Watch Me Make You Hate Me - Comments

  • Awh. D:
    NO. 'Tis so sad. Seriously! What's up with the pants-fetish, man? Bleh, stupid Jonah. >O

    Haha, ignore my nonsense. Anyway, it was a bit grammatically incorrect at parts, - by that I mean your present and past tenses got mixed up - but other than that it was alright. x]

    I didn't know such a disorder existed - I thought that was just social phobia. Well anyway, that was a lovely read. It wasn't draggy, and I like how it didn't end all cliche, but instead Cameron actually had the guts to push Jonah away. And, well, Cameron's so cute. :3

    Good luck for the contest! ^^
    February 22nd, 2010 at 02:39pm
  • One thing I must point out.
    Jonah is definitely a looker.
    Like, I just had to say that...xD
    Ahem. ANYways...>.>
    The ending was kinda depressing, but it was SO...
    cute. ^.^
    It was really really adorable. :)
    I loved it. <3
    Amazing job!<3
    February 22nd, 2010 at 12:38am