No Man's Land - Comments

  • I just thought of something...if Jackie would be female..wouldn't the time of the month draw attention O.o we all know what kind of pest that could be and you cant possibly hide it that well if you're on tour..or something..the mood and the cravings alone...

    *blushes* just a thought you know?
    February 3rd, 2008 at 12:01am
    February 1st, 2008 at 05:21am
  • Loved the update. It was hilarious!! More soon to come?
    January 31st, 2008 at 11:53pm
  • Hey new reader love it and uh may lose my job for reading it all the way through just now but we'll just wait and see.

    January 31st, 2008 at 07:02pm
  • Jackie:
    "You go away now. Me sleeping," Jackie mumbled groggily, his eyes closed as he waved one hand half-heartedly. "You have your own pink tour bus, don't steal mine. Asshat.'
    Frank barely noticed anything, grumbling the words, 'My pink tour bus' as he turned over and went back to sleep.
    oh god...I loved those two parts, I seriously did, that came really unexpected! :D
    this story is love...end of discussion
    January 31st, 2008 at 07:55am
  • Okay so I am going to need more updates faster.. though I am willing to wait. This story is so goo. My fave part was:

    "Are you calling me fat?" Jackie mumbled, his voice so low and slurred that Gerard barely even heard him. "You're one to talk, you have thunder-thighs. Not like Toro's, though. Lots of muscles. People just don't notice, 'cause his fro distracts them. Fucking attention-seeking fro..."

    That made me laugh so hard I thought that I was going to die. Okay. I am sitting here waiting for more. Thanks for the update. :)

    Oh and the way that Jackie was talking about the guys makes me think that he is gay or he is a female.
    January 31st, 2008 at 03:24am
  • ValEmoPants: Oh, you know you love me. Or can at least moderately stand knowing me? Something like that. And hey, you know me! I am a complete comic book nerd at heart, so I had to involve that at some point. ^_^ Thanks for the comments!

    Secret Destroyers: Why thank you so much! I'm glad that you like it so much! It gives me the warm fuzzies to know that others are enjoying this story as much as I am. :) Thanks for the comment!

    dead!22: Lol, I'll pass the message along to Evan, though I doubt he'll listen. :p Thanks for the comment, hon!

    BlackQueen: Why thanks so much! :) And you should never have to wait long for updates - I work ahead on this story by a few chapters, at least, so I'm always a little ahead of schedule. Thanks for the comment!

    MJLS: Totally a coincidence, but I see where you're coming from. And I love that one-shot! Anyone who is reading this, go read that story. It's some good Green Day/MCR stuff. ^_^ Lol, thanks for the comment, hon!

    Givin Em Hell: Lovin' the pen name, just so you know. ;) And I'm glad you like my story! Thanks for the comment!
    January 31st, 2008 at 03:00am
  • Amazing!
    I love the relationship between Jackie and Gerard... and how the others got the story wrong!

    I can't wait to see how this story goes =D
    January 31st, 2008 at 03:00am
  • You're such a comic book nerd, you couldn't help but have them have that conversation could you? Sly

    Can't wait for another chapter!
    January 22nd, 2008 at 09:46am
  • Damn you for making me stay active on this site.

    That said, I'm still really enjoying your story. Up to chapter eight and reading chapter nine now!
    January 22nd, 2008 at 09:35am
  • I am seriously IN LOVE with this story.
    Aww, Gerard and Jackie.
    Cute =D

    And I want something to happen with Evan and Frank Shifty
    January 19th, 2008 at 02:19am
  • great update
    Evan leave jackie alone

    More when you can plz!!!
    January 19th, 2008 at 02:11am
  • Awe man if I could find out how to rate this story i would give it a ten. It is really good and so well written. I hope you don't make us wait long for an update. I hope that Jackie and Gee get together one night and kiss and yeah you know. Hmm can't wait for more.
    January 18th, 2008 at 08:22am
  • great chapter hon', the fact that you put Jackie in a coffee shop reminded me slightly of my latest oneshot with BJ O.O I loved their, rather ridiculous but totally amusing, conversation about comic books though =)

    jackie's sarcasm = <3
    January 18th, 2008 at 07:47am
  • *new reader*

    I just read it from the begiining. It's awesome!!!!

    It's so confusing trying to figure out Jackie's gender.

    Lol alliteration. Sorry.

