No Man's Land - Comments

  • MJLS

    MJLS (150)

    MJLS: Oh, you know me. If I can involve Jimmy Urine in something, chances are I'll do it. Can you blame me? The man cracks me up. :3 Thank you for the comment, sister of mine! ♥
    Oo i just have the urge now to write a oneshot with Jimmy Urine who's on their tourbus ALONE...going through the suitcases of LynZ and Kitty and deciding, as he is totally hyper/ drunk -still gotta decide- to try on one of their bra's Oo

    January 6th, 2008 at 03:34am
  • Secret Destroyers.

    Secret Destroyers. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahhh great! I love the bit on stage with Frank and Gerard =D

    and he drew Jackie... woah. I kind of see why Gerard wanted to draw him; I'd want to kind of examine him too. I can't really explain lol but I know what I mean on the inside XD

    Brilliant =]
    January 6th, 2008 at 03:28am
  • MJLS

    MJLS (150)


    you have no fucking idea, how hard i just started to laugh...-while being all alone in the kitchen (and house) thank god- when I saw that comment you wrote in my name ...

    you know me too well little missy..

    *still grinning and giggling every now and then*
    January 6th, 2008 at 03:24am
  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    I'm behind on replying again. SORRY. <3

    MJLS: Oh, you know me. If I can involve Jimmy Urine in something, chances are I'll do it. Can you blame me? The man cracks me up. :3 Thank you for the comment, sister of mine! &#9829;

    Cherry Road: Your comments really make my day, you know that? You're so detailed, telling me what you like and don't like. I love that. <3 And actually, I do live in Ohio, so I have plenty of experience with the weather here; I figured I'd make that the 'home base' of No Man's Land since I'm more likely to be able to use detail with it. Though lord knows why I live here anymore; the weather sucks.

    I'm really enjoying the Frank/Evan interacting I get to write; I adore Frank Iero, of course, and so when the opportunity arose to create a character to rival him in fun and energy, I jumped at the chance. God forbid the man ever meet someone like Evan irl; there'll be no stopping them!

    Thank you so much for your kind comments. &#9829;

    dead!22: Thanks so much for the comments! I'm glad that you seem to like my story so much; it makes it worth it, spending so much time working on it, to know that others are enjoying it. :)

    Secret Destroyers: Happy (late) New Year to you, too! I hope you had a good New Year's Eve! (Couldn't have been any worse than mine, let me tell you. XD) Anyway, thanks for the comments! Glad you like my story, so far! =D

    ValEmoPants: Thanks, hon! And good to see you're attempting to be more active online, too, lol.
    January 6th, 2008 at 03:15am
  • Cherry Road

    Cherry Road (210)

    United States
    Holy....just WOW.
    Let me just say one thing, I don't know where you life, but you pretty much got the weather right when you're talking about Ohio. Because I live in the southern part of Michigan, and that's EXACTLY how it is. :D You really did your research if you're not familiar with that area.

    Frank was once again hysterical, I bursted out laughing a bunch throughout this chapter. Memorable Frankie moments:
    1. “Evan, let me share your coat!”
    “M’kay!” said Evan brightly, unzipping the front of his heavy tan Carhartt and opening the front wide. Frank gave an exaggerated sound, much like a squeal of delight, and wasted no time in snuggling up next to Evan, though the jacket didn’t even come close to closing around the both of them.
    :XD I just love the playful interactions between Frank and Evan.
    2. “You’re a farm dude?” asked Frank in delight. “I never would have thought that about you! Got any horses? Can I ride one?” he inquired excitedly. Jackie gave him a tired look and, to Frank’s disappointment, shook his head. Duuuuude, you don't know how much that made me laugh. Just picturing Frank saying that, huddled into Evan's coat, his face all excited....:lmfao
    3. “Eww, married people kissing! Gross!”
    “Dude, aren’t you engaged?” asked Taffy incredulously, lifting his head up so he could frown at the other guitarist.
    “Ugh. Girls have cooties.” Frank stuck out his tongue in revulsion before a rather nervous look came upon his features. “Uh…no one tell Jamia I said that, please…”
    :lmfao Once again, I can just imagine Frank's adorable face as he asks everyone to keep quiet about his outburst. xD
    4. “No, that’s fine; I was just a little worried about people easily being able to sneak in back here,” said Frank in relief. “I’m too pretty to be mauled by sneaky fans, I really am…”
    “Yeah, okay Frank,” said Gerard, rolling his eyes and already heading past Jenna and Taffy. “You keep thinking that.”
    “What?” asked Frank defensively, reluctantly following after him. “I never said you weren’t too pretty!”
    5. When Frank jumped onstage during NML's set and then crowd-surfed. Yeah, I summed that up because it took a couple paragraphs in your story and I wasn't going to kill you with that long of a comment. xD But that was just GOLD, I can imagine Frank doing something like that.

