing is art. It could be anything, a picture book to the most detailed book on the universe. Nobody can degrade your writing, their comments aren’t anything. Your writing is everything.

    I am green. I wish to God I had written these lines. They are spectacular.

    nspiration is almost like a muse.

    Well, muses are vessels for inspiration so...a little confusing here.

    I’m Randy George, an African American male.

    This surprised me. Not so much the race but the sex. The way it was written had a distinct feminine touch to it. I don't know why, I'm probably senile or something.

    Any who, I could never find it classy to live in such huge homes when there are people living on the streets. I could never find it attractive to see a woman with plastic as her breasts. I could never find it appealing on the way crowds overpowered everyone.

    I love this paragraph. It muses over several issues in one swoop. It shows that the character has a strong opinion and sense of morality which is always important in writing a character.

    Overall, the piece was beautifully written, a deep, philosophical and psychological piece of prose from the mind of what could be an undiscovered genius. Also, the fact that he has such a plain name is good as people with fancy names seem to dominate most stories. Wonderful.
    December 30th, 2007 at 07:33am
  • Oh my gosh Karen.
    This is really good.
    You should show it to Mrs. Knott.

    Hehe I bet she'd loooovvvveeee it...Just like meeeeeee.
    December 2nd, 2007 at 02:25am
  • I'm absolutly lovign this
    rarely do i encounter such a delicious piece of writting
    Original, essay like and with good vocabulary I really encourage you to go on with this
    November 4th, 2007 at 11:14am
  • Nobody can degrade your writing, their comments aren’t anything. Your writing is everything. I think this needs to be posted somewhere so people stop asking for comments. <_<

    The part of a whole, the aid to the band, the nurse to the doctor. ANALOGIES. ANALOGIES ARE INCREDIBLE. :cheese:

    The one where the emotion was spilt over dramatically onto the paper, where my pen literally spilt big drops of ink onto the paper; my writing was almost insoluble. Lovelovelovelovelove. 'Cept how you used the word 'spilt' twice in a sentence. But otherwise, :cheese:

    My work was, how could I put it?

    I'd have put the 'useless' bit in italics - I think that would make it so so so so perfect.

    This is why I wrote everything in my diary. ENDING = PERFECT. PERFECTPERFECTPERFECT.

    :shifty Kay so I'm completely illiterate because you've turned my brains to jelly with talent.
    November 3rd, 2007 at 10:00am
  • This is just.....Wow! That's all I can say about it. You described everyone on this site. I could see myself as that person. It's very well-written with no spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. Keep it up.
    November 3rd, 2007 at 09:23am
  • This is, indeed, art. Just as Randy so eloquently puts it.

    You flawlessly describe everything that a writer should be and more.

    You can’t really place an age on a writer. A writer is an artist; writing is art. It could be anything, a picture book to the most detailed book on the universe. Nobody can degrade your writing, their comments aren’t anything. Your writing is everything.

    I realize many people have quoted that as their favorite part, but this is mine too. It describes exactly what writing is, and what an author is.

    I also like how this is about an African-American man, not a white man, like so many people write about. (Me included, but whatever. :roll:)

    Subscribing. Only because, as Explicit Sins. put, this is art.
    October 31st, 2007 at 04:58am
  • Oh my god, from the fist sentence I found this so easy to relate to as a writer. It's like you took my (And frankly everyone who has the passion for writing) feelings. The introduction consisting of the difinetion of writing as an art and how you worded it was brilliance. I sincerely wasn't expecting that as I read the summary.

    Randy's point of view was very honest regarding himself and detailed concerning his writing.

    You can’t really place an age on a writer. A writer is an artist; writing is art. It could be anything, a picture book to the most detailed book on the universe. Nobody can degrade your writing, their comments aren’t anything. Your writing is everything.

    ^As I said: I adored the introduction.

    Spelling and grammar was flawless. A very well-written piece, almost like ...Art.
    October 31st, 2007 at 01:17am
  • You can’t really place an age on a writer. A writer is an artist; writing is art. It could be anything, a picture book to the most detailed book on the universe. Nobody can degrade your writing, their comments aren’t anything. Your writing is everything.

    ^Wow, just fucking wow. How did you get your story title like that? Its neat. Best written piece by you I think. This one meant more in a way I believe and I could tell in your wtiting. How could I miss this. Shame on me.
    October 30th, 2007 at 10:47am
  • :cheese: Karen. This... is awesome. Beautiful. The emotions were there. Your descriptions were great.

    October 30th, 2007 at 09:09am