No Man's Land - Comments

  • qu33n carnage

    qu33n carnage (100)

    United States
    Oh man! You're killing me here, I want to know so bad! It sounds like Jackie's background is going to leave me speechless, I can tell.

    And why, oh why, does Gerard think he is making a mistake?! What madness is this? I must know!

    Amazing chapter by the way, like always! :D
    December 7th, 2009 at 09:50am
  • Wolverine.

    Wolverine. (100)

    United States
    Hi. I just discovered this little gem, and I must say, its the shit.
    October 30th, 2009 at 03:55am
  • The Warden's Wife

    The Warden's Wife (100)

    United States
    I've been reading this for a long time, seen a few of your journal posts advertising for it. And it took me a long while to catch up, lol.
    You are an amazing writer, it's a great story, plenty of balanced out emotions. Perfect descriptions and detail, wow...You have inspired me to write more detail in my stories =)
    Thank you.
    October 28th, 2009 at 06:27am
  • merance

    merance (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    SO sorry I haven't commented sooner! I haven't had time to read it. D: But hey, I'm here now, so I'mma get cracking.

    Oh my God, I love Evan's dog's name. It's amazing. :DD What were you thinking when you decided on 'Pancake Mix'? Nomnomnom pancakes?

    “We have a baby, and his name is Felipé.”
    “You are so weird.”



    Loving Evan's T-shirt. I need one of them. ;D It's ingenius, really.

    “What about…‘Jimmy and the Dickwads,’ instead? I think I like that one better.”
    “Suck it, James.”
    “That can be our first single!”

    YOU'RE ingenius. Great banter going on here.

    That's me squealing at the incredible-ness of your writing. Just sayin'.

    God, this is good. :) I hate that Lindsey is probably going to screw everything up though, if you're making this as accurate to real life as possible... :((
    NOOOO. But I can't wait to see what happens. Love this, always.
    October 25th, 2009 at 01:41am
  • The Marty Parade

    The Marty Parade (100)

    Wow, I hadn't read this in ages but I decided to catch up now and I'm still as amazed by it as I was in the beginning.
    I love how every chapter is laced with both humor and serious things.

    I can't believe Evan cut his hair! It's so weird and Sir Squiggles don James Pancake Mix was totally a more awesome name for the puppy than Félipe.

    I'm no good at comments, specially not those which you can't edit later, so I'll just end this by saying that I loved all the chapters I just read.
    October 18th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • fidicensum

    fidicensum (100)

    United States
    I like your story, and to be honest, i'm not all that into MCR. So i guess that means you tell a good tale.

    it's super annoying that almost no one likes good music because it's good music, so when i heard that Jackie listened to Tchaikovsky, my FAVORITE like, ever, and especially so when played by Van Cliburn...i was happy someone at least researched classical music, and might even (gasp) like it, and wasn't too afraid to put it in their story.
    you put individuality into your characters. that's awesome that you take time to do that, and i honestly appreciate that.
    thank you for giving me a wonderful read.
    i've enjoyed it.
    October 17th, 2009 at 08:00am
  • BlackQueen

    BlackQueen (200)

    United States
    Don't worry about writing us back or anything just glad to know you're back. Oh my I have a feeling that something may happen and it will not be pretty, It was a great chapter.
    October 9th, 2009 at 11:11am
  • DyingOnTheDanceFloor

    DyingOnTheDanceFloor (100)

    United States
    This update definitely made my life :D

    I'll cut you if you have Lindsey intefere with Gerard and Jackie's love fest, but otherwise I'll be very sad to see this story go.

    October 8th, 2009 at 03:08am
  • Slipping Away

    Slipping Away (100)

    If you fuck up Gerard and Jackie because of Lindsay I will HAVE TO STAB YOU. Serious.

    Amazing chapter, of course. I don't know what else I can say because everyone's already said it, but your Jimmy character is great.
    October 8th, 2009 at 01:59am
  • FamousLastWords.