    Once again, I envy your ability to write. :XD I believe I've mentioned it before, but I love how you take Gerard's perspective and describe other characters as he see's them. Anna, Jenna, even Jacke as Gerry gave him his iPod to listen to before the set. Just, literally, amazing. I loved it.

    I hope you update soon, I was so excited to see that you had updated again. I hope you NEVER get severe writer's block and don't finish this story, I will be SEVERELY disappointed. Seriously, this is one of my favorites on Mibba. Smiley

    <3 C
    January 2nd, 2008 at 07:51am
  • Psycho Lunatic

    Psycho Lunatic (115)

    United Kingdom
    great update
    lol, Evan is just funny

    More when you can plz!!!
    January 2nd, 2008 at 04:38am
  • Secret Destroyers.

    Secret Destroyers. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you are an A. MAY. ZING. writer!
    the chapters are amazing!

    [happy new year!]
    January 1st, 2008 at 09:26pm
  • MJLS

    MJLS (150)

    great chapter hon, i really really really enjoyed reading it
    keep up the good work and update as soon as you can
    January 1st, 2008 at 05:35am
  • Secret Destroyers.

    Secret Destroyers. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, just read the whole story. BRILLIANT!

    I must say, Evan and Frank are hysterical! :lmfao they make my day XD
    Though, I would like to see that strip poker game described... Shifty hehe just kidding XD

    I agree with Cherry Road: that bit with Frank calling to Gerard while he's talking to Gerry is hysterical!!!! =D

    Can't wait for your next update *subscribes*
    December 31st, 2007 at 07:57am
  • Psycho Lunatic

    Psycho Lunatic (115)

    United Kingdom
    great update

    I loved where you ended it and it also makes me wonder if anything will happen on the MCR tourbus.

    More when you can plz!!!
    December 23rd, 2007 at 01:09am
  • Cherry Road

    Cherry Road (210)

    United States
    <3 You're welcome! I enjoy doing detailed comments for people who actually put effort into their stories. :D And you certainly do!
    You really worked hard on this chapter, didn't you?

    I loved how you use people's POV's to describe the other characters - of course, these are just interpretations from that character, but it helps a lot to imagine each individual and really create a great story. Once again, because of your amazing ability at describing people, I am left wondering whether NML is a real band that actually went on tour with MCR or not. :tehe:
    A great example of this is when NML played on stage and Gerard was watching Jackie intently. And the same goes for when MCR was on stage and Jackie was watching Gerard. That was one of the best parts of the chapter, I think.

    I loved the scene where they were signing autographs on the walkway. :XD A blue bra for Jackie?

    I also liked how you ended this, and I desperately want to know what's going to happen in the next chapter, whether or not something's going to happen on the MCR tour bus. Smiley

    Sorry I didn't have any direct quotes this time, but I feel that it would have taken me 45 minutes to make a good comment with direct quotes from this chapter and I'm not really supposed to be online (again :XD ).

    <3 Cherry
    December 22nd, 2007 at 11:43pm
  • MJLS

    MJLS (150)

    Great chapter! you just couldn't resist on putting Jimmy in there could you? O.o although I havent seen him with a bra yet, you never know with that guy

    update soon m'kay hon'? I wanna read more
    December 22nd, 2007 at 05:35pm
  • ValEmoPants

    ValEmoPants (100)

    United States
    Great chapter! And yes, Jackie, you should find it endearing! I do! lol

    I loved the humor in this chapter, Jackie was so funny! "You're just jealous of my womanly figure." ROTF!