    More pwease, when you can?
    January 18th, 2008 at 03:47am
  • MJLS: I kind of thought you would enjoy that. ;) Thanks for the comment! (And, just to make you even happier, I'm almost finished beta-reading that one-shot! ^_^)

    Secret Destroyers: Heh, glad you liked it, hon! And I understand what you mean, really. The whole androgynous look has always appealed to me, and I've always been fascinated by people who are able to have that look and pull it off well - I have a mental image of Jackie in my head that I quite like; I only wish I could put it down on paper like Gerard can. ^^; Thanks for the comment!

    The original musefan: Aw, why so surprised? I try to keep up with my updates. ;) But I know what it's like to enjoy a story, and not have an author update for like...months. Blegh. And on that note, yay for free hugs! AWESOME. *free hug back!* Thanks for the comment!

    dead!22: Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying my story! :)

    Cherry Road: Not for the first time, thanks super-a-lots for your comment! They still make my day, each time I get one. =) And yeah, I live here but I'm not really a fan of it. I would love to live somewhere warm someday, yeesh.

    I figure that although I'm not a big fan of the whole fanfiction-slash-Frerard thing, since I rarely see it written well and in a way that doesn't want to make me gauge my eyes out with a rusty spoon (though there have been exceptions) Gerard and Frank still act like that on stage - I've personally witnessed Frank reeling Gerard in like a fish with an imaginary fishing pole, only to then watch them grind their hips together furiously while the latter was trying to sing, so it seemed only fair to include such behavior in my fic. I'm all right with stage Frerard. ;)

    Glad you liked the bus scene! I'm rather fond of that one, myself; I was so looking forward to writing it, that I went ahead and did so back when I was working in chapter 3. It was a lot of fun to write!

    Heh, well...I don't draw so much anymore, I'm afraid, but art was a big thing with me for a while there, especially in high school. I was going to major in art in college, but when I got there I ended up deciding on English, instead. I don't really draw anymore, so I'm pretty rusty; I'm about back to drawing stick figures, at this point. ^^;

    Thanks so much for the comment, hon! <3

    BlackQueen: Why thank you so much for the comment, hon! And to be completely honest, I had no idea who Bill was until I Googled him, but he seems like a pretty intriguing guy! I'll have to give that band a listen. =D
    January 18th, 2008 at 01:16am
    January 13th, 2008 at 12:02am
  • No problemo! =] Like I said before, I definitely love this story and I'd be glad to give you the full feedback on each chapter. You completely deserve it.
    I kinda guessed you did live in Ohio (or somewhere quite close) because it's hard to talk so rich in detail like that about places you've never actually been.
    Aha! So this WAS the weekend update. =D (No direct quotes this time. =\ I'm in a bit of a hurry.)

    First of all, and maybe I don't need to include this in your story comment but I'm going to say it for the 50 millionth time, I love Gerard's and Frank's stage antics. :D Always makes me either smile or laugh. The funny thing about this chapter is that Frank accidentally almost knocked Gerard off the stage...then they just used the incident to their advantage, which was smart of them. And the fact that Evan ran out during MCR's set was great, too. =]

    Awww, Taffy, threatened to be beaten to death by Jackie if ever someone saw the compromising photo of him. xD That made me laugh, honestly. Especially Taffy's blog updates. I love how you added those in there.

    And then, of course, Gerard drawing Jackie was just spectacular. You do everything so realistically, I never think twice about what I'm reading. It would completely fit with their personalities had Frank actually stolen Bob's cookie dough, Ray be disgusted by it, Bob then proceed to show Frank why stealing his food isn't for his better health, and then Mikey talking on the phone, once again. I loved the bus scene, actually.

    And, of course, Gerard's sketch. Obviously, it just sounds amazing, first off. But the detail in which you describe it, telling us of the differences in Gerard's pencil strokes and such, once might go as far as to say that you are a bit of an avid drawer, yourself. ;)

    I can't wait until you update again. :D

    <3 C
    January 6th, 2008 at 09:25am
  • great update
    I love the detail of the picture Gee drew.

    More when you can plz!!!
    January 6th, 2008 at 05:46am
  • Oh wow. An update! Yay, this is always the story I'm holding out for when I get an update alert (yeah, I don't read the e-mails) so I am pleasantly surprised. THANKYOU FOR WRITING MORE! I love you! *Free Hug* Please update soon! I mean, like tomorrow or something would be nice, or am I pushing my luck...?
    January 6th, 2008 at 03:45am