    FamousLastWords. (100)

    United States
    yay! you updated. i have really missed this story :)
    October 7th, 2009 at 11:37pm
  • vince noir.

    vince noir. (100)

    I haven't commented on this in a fair while I think, though I figured I should probably start again now considering I'm kind of, ya know, in this chapter. (Thank you so much for that again, by the way.)

    But anyway, I really did enjoy this chapter. I still can't believe Evan cut off all his hair! And I liked Sir Squiggles don James Pancake Mix better than Felipé to be honest, but oh well, I suppose its easier to remember. I like Evan and Anna more and more as a couple as the story goes on, they're adorable really. “We have a baby.” Sooo cute! xD

    "Lindsey kept trying to teach Evan how to do the backbend, but he just couldn’t get it down like she could,” he laughed. “He tried it once, onstage, and just fell on his head, the dummy. Five stitches.”
    ^I loved this bit, the mental image was hilarious.

    The car trip to the show was interesting. Jackie and Cynthia relationship confuses me a little, I mean, it just seems like they should be together (as much as I do like Gerard) especially since Jeffery is such an a-hole. He irks me and you've hardly even written about him which just goes to show how well you can portray a character without much at all. Jackie's witty remarks about him were great and highly entertaining too.

    I was excited to see the members of MSI, you write James/Jimmy really well. Its very believable. And Lindsey being thrown into the picture is also very interesting.

    This was an excellent chapter, can't wait for the rest :D.
    October 7th, 2009 at 09:09am
  • Atlas Will Shrug

    Atlas Will Shrug (100)

    New Zealand
    I guess I won't buy a coffin for this story then... But, man, I was worried I might have to! Then again, since your updates are always great, I can handle the wait. More or less.

    I really liked the naming of Felipé, it was sweet and just showed this really nice domisticity between Anna and Evan; you really had me in the mind-set that they have a long history between them and I think that was caused by the way the dialogue seemed to suit them, from what we've seen throughtout the story.

    You also captured the awkwardness that would spring up from Cynthia being around and this time - while it's great that they're friends, this is still probably going to be there, what with Gerard being a recent addition to Jackie's life and Cynthia being flirtatious. I liked that you didn't spin something about how Cynthia chose not to because she was sensible and knew this and that, et cetera. Putting that in would be like making everyone perfect and the story would stop being so fantastically realistic.

    I really liked Mindless Self Indulgence coming into it - the building up to Lindsey was effective as well. I'll put it out there that I'm not actually nervous about the possibility of a love triangle-esque thing between Jackie, Lindsey and Gerard. That would be a cliche and you have this great way of avoiding those. Plus, Jackie clearly has morals about such things and you've led me to believe that the Gerard of this story does as well, given his initial response to the break up with Eliza. But that doesn't mean I want Jackie and Gerard to break up!

    I liked the way you worked in the fact that MSI had a history with No Man's Land, it makes these OCs even better - and they're already freakin' amazing, so that's saying something!

    That said about Lindsey, I did think the awkwardness between Gerard and her was pretty sweet. And Lindsey is very hot. Just sayin'.

    Sami was a nice addition too, since she was a nice fan, not creepy, or nasty. I also really liked that she recognised Jackie first. I can see this actually happening since Jackie has bright red here and Gerard's is just black and therefore a lot more ordinary looking, but it was still a welcome thing to see.

    I was glad to finally get to meet Jeffrey - and all Jackie's asides about him received laughter from me - but I don't like him. I understand that he's not meant to be entirely likeable, but I'd really like to know what Cynthia sees in him - hint, hint, you should bring her back soon!
    October 7th, 2009 at 08:45am
  • IWillMakeYouScream

    IWillMakeYouScream (100)

    United States
    Me likey!
    October 7th, 2009 at 08:29am
  • MJLS

    MJLS (150)

    Okay it took you a long time to update but it was so worth the wait. I loved the fact that we finally got to 'meet' Jeffrey and you actually put in Mindless Self Indulgence. The whole 'Gerard and Lindsey' thing is so cute, even if Gerard is with Jackie and Lindsey clearly doesn't know yet. Gerard shouldn't be worried about getting Lyn's number, she's just a friend. For now at least.