    Update soon!
    December 22nd, 2007 at 03:30pm
  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    Sorry for being behind on replying to you guys. ^^;

    MJLS: Thanks, hon! And in case you're wondering, I most certainly am almost done beta-reading your one-shot. Sorry it took longer than I thought it would; crappy work schedule, and all. Ugh. Once again, thanks!

    XxMikey MassacrexX: Thanks so much! :)

    The original musefan: Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you like my characters - I'm oddly proud of the ones I've created in this story, and it means a lot that you like them. And yes, go write! Nothing bad can come out of writing when you're inspired! =D

    Cherry Road: I think I feel the same about your reviews as you do about my updates. Your reviews really make my day - not only do they really boost my spirits, but you also tell me exactly why you like what you do, and that's extremely helpful. Thank you so much! <3

    dead!22: Thanks! :) And updates won't be scheduled, exactly, but I am working ahead on the fic - I'm almost finished with chapter ten, now, so even if I fall behind on writing, I shouldn't fall too behind on my updating at all. ^_^

    ValEmoPants: Wow, good timing! XD. And I know what you mean. I was supportive of Eliza and Gerard when they were together, despite the immense hatrid that so many MCR fans had at the time, and yeah, I agree that Gerard does seem a little bitter about her now (from interviews, and such) but yeah...I have no real reason to hate her. Relationships end, and bitterness sometimes ensues. It happens. Besides, he's happy with Lyn-Z now, and that's what counts, right? :) Thanks for the comment!
    December 22nd, 2007 at 03:27pm
  • ValEmoPants

    ValEmoPants (100)

    United States
    Got a little behind on the reading, sorry!

    I loved chapter five. And I'm really, really glad that you're not totally ripping Eliza apart in your story. I have no reason to like her but I also have no reason to hate her, and by now am very tired of seeing fanfiction writers portray her as some hateful little bitch when no one really knows for sure why and and Gerard broke up, even though he does seem to be bitter about it. Kudos to you for being mature enough to handle her character in a tactful manner. -hug-

    Now, onto chapter 6!
    December 22nd, 2007 at 03:19pm
  • Psycho Lunatic

    Psycho Lunatic (115)

    United Kingdom
    great updates

    More when you can plz!!!
    December 21st, 2007 at 06:59am
  • Cherry Road

    Cherry Road (210)

    United States
    Wow! You really outdid yourself this time.
    And I wasn't going to say anything about Eliza...everyone eventually involves her at some point, it's pretty much inevitable. But thankfully, the whole plot of the story doesn't involve her, so I'm good. :)

    Frank is so funny in this chapter :XD Like here:
    1.“And…I…WIN! HA!” In victory, Frank tossed his guitar controller to one of the beds, and did a small, somewhat amusing victory dance right there on the spot, as Ray looked on sulkily. “IN YOUR FACE, SUCKER!”

    Gerard and Eliza had to jump away from the door, so Frank wouldn’t run right into them—he hopped right over the beds, in turn, and ran out of the room as fast as his legs could take him, all the while shouting “I WON, TORO LOST, I WON, TORO LOST!” over and over again. Ray followed at a much slower, more leisurely pace, sulking slightly.
    I mean, right there, that is such a funny visual. :XD

    2. “Gee! Gee, honey! GEE I LOVE YOU!” Startled, both men looked up to see Frank pounding on one of the glass windows, an expression of intense mourning on his face as he eyed the two men, his voice slightly muffled by the glass. “Why are you talking to him, instead of me? HE’LL NEVER LOVE YOU LIKE I DO!” This paragraph and the couple of paragraphs that follow it are truly brilliant. I would never be able to come up with something as good as that. :hail:

    Did I tell you how much I envy your ability to write? :XD Because you truly are exceptional at it. You should have seen me when I saw the update email in my inbox. I pretty much screamed and clapped my hands together.
    Update soon! I am in love with this story. In Love
    December 17th, 2007 at 06:10am
  • pariah.

    pariah. (465)

    Great Britain (UK)
    YAY UPDATES!!! What I like about your stories is that you make the characters so believable. It's inspiring. Must go write...
    December 17th, 2007 at 01:15am
  • XxMikey MassacrexX

    XxMikey MassacrexX (100)

    United States
    Awesome updates! ^_^
    December 16th, 2007 at 09:33pm
  • MJLS

    MJLS (150)

    great chapter hon' =)
    December 16th, 2007 at 05:23pm