    I think some fans would notice Jimmy not being Jimmy but Jackie. I blame the red hair but then again, Jimmy used to have red hair so I'm not sure if they really would notice if they were as drunk as Evan. Seriously, who even has drinking contests before the show? It's so typical Evan.

    Poor Anna-Banana, still in that cast, and actually having to endure Evan giving the puppy ridiculous names. Thank god she was there to save it from getting a really really really bad name and made Evan get a cooler and kick-ass name for the puppy. Even if puppy's can't grow a mustache and it's not their 'baby'.
    October 7th, 2009 at 07:24am
  • little miss malice.

    little miss malice. (100)

    United States
    Hi. Wow...that's a start. So, I just finished your story today and loved it. Evan is probably one of my favorite charecters (next to Jackie, of course) because of how much depth he has. You didn't leave him as this hyper, flat charecter but gave him a background which most authors don't, and he's such a sweetie! Another thing that pleased me was the fact that Jackie's gender is a secret so you can't blame anything on it. Like, "oh this charecter did this because she's a girl!' I mean, come on! That's not an excuse (no matter how many times I use it...) So, thank you for that. Even if the updates take long, it is so very much worth it.
    September 28th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • Snaps_

    Snaps_ (100)

    United States
    My friend sent me the link to this, and I'm kind of sorry I hadn't found it sooner. This is seriously, in my opinion, the best story on Mibba. I love it so much. You are an amazing writer. :) Keep up the great work.
    September 20th, 2009 at 08:11pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Okay, so finally I brought myself to comment on this awesome story... I kinda felt bad because you made such an impact on my opinion about FF and I never took the time to comment on the story that changed said opinions.

    However, finally I've reunited enough courage to comment on such an awesome story. And even though I would love to take my time and comment on each and every chapter, I can't, because there are 46 chapters.

    So I'll stick up with what you hear most of the time "Awesome, write more please!" and add a little bit something else.

    I've read this story long after the chapters were posted, but I never failed to notice the development you gave to your characters...

    Jackie is my favorite one; you gave him everything that's needed to make a very interesting main character and the whole mystery about his gender is just... it catches the readers immediately; it hooked me up and it just won't let me go :tehe:

    What I love the most about Jackie is that you can see his development throughout the story very clearly, to an unconfortable, not very social person, to this outgoing lead singer that fell in love with a very famous rock-star.

    The plot of the story is something I've never seen... it kinda gives me this air of originality, of a plot that hasn't been tought throughly and developed perfectly to resemble reality, which is something very hard to find considering the millions of users in this site and all of the other writers on amateur writing sites.

    The dialogue is :cheese: Yeah, that smiley describes it for me. It never gives away the personality and backstory of this characters, and I love it.

    Also :tehe: I have this small crush on Evan :tehe: Why did you had to make him such a sweetheart?!

    Anyways, this comment doesn't seem like much, but I tried to say exactly what I thought of the story once I finished reading the 46 chapters. And I really hope to read more from you and from Jackie :tehe: Don't leave me wondering more about him!
    September 9th, 2009 at 01:15am
  • Ms. Chanandler Bong

    Ms. Chanandler Bong (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Phew! ;D I just found and read the whole thing today, I love it XD
    August 26th, 2009 at 03:48am
  • Teenage Dirtbag.

    Teenage Dirtbag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    500th COMMENT. /noob

    Dude, your writing style blows me away. :twitch: I've only just started reading this (so I have a heck of a lot to catch up on), but yeah. I just wanted to say that you are one talented writer.
    August 15th, 2009 at 09:42pm
  • KittyGrimm

    KittyGrimm (150)

    *looks around nervously*
    Will there be an update any time soon? JW.
    I'm missing this again.
    July 30th, 2009 at 01:50am